I Nearly Choked On My Coffee After This Fox News Host Suggested Workers Making $20/Hr

Ironically, there will be millions of morons across the nation that will parrot the $100k/year lie now.


Republitards keep saying everything stinks, but they can't seem to pull their noses up out of the nation's number one stink pile- FOX NEWS!
watters is just one more example of how the media takes a moron, sprinkles some fairy bullshit on them, and they become famous enough for the idiot voter base to worship them. It's done all the time on left and right.

Great analysis, although I don't think that the Left does it nearly as much as the Right does. Notice how few LW talk radio programs, talking heads cable programs, and LW Internet sites there are compared to RW media sites. LWers just aren't into the nutty drama and lies about reality like the fearful RW is.
It also means that marginal employees who generate less income than they consume in wages end up fired and unemployed.
That's literally impossible in fast food establishments. If any employee serves 20 sodas or coffees in an hour, they have handed out more than twice their pay in PROFIT. That's just the beverages.
It also means that marginal employees who generate less income than they consume in wages end up fired and unemployed.

I'm still trying to understand- "employees who generate less income than they consume in wages".

How does anyone spend more money than they make?

And what in the FUCKING FUCK does that have to do with who is being fired or unemployed?

I have certainly never heard of anyone who is struggling to pay their bills, be fired because they are struggling to pay their bills.

Seriously, how does this help the employer or employee?
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Great analysis, although I don't think that the Left does it nearly as much as the Right does. Notice how few LW talk radio programs, talking heads cable programs, and LW Internet sites there are compared to RW media sites. LWers just aren't into the nutty drama and lies about reality like the fearful RW is.
Agree. Whereas many on the Left (cough...Maddow) will beat an issue to death over and over and over again in an opening segment, it's typically done with a biased delivery of the truth.

That's different than an outright lie, which is all you see on Fox.
I'm still trying to understand- "employees who generate less income than they consume in wages".

How does anyone spend more money than they make?

And what in the FUCKING FUCK does that have to do with who is being fired or unemployed?
He was attempting to say that fast food workers are not handing out more in profits per hour than they are earning in pay.

That's laughable. I refuse to eat fast food, and even rejected it when the location offered it to me for free. (I renovated Burger Kings all through the 80's)

But you can sit down and eat real food for less than you now pay for fast food.

The biggest outlay of money by the vendor for a beverage is the cup.
Great analysis, although I don't think that the Left does it nearly as much as the Right does. Notice how few LW talk radio programs, talking heads cable programs, and LW Internet sites there are compared to RW media sites. LWers just aren't into the nutty drama and lies about reality like the fearful RW is.

if I was talking ONLY about talk radio or news shows, you'd have a good point, but the celebrity angle I refer to encompasses all celebrities. tv and movie stars, news show and talk show hosts, etc. even elected officials. most all of them are nuckin futz
He was attempting to say that fast food workers are not handing out more in profits per hour than they are earning in pay.

That's laughable. I refuse to eat fast food, and even rejected it when the location offered it to me for free. (I renovated Burger Kings all through the 80's)

But you can sit down and eat real food for less than you now pay for fast food.

The biggest outlay of money by the vendor for a beverage is the cup.

He probably didn't word his comment in the most understandable way.

I thought he just meant that he felt Fast Food Workers spend more than they make.

When I feel like a burger, and not having to make it myself, I will go to a restaurant called Braums here in Texas. They are a franchise out of Oklahoma that offers a 1/3rd lb 100% beef. cheeseburger, with all the fixings, crinkle fries, and the option to upgrade your soft drink for a small shake- all for less than $10 bucks.

Or I will head to Griffs, who offers a double meat and cheese burger- a full half pounder- more string fries than I can eat, and a Giant Soft-Drink that is more than I can drink- all for $10.50 including tax. I actually upgrade the order and get a large chocolate shake for just $1 more.

Denny's is my favorite cheeseburger but, I can't get out of there without spending $20 bucks or more- PLUS TIP!

I get the desire for a good burger, fries and Chocolate Shake about once a week.

I've given up on Jack-in-the-Crack, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Whataburger, Sonic, In-n-out Burgers, Wendy's, and McDonalds.

They are all a rip-off in my opinion, and they are not high-quality foods and are no way as good as Griffs or Braums.
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Why don't you tell us what Fast Food Workers should make in your mind- YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU ARE THE EXPERT ON FAST FOOD WORKERS- accusing them of having babies they can't afford, or living beyond their means, ACCUSING THEM OF BEING STUPID with no motivations to better themselves, AND ACCUSING THEM OF EXPECTING SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY THEIR WAY!

YOU ASSUME A LOT there OLD FART! We get it, you have no respect for people that may not be as fortunate as you!

I mean why put the forum readers through all your derogatory comments about your poor disregard for Fast Food Workers?

Did someone spit on your Squat-a-burger?

Oh geez..... another teenage girly, emotional outburst by Geeky SportDiva, the JPP drama queen.

Instead of a reasoned, civilized, adult response which is apparently beyond her capabilities.


OK, here we go.


Why don't you tell us what Fast Food Workers should make in your mind-

Once again I feel compelled to ask you what your problem is vis-a-vis reading what you're responding to before you start throwing your typical hissy fits. Is it blindness? Illiteracy? Stupidity? Or just laziness?

Maybe a combination of some or all?

Here's the answer to your silly, childish and inane question....


YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU ARE THE EXPERT ON FAST FOOD WORKERS- accusing them of having babies they can't afford, or living beyond their means, ACCUSING THEM OF BEING STUPID with no motivations to better themselves, AND ACCUSING THEM OF EXPECTING SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY THEIR WAY!

Merely expressing an opinion based on what I've observed in my lifetime, little Nazi drama queen.

Nobody said you have to agree with it or like it.

What's the problem here.... were your parents career fast food workers?

Is that why you're so upset over this whole issue?

Did my comments strike a nerve and hit too close to home?

YOU ASSUME A LOT there OLD FART! We get it, you have no respect for people that may not be as fortunate as you!

Everybody assumes a lot here, little greenhorn whippersnapper.

I'm fortunate to have been BORN IN THIS COUNTRY just like all the crybabies on both sides who complain about everything in the US not being good enough for them. The difference between me and them/you, is that I recognize how fortunate I am based on that alone.

But that having been said, I've worked hard and sacrificed for everything I have, which is modest by some standards but more than enough for my comfort.

And while I was walking the road of life, I always did what was necessary to get by in terms of my living arrangements and what kind of expenses I incurred.

Aside from around $10,000 in student loans which I paid off as quickly as possible, I've never been in debt in my life and I never pissed my money away on things I didn't need.

I mean why put the forum readers through all your derogatory comments about your poor disregard for Fast Food Workers?

There's an ignore feature anyone can use.

I suggest you avail yourself of it.

Come to think of it, I could swear you said something about doing just that the last time I made you cry.

Did someone spit on your Squat-a-burger?

There are no Squat-a-burger places in Florida.

Sounds like a Texas thing.

Big, fat, ugly, Texas redneck cows squatting on a hamburger then eating it.

Sounds like the kind of thing you'd see in Tex-ASS.
I remember the roommate days well. That was when min wage jobs were for kids. Now they're for families who have no ability to work in manufacturing. Those jobs are gone.

You left out auto payment/insurance/fuel necessary to get to work.

It also supposes that all fast food workers are full time. Most aren't.

Well, based on the numbers from the OP, which is what I was using, the hypothetical person would have over $300 a week left over for those things.

But even at half the pay rate in the OP, said worker would still have over $150 per week left to pay for those things.

And let's keep in mind also, that purchasing and driving a brand new car is not necessary.

When I was young, I always drove used cars.

You can make it in today's world on $10 - $12 bucks an hour if you use some common sense and not go around thinking you deserve and should have the best of everything just because you want it.

I think that tends to be the mindset of a lot of younger people today.

And they often become very indignant when you point it out to them and suggest that maybe they should dial back their expectations a little bit.
I remember the roommate days well. That was when min wage jobs were for kids. Now they're for families who have no ability to work in manufacturing. Those jobs are gone.

You left out auto payment/insurance/fuel necessary to get to work.

It also supposes that all fast food workers are full time. Most aren't.

Nope. Several of us in my family have worked in fast food jobs, including myself as an adult when I got laid off from a publishing company a few decades ago and didn't instantly find another similar job. The only fast food employees who got FT hours were the shift managers. They are salaried and usually work many more than 40 hours/week, without getting OT.
Oh geez..... another teenage girly, emotional outburst by Geeky SportDiva, the JPP drama queen.

Instead of a reasoned, civilized, adult response which is apparently beyond her capabilities.


OK, here we go.


Once again I feel compelled to ask you what your problem is vis-a-vis reading what you're responding to before you start throwing your typical hissy fits. Is it blindness? Illiteracy? Stupidity? Or just laziness?

Maybe a combination of some or all?

Here's the answer to your silly, childish and inane question....


Merely expressing an opinion based on what I've observed in my lifetime, little Nazi drama queen.

Nobody said you have to agree with it or like it.

What's the problem here.... were your parents career fast food workers?

Is that why you're so upset over this whole issue?

Did my comments strike a nerve and hit too close to home?

Everybody assumes a lot here, little greenhorn whippersnapper.

I'm fortunate to have been BORN IN THIS COUNTRY just like all the crybabies on both sides who complain about everything in the US not being good enough for them. The difference between me and them/you, is that I recognize how fortunate I am based on that alone.

But that having been said, I've worked hard and sacrificed for everything I have, which is modest by some standards but more than enough for my comfort.

And while I was walking the road of life, I always did what was necessary to get by in terms of my living arrangements and what kind of expenses I incurred.

Aside from around $10,000 in student loans which I paid off as quickly as possible, I've never been in debt in my life and I never pissed my money away on things I didn't need.

There's an ignore feature anyone can use.

I suggest you avail yourself of it.

Come to think of it, I could swear you said something about doing just that the last time I made you cry.

There are no Squat-a-burger places in Florida.

Sounds like a Texas thing.

Big, fat, ugly, Texas redneck cows squatting on a hamburger then eating it.

Sounds like the kind of thing you'd see in Tex-ASS.

You should try and get a life Sir, before it's too late and your old ugly ass starts growing together!

I am gonna' look past all of your ugly comments and chalk it up to you just being an OLD FART that is out of touch with reality!

But thanks for the laugh! That last response of yours was ridiculously funny! :laugh:

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Agree. Whereas many on the Left (cough...Maddow) will beat an issue to death over and over and over again in an opening segment, it's typically done with a biased delivery of the truth.

That's different than an outright lie, which is all you see on Fox.

Yep. I never cared at all for MSNBC because of its blatant bias. Mr. Owl used to watch it when we first met. Keith Olbermann was funny, Maddow is smart and funny too... but bias.
That's literally impossible in fast food establishments. If any employee serves 20 sodas or coffees in an hour, they have handed out more than twice their pay in PROFIT. That's just the beverages.

Salaries represent 50 to 60% of the total costs of running a fast food restaurant. The average profit margin on such a restaurant is 5 to 9%. Regardless, if the owner can reduce salary costs while maintaining product quality they will. Thus, all the counter staff gets fired and replaced by kiosks when the cost of paying them rises too high. That is happening in California right now.
Salaries represent 50 to 60% of the total costs of running a fast food restaurant. The average profit margin on such a restaurant is 5 to 9%. Regardless, if the owner can reduce salary costs while maintaining product quality they will. Thus, all the counter staff gets fired and replaced by kiosks when the cost of paying them rises too high. That is happening in California right now.

I hope the entire fast food industry switches to robotic food preparation.

The technology is already there.

Plenty of videos on YouTube that show these machines in action.

Eliminate about 98% of fast food jobs and hear the unemployed former workers who demanded $20 an hour, crying for those good old $8:an hour jobs they used to have.

Maybe fast food prices will go back down again, too.
You should try and get a life Sir, before it's too late and your old ugly ass starts growing together!

I am gonna' look past all of your ugly comments and chalk it up to you just being an OLD FART that is out of touch with reality!

But thanks for the laugh! That last response of yours was ridiculously funny! :laugh:

Are you gonna' look past all of your own ugly comments to me, too?

Are you gonna chalk it up to you being a child who thinks he knows everything?
Yep. I never cared at all for MSNBC because of its blatant bias. Mr. Owl used to watch it when we first met. Keith Olbermann was funny, Maddow is smart and funny too... but bias.

I would like to meet anyone that can honestly say they are not politically biased in America today.

Donald Trump has got us all at the brink of a Civil War.

I watch MSNBC exclusively for Political news because they are not afraid to tell the truth.

I still watch all of the evening news programs on the main three channels, from day to day, and I get my local news on my local stations.

Even though MSNBC is a Democratic Echo-chamber, I dare anyone on this forum, or anywhere for all that matters, to deny anything that is said or quoted on MSNBC, with any proof that could possibly challenge it.

When things are as bad as they are on the political landscape, with DOnald Trump's crooked ass right at the forefront of it, all MSNBC has to do is just tell the truth.

I look at it as a service to mankind to keep us informed on what is really going on without having to be dishonest.
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Guno צְבִי;5963733 said:
Earn $100,000 A Year

Recently, Fox News host Jesse Watters received backlash after messing up some very basic math and insulting fast food workers in the process.

Someone making $40,000 a year in California brings home about $32,000 after taxes, or about $2,666 a month. Meanwhile, according to Zillow, the state's median rent sits at $2,790 a month.

As you can imagine, people were not pleased after watching Watters's take. Some didn't like how he kept adjusting the situation to make the numbers work — even though they never did.


Sometimes I truly believe that man is as mentally goofy/stupid as he looks!
I would like to meet anyone that can honestly say they are not biased in America today.

Donald Trump has got us all at the brink of a Civil War.

I watch MSNBC exclusively for Political news because they are not afraid to tell the truth.

I still watch all of the evening news programs on the main three channels, from day to day, and I get my local news on my local stations.

Even though MSNBC is a Democratic Echo-chamber, I dare anyone on this forum, or anywhere for all that matters, to deny anything that is said or quoted on MSNBC, with any proof that could possibly challenge it.

When things are as bad as they are on the political landscape, all MSNBC has to do is just tell the truth.

I look at it as a service to mankind to keep us informed on what is really going on without having to be dishonest.

When I get them, I find the McClatchey (spelling) news service/papers pretty objective. The Washington Post still has most of it's objectivity intact (IMHO). My local newspaper Newsday isn't so bad, sometimes. What it's come down to for the last 40 years for me is listening to "alternative" news services like Pacific Broadcasting to counter balance the status quo, and then determine for myself what is and isn't real.