i am not sanguine about

1) If what you say above is actually how it worked there would never be any bills that fail cloture votes. But, in reality, bills fail to get passed cloture votes all the time but they are still voted on. Just face the fact that the Republicans didn't see this as an issue of significance and never actually tried to pass any bill. it's very simple.

2) Ah, yes. A video segment from the House of Representatives? Tell me Damocles, when the House bill was put up for a vote what happened? How many Democrats voted to pass the bill?
The video was just one example of what I was talking about. The reality is the Ds in the Senate were bought and paid for, they consistently talked up FM & FM and rejected any plan to curtail the drive toward "affordable housing".

I have to get to work. But I believe that I made my point. People will ignore when their own party members are paid off because they do not want to do any introspection and they relate the party to their own personality.

Even when direct action, speeches that they make, votes that they take, etc decry the belief of the partisan who has replaced his personality with a party affiliation it doesn't matter to them. They drive on, hugging themselves and sure of their own sense of superiority. Too bad we can't invent a car that runs on that...
The video was just one example of what I was talking about. The reality is the Ds in the Senate were bought and paid for, they consistently talked up FM & FM and rejected any plan to curtail the drive toward "affordable housing".

I have to get to work. But I believe that I made my point. People will ignore when their own party members are paid off because they do not want to do any introspection and they relate the party to their own personality.

Even when direct action, speeches that they make, votes that they take, etc decry the belief of the partisan who has replaced his personality with a party affiliation it doesn't matter to them. They drive on, hugging themselves and sure of their own sense of superiority. Too bad we can't invent a car that runs on that...

What a crock of self-righteous crap. You presented evidence that some Democrats in the House were against the regulatory measures being discussed. That is not in dispute. The bigger point that you are ignoring is that the majority of Democrats in the House voted for passage of the bill.

It's right here, take a look:


122 Democrats voted in favor of the bill. 74 voted against it. The majority of Democrats voted in favor of the bill. Some Democrats opposed it.

The bill that passed the House with bi-partisan support died in the Senate because the Republicans never brought it to the floor for a vote.

I know you want to pretend that the Democrats are solely to blame here but it's just not true.
Furthermore, when the Democrats took control of Congress Barney Frank sponsored a bill that contained very similar regulatory provisions as the bill that previously passed the House. In fact, the Republican sponsor of the original House bill co-sponsored Frank's bill. It too passed the House. Almost all Democrats voted for it. However, a majority of Republicans voted against it:

Again. The attempt to take the focus away from the discussion at hand is apparent. Barney Frank is not central to my point any more than Dodd is, or Obama. The activity of those they paid, the affiliation and the actions taken by them to stop attempts to curve them was obvious, but as I stated. Those who associate the party with their own personality will constantly find excuses for the action, more ways to ignore it.

My point was clearly demonstrated, your "easier to spot" statement was total garbage because even the most obvious of cases is ignored by those who do not want to see.
Only in your mind Damo.

When a dem starts deregulating industries and fighting to allow the monied interests to own our country its easier to spot than when republicans deregulate and allow the monied interests to own our country.

The Rs have the cover of wanting to allow trickle down and tax cutting.

They and every thinking person know that its a bullshit line to suck in silly voters who cant even figure how to vote in their own self interest.
Only in your mind Damo.

When a dem starts deregulating industries and fighting to allow the monied interests to own our country its easier to spot than when republicans deregulate and allow the monied interests to own our country.

The Rs have the cover of wanting to allow trickle down and tax cutting.

They and every thinking person know that its a bullshit line to suck in silly voters who cant even figure how to vote in their own self interest.
Yet when dems block regulation it isn't easy to spot for you because you refuse to look at it.

I am never amazed but constantly surprised by people who do these things.

The same people who said that FM & FM are too big to fail because they touch 70% of the mortgages now say that they had nothing to do with the Mortgage crisis. They ignore attempts by another source to put limits on FM & FM and the actions of those paid by FM & FM to ensure no such limits were enacted. They'll come up with any excuse to attempt to wash the stink off of them because they believe that because they have a D too it cannot be acceptable to have people believe what is obvious to everybody who isn't wearing Donkey Poop colored glasses.

And to be fair there are those who do it the other direction. The only reason I bring this up at all in this thread was the ridiculous, "easier to spot" comment that ignores how people act who are apologists, who will defend any activity so long as it has a D/R attached.
No I answered you on that one as well as Dung did.

They voted against the Bush admin wanting to take the oversight for the Fannies into some new realm where they could do an SEC number on it.
No I answered you on that one as well as Dung did.

They voted against the Bush admin wanting to take the oversight for the Fannies into some new realm where they could do an SEC number on it.
Any port in a storm. That wasn't the only time they voted against it. Anything to distract, to obfuscate...
Yet when dems block regulation it isn't easy to spot for you because you refuse to look at it.

I am never amazed but constantly surprised by people who do these things.

The same people who said that FM & FM are too big to fail because they touch 70% of the mortgages now say that they had nothing to do with the Mortgage crisis. They ignore attempts by another source to put limits on FM & FM and the actions of those paid by FM & FM to ensure no such limits were enacted. They'll come up with any excuse to attempt to wash the stink off of them because they believe that because they have a D too it cannot be acceptable to have people believe what is obvious to everybody who isn't wearing Donkey Poop colored glasses.

And to be fair there are those who do it the other direction. The only reason I bring this up at all in this thread was the ridiculous, "easier to spot" comment that ignores how people act who are apologists, who will defend any activity so long as it has a D/R attached.

I'm not defending any activity. I'm merely setting the record straight whereas you are too busy trying to assign blame to find out what actually happened.

Basically, you are on a missive to absolve the Republicans of any blame and to cast all of the blame on the Democrats. It is you that is the apologist here my friend.
Any port in a storm. That wasn't the only time they voted against it. Anything to distract, to obfuscate...

Damocles - If you have any evidence that the Democrats ever blocked this bill at all please show it to me. You keep saying they blocked it but all evidence is to the contrary.

Show your hand or shut up.
I'm not defending any activity. I'm merely setting the record straight whereas you are too busy trying to assign blame to find out what actually happened.

Basically, you are on a missive to absolve the Republicans of any blame and to cast all of the blame on the Democrats. It is you that is the apologist here my friend.
Rubbish, nothing I stated in here is to absolve anybody. I was pointing out that "easier to spot" statement was total hackery.
It's pretty freaking clear that both parties played a role in this financial meltdown. I'm a partisan hack and even I can see that. Sure I guess one can argue what percent their party played in that role but ultimately many people in Congress and the U.S. Government had a role in getting us where we are today.
It's pretty freaking clear that both parties played a role in this financial meltdown. I'm a partisan hack and even I can see that. Sure I guess one can argue what percent their party played in that role but ultimately many people in Congress and the U.S. Government had a role in getting us where we are today.
True that.
True that.

Whatever guy. You've been peddling the idea that the Democratic failure to regulate FM & FM were responsible for the economic crisis for a few weeks now. Don't try that backtracking bullshit. Even the post above tries to absolve the Republicans of responsibility:

We all get to hear about how great they are and how the current debacle is the R's fault when the R's tried to shut down FM & FM several times thus attempting to stave off the issue before it got here, but were shut down by those Ds that FM & FM bought.

I agree that there is plenty of blame to spread around and that both parties deserve their fair share but pretending that (1) the GSEs are the primary cause of the global financial crisis and (2) that the Democrats are solely responsible for the failure of the GSEs is nonsense.
Who wasn't able to get a cloture vote? The same people who complain about that problem now ignore it in the past...

Show the vote. Show me even a scintilla of evidence that the Democrats in the Senate blocked a regulatory bill and prevented it from passing.

Look, I know where you got your bullshit information on this one. Don't be coy. Just post the link to the Kevin "DOW 36,000" Hassett Bloomberg op-ed and we can all move on.