i am not sanguine about

Damo ignore that it was not the fanny bro and sis that caused this.

Ignore that the SEC itsself admitts it allowed the industry to self police and that it didnt work for shit and screwed us.

Ignore the Gram Leach Blialey fiasco.

Ignore that even the SEC mentioned this legisltation directly in the cause.

The fanny siblings idea as the cause is straight from the white house.

Damo you are better than this.
You really have no idea how much of this issue revolves around FM & FM? Dayum.... But that's okay. Your point was it was "easier to spot" among Ds and mine was that you would willfully ignore it when it was planted right in your face.

Each time you post another excuse, you simply add more evidence to the veracity of my assertion.
You really have no idea how much of this issue revolves around FM & FM? Dayum.... But that's okay. Your point was it was "easier to spot" among Ds and mine was that you would willfully ignore it when it was planted right in your face.

Each time you post another excuse, you simply add more evidence to the veracity of my assertion.

Please explain "how much of this issue revolves around FM & FM?" Also please describe what "this issue" is.

You're nothing but a conduit for Republican talking points on this issue.
First, you would have to show that the Democrats actually stopped Republican efforts to regulate. You haven't done that yet.
Rubbish, They couldn't get the votes for cloture and force a vote on the floor. You then pretend that there is "no evidence".

Total rubbish.

And ignoring the central part that FM & FM played in this debacle only serves a political purpose.
I understand, but IMO this is what the Rs have done to themselves. To continuously vote with the overspending and growing government President rather than stick to the principles that got them there.

Shoot I don't remember if I still have it in my sig I have a quote..., McCain understood a while back.

i too have wondered where the once fiscally conservative gop went

one thing is for sure, trickle down does not work - deregulation does not work

but will there be over compensation and a swing too far to the left

damn bush
This doesn't answer the fact that several times Rs tried to regulate and the Ds who were bought off rejected it. This pretends to "know" that the push for "affordable housing" wasn't the fault of the problem. It debunks nothing at all that I was talking about.

like i keep saying, we have the best politicans that money can buy...on both sides of the aisle:(
Surely you can point to the cloture vote that failed. Roll call votes are all available on-line these days.

Here is the website:

Yeah, because Whips never do their jobs right? They couldn't get the votes for cloture you disingenuous imbecile.

Or are you pretending you don't know what a whip does and how sometimes votes are not held when they know the result?

And that wasn't the only time it happened.
Yeah, because Whips never do their jobs right? They couldn't get the votes for cloture you disingenuous imbecile.

Well, did they ever actually take a vote on anything? Typically, if you really want to pass a bill you bring it up for a vote. Did the Republicans ever do that?
What Franks did not want was for Bush to take the oversight and shove it elsewhere.

Congress had oversight at the time and still does.

Bush wanted to change who over saw it. I belive he wanted to create a new entity to do it.

We all know what that means.

Like the SEC letting the industry police its self.
if you guys cant even criticize the scum in your own party how can independents ever respect you.

Its the mirror image of republicans defending there scum from your attacks. I hope you can see that.
Well, did they ever actually take a vote on anything? Typically, if you really want to pass a bill you bring it up for a vote. Did the Republicans ever do that?
Again, playing the "I don't know how things work" game. Disingenuous hackery.

Whips count the votes, they find that cloture cannot be made, they decide to fight another day. Then disingenuous hacks pretend that it didn't happen because they want to stave off having to do a bit of introspection.


Watch the Ds who got paid the cash to shut it down work towards just that....

Shoot, Barney Frank kept talking about how STRONG they were and how these attempts were attempts to stop "affordable housing"...

In 2003 it was suggested by Bush they should be regulated and kept from owning directly any of these types of loans and again it was shut down. By who? Well... Only the disingenuous will have a question about it. That was the second time he tried it...
if you guys cant even criticize the scum in your own party how can independents ever respect you.

Its the mirror image of republicans defending there scum from your attacks. I hope you can see that.

Why should Franks be criticized? Being gay and dating a guy that worked for Fannie Mae in the 1990s doesn't qualify one as "scum." What specifically did he do that is scummy?
Franks boyfriend worked for I think Fanny Mae?

they gave him like 48,000 over the years.

BTW Franks boyfriend is not his boyfriend any more and he quit working for them years ago.

I think this is what they are talking about.
Again, playing the "I don't know how things work" game. Disingenuous hackery.

Whips count the votes, they find that cloture cannot be made, they decide to fight another day. Then disingenuous hacks pretend that it didn't happen because they want to stave off having to do a bit of introspection.


Watch the Ds who got paid the cash to shut it down work towards just that....

Shoot, Barney Frank kept talking about how STRONG they were.

In 2003 it was suggested by Bush they should be regulated and kept from owning directly any of these types of loans and again it was shut down. By who? Well... Only the disingenuous will have a question about it. That was the second time he tried it...

1) If what you say above is actually how it worked there would never be any bills that fail cloture votes. But, in reality, bills fail to get passed cloture votes all the time but they are still voted on. Just face the fact that the Republicans didn't see this as an issue of significance and never actually tried to pass any bill. it's very simple.

2) Ah, yes. A video segment from the House of Representatives? Tell me Damocles, when the House bill was put up for a vote what happened? How many Democrats voted to pass the bill?
McCain said our economy was fundamentally strong while the dow was tanking.

Franks did not want to give oversight to Bush to do with want he willed.

The real causes of this mess were the concerted efforts of the Bush admin to deregulate what they could and allow "self policing " whereever they couldnt get deregulation.

Can you Blame Barney for not wanting Bush to work his magic on the oversight?
Why should Franks be criticized? Being gay and dating a guy that worked for Fannie Mae in the 1990s doesn't qualify one as "scum." What specifically did he do that is scummy?

sigh.. never mind it. I don't have time to go digging up all his shady dealings and habits over the years.
Oh, and I forget to mention that Franks sponsored a bill in 2007 that his Republican counterpart co-sponsored that provided for the same regulatory oversight that the Republican bill provided for albeit not within the Treasury Department. That bill also passed the House with majority Democratic support. A majority of Republicans voted against that bill:
