I guess the experience issue is out

I saw her speak; she's about 50x smarter than Bush. We survived 8 years under that rube, so a year or 2 under Palin couldn't be worse...
It was the fist thing I posted about her. She isn't just smart, but extremely eloquent as well as a clean-government warrior who has made a very real difference in politics in her state in a very short time. While she has detractors she is very open, even in the investigation to her supposed firing improperly of an employee she often releases information before it is ever asked.

And I agree, she'd be better than Bush.
From the vice presidency? She will have a lot less power as vice president than as governor of Alaska. Being VP gives you negative experience.
It depends on how much she is included in the high level meetings. Not all VPs are powerless fools who bring gealic shields back as gifts from their latest trip to talk to the Irish...
McCain/Palin defend her lack of experience...


“I don’t think it’s a short resume. She first ran for office back in 1992. I don’t know what Senator Obama was doing then, but the first time she ran was 1992,” McCain said–taking a shot at this Democratic rival. “That’s 16 years. I think that’s a pretty, pretty event-filled and record-filled resume.”

Ooookay. Obama first ran in 1996. So 4 years serving on tiny Wasilla's city council is the difference maker? That is plainly ridiculous. Between 92 and 96 Obama was teaching law at the University of Chicago Law School, running a voter registration organization, practicing law with a firm specializing in civil rights litigation, taking leading roles in numerous civic organizations and writing a book. Pretty, pretty event-filled and record-filled resume, I would say. McCain is retarded.
It was the fist thing I posted about her. She isn't just smart, but extremely eloquent as well as a clean-government warrior who has made a very real difference in politics in her state in a very short time. While she has detractors she is very open, even in the investigation to her supposed firing improperly of an employee she often releases information before it is ever asked.

And I agree, she'd be better than Bush.

Sorry, guy. I'm calling bullshit:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - E-mails from the Palin administration are being withheld from the public and the governor is citing executive privilege.

With subject lines like "Fagan," "Andrew Halcro" and even "Alaska Ear," it makes some wonder how those topics could possibly be policy related; especially since those same e-mails were copied to the governor's husband.

The administration says public employees need to know they can debate openly amongst themselves.

Andree McLeod, who tried repeatedly to get a job with the Palin administration, obtained the e-mails through a public records request.

The Department of Law says the e-mails are privileged. Officials say the private e-mails within the Palin administration won't be released.

She may only have 18 months of executive experience, but she learned about executive privilege pretty quick. Next thing you know she'll claim the emails were inexplicably "lost."

I guess this is the sort of thing that happens when the presidential candidate meets the VP nominee once prior to selecting her as the nominee.

This was a rash and reckless selection by McCain, and it's going to hurt him badly.
Sorry, guy. I'm calling bullshit:

She may only have 18 months of executive experience, but she learned about executive privilege pretty quick. Next thing you know she'll claim the emails were inexplicably "lost."

I guess this is the sort of thing that happens when the presidential candidate meets the VP nominee once prior to selecting her as the nominee.

This was a rash and reckless selection by McCain, and it's going to hurt him badly.
They aren't being withheld from the investigators, this is inane. Even the investigator states how they haven't even needed subpoenas because she supplies information, much of it before it was even asked for. And before you try it, the investigation is led by a Democrat.
McCain chooses a woman that's been governor for only two years. Oh yeah, and she was on a city council and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 20... no, 5470 in 2000... might as well be 20).

Big mistake---knocking down small town America. we still have guns and cling to our religion (not me on the religion--but I love to own my 45), and have antithopy for all modern day communists.

It is cities that mess up peoples minds---espically on the West coast and Mass. Like Obama, she was not selected for experience. She was selected because of her American values. Obama was selected for his UN and anti American values.
Big mistake---knocking down small town America. we still have guns and cling to our religion (not me on the religion--but I love to own my 45), and have antithopy for all modern day communists.

It is cities that mess up peoples minds---espically on the West coast and Mass. Like Obama, she was not selected for experience. She was selected because of her American values. Obama was selected for his UN values.

You must be as senile as McCain. No one knocked small town America.

She was most likely selected because she is a woman. That or because no one else wanted to lose with McCain.
You must be as senile as McCain. No one knocked small town America.

She was most likely selected because she is a woman. That or because no one else wanted to lose with McCain.

You did chump. You knocked down small tow America, and the people that live there like they make no difference. You said palin has no experience because she only governed a small amount of people in Alaska. Obama knocked down small town America aslo when he said the rural people of PA are clinging to their religion and guns.

McCain may have won with out her--and he surely will win with her. obammie is looking more and more like a commie every day now--and a gal like Palin will make that very clear to the American public. Watch and weep--then go move to Europe where everything is perfect and love a social commie like Obammie--because they know he will ruin this country of individual freedom that they wish their government would grant to them.

I got news for you arrogant liberials---people move to the country to get away from YOU!!!

Palin is a leader for the individual. America is about the individual and individuals from all over the world moved here for individual oppertunity that their country refuses to give them (not our fault). Palin is a real American, and you dupe liberials don't know the differences because that is not what they taught you in social studies at your favorite commie university. But--boy--you liberials sure think your wise. Your smart--but not wise. Wisdom does not come from a commie professor. in fact, you paid tuition to loose your wisdom. Palin is as American as it gets, and you have to be a kool-aid drinking social commie not to see that.
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McCain chooses a woman that's been governor for only two years. Oh yeah, and she was on a city council and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 20... no, 5470 in 2000... might as well be 20).

Newsflash: Palin is not a nominee for Commander in Chief, Obama is. Which would you rather have, an inexperienced President or Vice President?

I think it's clear you're voting for Obama. I wish you'd at least be honest about it.
McCain chooses a woman that's been governor for only two years. Oh yeah, and she was on a city council and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 20... no, 5470 in 2000... might as well be 20).

This quote of yours doesn not have a point in words. It is a open statement of fact, but with no written point. Tell me your point so there is no confusion. open statement like that with no point are common with liberials--since you work on emotion. This quote was designed to not say anything, but excite people. Sounds like a obama speach. Go figure. I can only assume a point to your open statement, where it looks like you say Small town American does not matter. If I am wrong---tell me your point--bercause you effectively said nothing so far.
Newsflash: Palin is not a nominee for Commander in Chief, Obama is. Which would you rather have, an inexperienced President or Vice President?

I think it's clear you're voting for Obama. I wish you'd at least be honest about it.

I will take Palins smaller exp (but 10 fold Obama's) to Joe Bidens great experience of screwing the American people---any day--any time. As far as representing the people who elect her--it looks like she represents the people better than anybody with past consideration as a VP nomonee in this election--and any election that I remember.

I can't wait until she is president.