I am so sick of the Conservative media


Well-known member
Who do they think they are trying to misinform people with that right wing slant they put on everything.

They are ruining healthcare for all!
do like the rest of us do with the left wing media, don't watch.. as you can see that works out very well, their ratings are in the toilet..lol
Who do they think they are trying to misinform people with that right wing slant they put on everything.

They are ruining healthcare for all!

The media cannot be blamed for the abject ignorance of Americans.

The media is owned by those who profit from healthcare rape.

If Americans can't see through healthcare reform, what do you suppose they can see though?
do like the rest of us do with the left wing media, don't watch.. as you can see that works out very well, their ratings are in the toilet..lol

This damm conservative media is responsable for all of our nations ills. They are the reason we will likley not get a public option!

they gotta defect the real reason why this isn't happening... they have a friggen majority what is the hold up???

say what, you mean all them Dems. aren't on board with the Dear Leader...say it ain't so..
This damm conservative media is responsable for all of our nations ills. They are the reason we will likley not get a public option!

No they aren't. They're just the scapegoat for massive American ignorance.

Everybody hears the same bullshit from the media, but everybody is not swayed by that crap. Some people are just a lot dumber than others.

Americans are easily controlled .. and not just the republicans.

they gotta defect the real reason why this isn't happening... they have a friggen majority what is the hold up???

say what, you mean all them Dems. aren't on board with the Dear Leader...say it ain't so..
They were just brainwashed by that one channel that caters to right-wingers. It seems only lefties watch it trying to catch them in a "mistake" or saying something "outrageous". Now it has backfired and they are truly caught up in "hate" because they don't want a government run health care option.

Yes that one channel has overcome the will of the Congress.
They were just brainwashed by that one channel that caters to right-wingers. It seems only lefties watch it trying to catch them in a "mistake" or saying something "outrageous". Now it has backfired and they are truly caught up in "hate" because they don't want a government run health care option.

Yes that one channel has overcome the will of the Congress.

don't forget that dang right-wing hate radio, they have a hand in it also..
When are private shareholders going to demand that all "news" outlets return profits, and the taxpayers going to demand that PBS be self-sufficient? Then we'll see the virtual elimination of all liberal points of view on the public airwaves. :)
at the end of the day liberals will always blame anyone but themselves. victim mentality at it's finest. Control the house, senate, and the presidency, don't get anything done, it must be because of corporations.
€ r ı π ∂;513755 said:
at the end of the day liberals will always blame anyone but themselves. victim mentality at it's finest. Control the house, senate, and the presidency, don't get anything done, it must be because of corporations.
That's why I say put them all in their own country and watch them flail around and blame everyone else but have virtually no impact on those around them, like France.
I'm starting to believe that thing you do isn't just an act.
Almost everything I say here is at least a little bit tongue in cheek, unless I am talking about distrusting the government, well then too, but I really do distrust the government and prefer regulation to government owned and operated insurance companies and databases.
The media cannot be blamed for the abject ignorance of Americans.

The media is owned by those who profit from healthcare rape.

If Americans can't see through healthcare reform, what do you suppose they can see though?

Yep a local Christian channel has lots of those Bob the smiling hard weenie guy commercials on there. Seems a bit strange for a Christian channel.
€ r ı π ∂;513755 said:
at the end of the day liberals will always blame anyone but themselves. victim mentality at it's finest. Control the house, senate, and the presidency, don't get anything done, it must be because of corporations.

Well let's see...

First it was "We are in the minority and have no power"

Then it was "We don't have a big enough majority and thus have no power"

Then it became "The Republicans are obstructionists and not letting us do what we want because they are in the minority"

Now it is "those evil corporations are giving us money so we can't get things done"
Yeah, Chavez found the answer to dissent...he is shutting down media that dares to offer an unfavorable opinion of him.

They're getting ready to try it here..it won't be called the fairness doctrine, they are calling it something else..

got to keep on our toes..