I am so sick of the Conservative media

Good question? Why does anyone listen to them for news?
It blows my mind. I listen to Fox and their so blatantly dishonest propaganda that I can't fathom how anyone can give them legitimacy. I don't understand people who will accept, at face value, what they want to hear as news.
It blows my mind. I listen to Fox and their so blatantly dishonest propaganda that I can't fathom how anyone can give them legitimacy. I don't understand people who will accept, at face value, what they want to hear as news.
It is so sad because the average person will not check the accuracy of the reporting.
too ridiculous for comment....
You mean to true. The mythology of the liberal biased media has been discredited a long, long time ago, except for true believing right wingers who just don't seem to have the dispassionate objectivity to discern that there are greater biases, including conservative bias, dominating the media today.
It is so sad because the average person will not check the accuracy of the reporting.
In some respects they shouldn't have to. They should have the intelligence to discern the difference between news and propaganda and not tolerate the later masquerading as news. Then they there could be a certain level of skeptical trust towards the media to honestly present the news.
The media cannot be blamed for the abject ignorance of Americans.

The media is owned by those who profit from healthcare rape.

If Americans can't see through healthcare reform, what do you suppose they can see though?

Well said.
no bias in liberal media? like msnbc? cnn? you think they're 'objective'?
Oh please. For every example you give me of an MSNBC I can give examples of conservative bias in the media. What about the pro Israeli bias from the Network, CNN and Fox? What about the Networks, CNN, Fox, Talk Radio supporting Bush's nebulous claims for the Iraq war? What about their failure to speak out against their spurious claims for War? What about their failure to speak out against the Bush administrations assault on our civil rights via the USA Patriot Act? What about the major Networks, CNN, FOX and right wing radio stoking fears of consumer interest whenever they report Union activity? What about when the right wing government of Timor was slaughtering it's citizens while Oil was being extracted there, did you hear about it? WHat about the concentration of media outlets into a handful of corporate conglomerates who dictate editorial and hiring practices?

And that's just conservative bias. There are other forms of media bias that are even more pervasive then conservative bias!
Oh please. For every example you give me of an MSNBC I can give examples of conservative bias in the media. What about the pro Israeli bias from the Network, CNN and Fox? What about the Networks, CNN, Fox, Talk Radio supporting Bush's nebulous claims for the Iraq war? What about their failure to speak out against their spurious claims for War? What about their failure to speak out against the Bush administrations assault on our civil rights via the USA Patriot Act? What about the major Networks, CNN, FOX and right wing radio stoking fears of consumer interest whenever they report Union activity? What about when the right wing government of Timor was slaughtering it's citizens while Oil was being extracted there, did you hear about it? WHat about the concentration of media outlets into a handful of corporate conglomerates who dictate editorial and hiring practices?

And that's just conservative bias. There are other forms of media bias that are even more pervasive then conservative bias!

Jew subservience is a bipartisan issue.
You mean to true. The mythology of the liberal biased media has been discredited a long, long time ago, except for true believing right wingers who just don't seem to have the dispassionate objectivity to discern that there are greater biases, including conservative bias, dominating the media today.

Please! Stop! I get a tingle up my leg when liberals embarrass themselves! How about the extensive media coverage of Obama's relationship to Bill Ayers or for that matter ANY negative news about Obama leading up to the election? Oh, wait....you had to listen to Fox to get that news, didn't you....you probably never heard about it......
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Oh please. For every example you give me of an MSNBC I can give examples of conservative bias in the media.
get past the left and right shit with me. just because I didn't mention conservative bias does not mean i'm putting my head in the sand to its existence. I know it's there and I don't like it any better than you do, but instead of pushing for MORE bias of the opposite side to counteract it, try pushing for more of the truth. That's what I keep trying to do.
It blows my mind. I listen to Fox and their so blatantly dishonest propaganda that I can't fathom how anyone can give them legitimacy. I don't understand people who will accept, at face value, what they want to hear as news.

Give an example. The programs that are up-front pro conservative/libertarian like Hannity or Beck don't count as they are openly biased against liberal policy and no one can claim they are promoting a hidden agenda.

Try Getta or Bill. Give us an example of their "blatant dishonest propaganda".
Headline after that great speech on MSNBC "HEALTHCARE to cost 900 BILLION."
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