Ross Dolan

Well-known member


...I don't believe any gods exist...

...and I don't believe there are no gods.

Anyone see anything illogical about this? (Some people do...and if YOU do, I'd love to discuss it.)
Believing in God is a personal choice. The way I see it, is it costs me nothing to believe and if I'm incorrect I lose nothing in the end but those who don't believe lose everything if I am right. So it's a persons choice plain and simple. Is that logical enough.
Believing in God is a personal choice. The way I see it, is it costs me nothing to believe and if I'm incorrect I lose nothing in the end but those who don't believe lose everything if I am right. So it's a persons choice plain and simple. Is that logical enough.

If you think it is logical enough...fine.

So you are saying that this god you "believe in" by choice...will cause those who choose the other way from you...to "lose everything" whatever that means?

Okay...if you see that as logical...no problem. I see it as weird, but...

In any case, I do not "believe" any gods exist...and I also do not "believe" there are no gods.

If you are correct about the kind of god you "believe in"...I wonder what it has in store for me.
"So you are saying that this god you "believe in" by choice...will cause those who choose the other way from you...to "lose everything" whatever that means?"

>> What ever that means????? Are you that ignorant of biblical teachings?

"Okay...if you see that as logical...no problem. I see it as weird, but...

>> I guess the majority on this planet are "weird".

"If you are correct about the kind of god you "believe in"...I wonder what it has in store for me."

>> Guess you will find out when you leave this world.

What I find amusing is not one of you none believers can disprove my statement "believers lose nothing, non-believers lose all".

...I don't believe any gods exist...

...and I don't believe there are no gods.

Anyone see anything illogical about this? (Some people do...and if YOU do, I'd love to discuss it.)

Indeed.....the word "believe" requires a leap of faith. A true Atheist would be able to declare....THERE ARE/IS NO gODS, and proceed to document this statement with objective, testable, repeatable evidences of fact. Thus: The Atheist is an "oxymoron" of self contradiction. ;) If you can't PROVE there is no GOD....then you are working on faith alone, something the Atheist states they do not believe in.
"So you are saying that this god you "believe in" by choice...will cause those who choose the other way from you...to "lose everything" whatever that means?"

>> What ever that means????? Are you that ignorant of biblical teachings?

No I am not ignorant of biblical teachings at all. I've got 13 Bibles on my bookshelf in front of me...Catholic, Protestant, and Hebrew. I read from them often.

Anyway, I guess you mean that "eternal life" crap?

Seems to me "eternal life" is a punishment...not something I would want at all. "Just letting life end" when it ends, IS a reward.

Just was wondering what you meant.

"Okay...if you see that as logical...no problem. I see it as weird, but...

>> I guess the majority on this planet are "weird".

The ones who think that is logical...are certainly weird in my opinion. Obviously your opinion differs from mine. I can accept that with grace and class.


"If you are correct about the kind of god you "believe in"...I wonder what it has in store for me."

>> Guess you will find out when you leave this world.

Yeah...that is what you guess. I am not making a guess...so I still wonder.

What I find amusing is not one of you none believers can disprove my statement "believers lose nothing, non-believers lose all".

What I find amusing is that you think anyone would try to "disprove" a guess on your part.

If you say it is your guess that ""believers lose nothing, non-believers lose all"...I am willing to accept that it is your guess.

I do wonder why you guess your god would be displeased by people who tell the truth, though.

I, for one, do not make a guess about the existence of any gods or not...I do not (what you call) "believe" they exist.

That is the absolute truth.

And you think your god be displeased with me for telling the truth?

I wonder: Are you thinking that if I lied to your god and said, "Oh, yeah, I guess you do exist"...would it treat me more kindly?
I have no problem with people who cannot make up their own minds.....

Neither do I.

But saying that I will not guess there are gods...and I also will not guess there are no gods...

...is not refusing to make up one's mind.

I think it IS making up one's mind...and choosing the most logical option on the question.

But I have no problem with people who have to guess one way or another.
Indeed.....the word "believe" requires a leap of faith. A true Atheist would be able to declare....THERE ARE/IS NO gODS, and proceed to document this statement with objective, testable, repeatable evidences of fact. Thus: The Atheist is an "oxymoron" of self contradiction. ;) If you can't PROVE there is no GOD....then you are working on faith alone, something the Atheist states they do not believe in.

Anyone who asserts, "There are no gods" or "It is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one"...IS MAKING A BLIND GUESS.

Anyone who asserts, "There is a God" or "It is more likely that there is a God than that there is no God"...IS ALMOST CERTAINLY MAKING A BLIND GUESS, also.
Good question.

Nothing physical requires a Creator? We live in a world of magic. If you start with -0- you end with nothing. With no creating CAUSE to a physical effect there can be no people to ask stupid questions.

The question was back asswards. The real question is why does a creator/GOD....need us? But its typical of someone that worships at the alter of human secularism to place their own worth above that which caused them to be. Somehow when 1 is subtracted from 3.....1 becomes greater than 3 the constant from which it was taken.
Good question.

Tell the truth? Hell man you can't even answer honestly. If God exists and you say he doesn't you sure as hell aren't telling the truth.

But back to the debate: I don't give a fat rats ass whether you or anyone else believes. That is your choice case closed.

You do know that Chicken Woman claims to be a Wiccan and so she worships something.