I Nearly Choked On My Coffee After This Fox News Host Suggested Workers Making $20/Hr

Actually, the way it is right now, the restaurants don't own the machines.

They have them installed for about $5,000, then rent them for $3,000 per month.

The company that owns the machines performs maintenance and upkeep.

The only restaurant employee needed is the one who keeps it stocked with ingredients during operating hours then cleans it after closing time.

According to Forbes, these machines cost the restaurant half as much as paying employees.



Does that include cleaning? There are fryers, grills, or conveyors. There are pop machines, coffee makers, shake machines, and microwaves.
When does a robot need service? When it breaks down and stops production.
One machine 3k. a month. There are lots of machines.
Does that include cleaning? There are fryers, grills, or conveyors. There are pop machines, coffee makers, shake machines, and microwaves.
When does a robot need service? When it breaks down and stops production.
One machine 3k. a month. There are lots of machines.

I would think the restaurant would employ a person to run the machine, keep it stocked with sliced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, pickles, onions, etc.

That person would probably also be in charge of cleaning the machine after closing time.

The company who provides the machine would probably do all the mechanical service and repairs.

Possibly included in the monthly rental cost.
I would think the restaurant would employ a person to run the machine, keep it stocked with sliced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, pickles, onions, etc.

That person would probably also be in charge of cleaning the machine after closing time.

The company who provides the machine would probably do all the mechanical service and repairs.

Possibly included in the monthly rental cost.

And that leasing cost is a tax write off...
Does that include cleaning? There are fryers, grills, or conveyors. There are pop machines, coffee makers, shake machines, and microwaves.
When does a robot need service? When it breaks down and stops production.
One machine 3k. a month. There are lots of machines.

What you do to clean them is hire someone who wants the grease for something. Saw that one on Dirty Jobs. The guy took the dirty oil and grease and was paid to do the cleaning. He used that oil and grease to manufacture biodiesel that he then sold at a profit.

Service for operational issues and breakdowns would be part of the lease.
What?!?!? The Fox News Flunkies are STILL blathering on in an attempt to justify the sheer stupidity of that cartoonish Waters?

Here's a thought; all you "conservative/libertarian" types quit your current jobs and go work in a fast food chain for about 3 months. Then come back and tell us how great everything was with regards to rent, food, etc. We'll wait.
You believe getting all people reasonable healthcare, and encouraging good health decisions will eliminate them?

The dirty little secret here is there is someone trying to kill your class of people. It is your class of people trying to kill themselves. Don't blame me for that.

by healthcare do you mean baby killing?
Is that before or after tossing in all their welfare and subsidized healthcare benefits?

It is because of assholes like you that we do have to subsidize those not making enough to survive. Maybe if we made a minimum wage that would allow them to survive without needing our tax dollars to support them we would not be spending billions on welfare. Except the right says fuck them let them starve and we aren't going to do that so quit your bitching.
Anybody who hasn't been living in a cave for the past 5 to 10 years, remembers that it wasn't long ago that you could get a McDonald's Quarter Pounder or Big Mac meal for around $5 or $6.

Recent news reports those same meals at around $18.

I recall just a few short years ago being able to purchase 2 BK Whoppers on a "twofer" special and large fries for around $7 + change.

So that's my expectation of how much a hamburger should cost.

If you're gullible enough to pay $18 for a McDonald's meal and feel that's normal, I would say that you are the one with the unrealistic expectations.

I never had health insurance for most of my adult working life. I had employer paid health insurance for a few years up until I was in my early 30's, which is around the time health insurance costs started to skyrocket and most employers stopped providing it for free. But when I had it, I never used it. I knew I was fairly young and healthy, so I didn't dwell on not having it and was fortunate enough to not get sick. But if I would have gotten seriously ill, the hospital would have had to treat me and hope I could/would eventually pay the bills I incurred.

I still don't see how any of that justifies paying everybody $20 per hour and up though.

Because as soon as burger flipping teenagers start making $20 an hour, the wages demanded for better, higher paying jobs will have to increase proportionally, which will in turn cause the prices of everything else including all the stuff you people cry about not being able to afford, to also increase proportionally.

And we'll be right back where we started, with the low, $20/hr end of the wage scale not being able to afford anything.

If you can't afford kids, you shouldn't have them.

You seem to think everybody has a born right to have whatever they want and if they can't afford it, somebody else should pay for it.

Statistically, young people as a whole tend to not get sick. Most debilitating diseases don't show up until later in life.

And you have no idea what I do and do not care about.

All you're doing here is virtue signaling as always.

"Look at me, everybody. Look at what a good, kind and caring person I am!!!!"

I get Social Security because I worked my entire adult life since the age of 17:for it.

And I never had a $20:an hour minimum wage or free everything.

I lived like I had common sense and did what it took to survive.

Just like one of the fittest.

In that case, I can only suppose that if you've been able to observe that, it's because you've made a career in the fast food industry.

Good for you. :good4u:

Are we still talking about your career here?

Why are you asking me about things you have all the first hand experience in? :dunno:

Survival of the fittest has been a basic truth in life since life began. If you still don't understand it, I guess it goes a long way towards explaining why so many millennials/Gen X/Gen Z types live at home with their parents.

You'll have to link me to any post where I advocated killing young people with or without health problems.

Because I'm "pretty sure" (positive) I made no such comment.

oh survivial of the fittest eh?

should there be laws against murder, if so, why?

hey dumb boomer, you're not fit, you're just out of touch.

it's funny how you pretend you're opposed to walt.
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Every so often, especially when something of import is breaking, I'll check to see what Fox is saying. Of course, if it's positive for Democrats they have interviews with the pillow guy instead.

If it's boilerplate politics, I often have to shut it off after less than 5 minutes. I just don't have the bandwidth to process so much garbage in so short a period of time.

I post on FOX probably more than I do here and I used to be just about the only poster without a fucked up rightwing point of view. Not any more. I credit the Velveeta man for being such an asshole and driving people away from the right.
I post on FOX probably more than I do here and I used to be just about the only poster without a fucked up rightwing point of view. Not any more. I credit the Velveeta man for being such an asshole and driving people away from the right.

how do you explain the rush to trump in all demographics in all polls?
Evolution in action. That’s why such jobs are entry level jobs. Lots of part-time HS workers who will work for less pay since their room and board is already covered. They’re not just working to “learn to be responsible” but wanting the money to save for a car, college, pot, etc.

To be clear, while I understand the basic logic of a federal minimum wage, tripling it to half of the average worker income is bullshit. I’d like to see the numbers and facts, not desktop opinions, on if such a measure is worth the cost. Both a cost/benefit analysis and a risk benefit/analysis. More importantly is applying that minimum wage for city workers across the entire land and hurting small businesse along the way. It’d be more fair to tie it to local income levels.

worth the cost to whom?
Well, as you know from personal experience, a higher min. wage often renders an employee not eligible for benefits anymore.

Which is ideal. Welfare paid is not subsidizing the guy who doesn't make enough to survive, it's subsidizing their employers so they don't have to pay them enough to survive. That's why companies like Walmart make billions. It's thanks to dumshit Republicans who then want to cut their taxes. The idiots seem to think that the screwdriver they want to buy will cost less if Walmart can pay their employees less. You will pay whatever the market will bear for that screwdriver regardless of what they pay their employees. After the Republican subsidizes those employers and cuts their taxes these corporations simply laugh all the way to the bank. That screwdriver is probably costing you double what you think it is by the time it's all said and done. Then the ignorant right likes to bitch about the cost of welfare, go figure. Why do you think the country is 30 trillion in debt?
how do you explain the rush to trump in all demographics in all polls?

Probably his Nazi's just screaming louder. You actually think paying a porn star for sex and being guilty of rape and fraud helps? I suppose you are hoping he will be found guilty of numerous felonies and that will propel him to the presidency? There is a whole faction of "Republicans against Trump" that are enough to cost him the election not to mention the abortion issue. MAGATs like you don't care if he murders your mother and fucks your sister you will still vote for him but that isn't gaining him voters elsewhere.
Does that include cleaning? There are fryers, grills, or conveyors. There are pop machines, coffee makers, shake machines, and microwaves.
When does a robot need service? When it breaks down and stops production.
One machine 3k. a month. There are lots of machines.

this is all bullshit.

the ai and robots are not good enough.

they're trying to break labor with lies about what theyre able to do.

hold the line.
Probably his Nazi's just screaming louder. You actually think paying a porn star for sex and being guilty of rape and fraud helps? I suppose you are hoping he will be found guilty of numerous felonies and that will propel him to the presidency? There is a whole faction of "Republicans against Trump" that are enough to cost him the election not to mention the abortion issue. MAGATs like you don't care if he murders your mother and fucks your sister you will still vote for him but that isn't gaining him voters elsewhere.

border enforcement isn't Naziism.

bell curves are.
Because as soon as burger flipping teenagers start making $20 an hour, the wages demanded for better, higher paying jobs will have to increase proportionally,


if a low number goes up, other numbers have to go up to remain higher than the other number.

you sound fucking retarded.

why are those other demands valid? because better jobs are better?


you're caught in a circle of unearned merit presumption.
I post on FOX probably more than I do here and I used to be just about the only poster without a fucked up rightwing point of view. Not any more. I credit the Velveeta man for being such an asshole and driving people away from the right.
I'm surprised they allow differing points of view.