I am so sick of the Conservative media

Who do they think they are trying to misinform people with that right wing slant they put on everything.

They are ruining healthcare for all!

I can't put all the blame on wingnut media.

They're just doing exactly what the wingnut base wants. The sad truth is that the rightwing isn't, and never has been, interested in any sort of healthcare system that reigns in for-profit insurance companies or spends any public tax revenue on healthcare.

I don't think you will find a single example in the last century of the Republican party proposing and proactively pursuing any sort of legislation that benefits the public welfare in any substantial way as it pertains to healthcare.

This is the party that fought tooth and nail against medicare, social security, and medicaid.

The issue, I think, is that "liberals" like Obama can't seem to comprehend that the rightwing is emotionall and financially-wedded to the law of the jungle. That everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and God forbid some brown person, illegal immigrant, or poor person come begging for a government handout.

FDR at least knew to blow-off the right wing. He didn't waste his time trying to "comprimise" with them. He shoved social security down their throat. What's the point of comprimising with an ideology who's sole purpose is to serve big business and wall street?

So, honestly, I can't whine that much about wingnut media. Sure, the lies are annoying. But, I place plenty of blame on the "centrists" and incrementalists who run the Democratic party.
Yep a local Christian channel has lots of those Bob the smiling hard weenie guy commercials on there. Seems a bit strange for a Christian channel.

Not really.

I'd say that mindfuck is typically christian.

What is strange is the two people quickest to claim their credentials as full-fledged Atheists are the two who magically know how often Bob smiles on the Christian Channel. BAC, I'm surprised you fell for this, the old man watches the Christian Channel as often as you turn it on for "inspiration"... (and also the same number of times I turn on a Christian Channel) which is nil.
What is strange is the two people quickest to claim their credentials as full-fledged Atheists are the two who magically know how often Bob smiles on the Christian Channel. BAC, I'm surprised you fell for this, the old man watches the Christian Channel as often as you turn it on for "inspiration"... (and also the same number of times I turn on a Christian Channel) which is nil.

But they have Jane and the dragon and veggie tales on there!
They're getting ready to try it here..it won't be called the fairness doctrine, they are calling it something else..

got to keep on our toes..

Interesting that while network news ratings have declined and even cables CNN have fallen that FOX continues to gain ratings.

The leftist nuts hate FOX; FOX is the new boogie man.
The Rules Committee rejected the rightwingnut-inspired ‘Broadcaster Freedom Amendment' which would have prevented the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating the ‘Fairness Doctrine' and enacting proposed broadcast localism regulations for the next fiscal year.

All Democrats present voted against allowing the amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations Bill, which funds the FCC, on a final vote of 7-4.

When it comes up for a vote again, guess what will happen? :clink:
This damm conservative media is responsable for all of our nations ills. They are the reason we will likley not get a public option!

ridiculous....there is ONE conservative station compared to all the rest who hold a clear liberal bias....and you can't handle it?.....
Republicans, Faux News, talk radio, and big business special interests are all part of the cabal of compassionless conservatism.
pssst, it was just a picture of him crying, I love that one! He looks sooooo, sincere!

He also hates the 9/11 families, what a guy!