I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton

this is total horseshit because if this had actually happened, it would be prime time news hour with every liberal pundit going on and on about how the rabid right wingers are now fomenting violent revolts. It would sound like the next civil war had started.

I think I heard that rumor is been spread by thinkprogress, just like a lot of other crap..
What difference does it make Damo? These are the same people at the townhall meetings, and you know it.

There have been reports of this at townhall meetings (also, death threats, and one report of physical violence against a freshman Democrat). Now they are caught on camera, and now that the right has had a hissy fit, they are going to get caught on camera more and more and more.

And then their asses are going to get slapped up on youtube calling this monkeycare or something, much like what happened during the election outside of Palin rallies.

And it doesn't matter how much meme whines and cries about it.
No I do not know it.

What I saw on the news was an educated professional lady, not a nut with a sign. As I said, I do believe that they were there as there is an eyewitness report, but using this as "evidence" would be like taking pictures of some white gang doing a crime and saying it was evidence that some other group of white people did the same thing because you know those are the same people...
this is total horseshit because if this had actually happened, it would be prime time news hour with every liberal pundit going on and on about how the rabid right wingers are now fomenting violent revolts. It would sound like the next civil war had started.

Congressman Gerry Connolly from Va says it happened.

And of course, this (below) definitely happened in front of a Democrat's office last week, because we have apicture of it. You righties will deny, deny, deny, until caught on camera. Your problem is; there are a lot of cameras out there.

I think I heard that rumor is been spread by thinkprogress, just like a lot of other crap..

It was actually reported in Roll Call but you need a subscription to read the Roll Call article. It wasn't reported as fact, however, so I'd be careful to repeat it as fact.
oh so cute, but her comment was uttered entirely out of context with what that picture shows. It was directed in the media as the protesters carrying swastikas because they were nazis, not crossed out swastikas saying they didn't want to see nazism from Obama.

thumbs up for trying your shit though.

No it wasn't. You're lying about what she said. to be fair, I doubt you know you're lying.

But you are very quick to repeat the lies of your right wing overlords.

It makes you look so stupid. On the plus side, it makes me grin a lot.
Congressman Gerry Connolly from Va says it happened.

And of course, this (below) definitely happened in front of a Democrat's office last week, because we have apicture of it. You righties will deny, deny, deny, until caught on camera. Your problem is; there are a lot of cameras out there.

I just don't see why they'd deny. I don't like people that use that symbolism, but I know there are people who do, on both sides as we've seen pictures of in this thread.

I'll say I wish they'd not use them, because I do. But denying that they were there?

I do point out that pictures of people doing something in one place is not evidence of them doing it elsewhere, but not that the eyewitness reports are in error. Just that the pictures are not evidence.
It was actually reported in Roll Call but you need a subscription to read the Roll Call article. It wasn't reported as fact, however, so I'd be careful to repeat it as fact.

True, and I said these things were "reported". We won't ever know for sure except about the ones caught on camera. (like the hanging in effigy) Because righties lie about everything. You have to get them on tape.

Luckily enough of them are stupid enough to allow themselves to be videotaped, and with big stupid grins on their faces to boot.
Congressman Gerry Connolly from Va says it happened.

And of course, this (below) definitely happened in front of a Democrat's office last week, because we have apicture of it. You righties will deny, deny, deny, until caught on camera. Your problem is; there are a lot of cameras out there.

Hanging someone in effigy has a long tradition in this country. You liberals are suddenly opposed to it because you've had such great success at claiming to be victims. Stop being such wussies.
They're grinning while you poke that camera in their faces cause they are probably thinking you know where you can shove it..:cof1:
Really? I thought she said they were astorturf groups coming out with swastikas and other symbols like that. So while questioning their authenticity as grassroots activists, I didn't take her to mean that they were Nazis.

of course you wouldn't. Dems don't say stupid things like that in your reality.
No it wasn't. You're lying about what she said. to be fair, I doubt you know you're lying.

But you are very quick to repeat the lies of your right wing overlords.

It makes you look so stupid. On the plus side, it makes me grin a lot.

you're about as moronic as desh. do you really have any clue as to what my political leanings are? after the thousands of posts i've put on here, you still think I follow right wing overlords?

sharp as a marble, you are.
Well. What I hope is that you would actually take a moment for introspection when you read it. If you did you would realize that I am not making some statement that would be considered unrealistic and maybe understand a bit why people might be just a bit uncomfortable with an administration that asks their followers to report their neighbor...

He didn't ask anybody to "report their neighbor".

"If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."