I Nearly Choked On My Coffee After This Fox News Host Suggested Workers Making $20/Hr

If the extremist proggies have their way and something doesn't change, they probably will eventually.

But only until the fast food restaurants all go out of business as a result of having to pay their employees $20 an hour.

Best thing that could ever happen to this nation.

That, and making soda illegal

But... but.... what about the poor fast food workers you've been pretending to have so much sympathy for???

Where will they work???

How will they survive????

:( :( :(

The Trumpers around here who call your proggie ilk "Nazis" are really on to something there.

You people really are Nazis.

Just because you don't eat fast food or drink sodas, you want it made illegal for everyone else???

Seig fucking heil, bub.

The only reason we are having this discussion is because decades of outsourcing labor has created an issue re. quality jobs that pay a living wage.

Increased profits/dividends/share price are the only considerations with corporations.

We don't tax them, so there is no way to fund programs for those who cannot afford to exist on minimum wage.

But you just said that getting rid of the industry that employs them at over $10 an hour, would be the best thing that could ever happen to the US. So will you be happy when the fast food industry disappears and they have no means of employment left whatsoever?

Eventually. And then fast food chains will all go under either due to boycotts or due to people simply getting better food for a better price at a real restaurant.

It's already cheaper to eat real food than to eat fast food.

What about people who are in too big of a hurry to go into a sit down restaurant and be waited on and who don't want or can't afford the tip they'll be forced to plunk down on top of the food bill?

Or do you not really care about them, either?
Oh geez..... another teenage girly, emotional outburst by Geeky SportDiva, the JPP drama queen.

Instead of a reasoned, civilized, adult response which is apparently beyond her capabilities.


OK, here we go.


Once again I feel compelled to ask you what your problem is vis-a-vis reading what you're responding to before you start throwing your typical hissy fits. Is it blindness? Illiteracy? Stupidity? Or just laziness?

Maybe a combination of some or all?

Here's the answer to your silly, childish and inane question....


Merely expressing an opinion based on what I've observed in my lifetime, little Nazi drama queen.

Nobody said you have to agree with it or like it.

What's the problem here.... were your parents career fast food workers?

Is that why you're so upset over this whole issue?

Did my comments strike a nerve and hit too close to home?

Everybody assumes a lot here, little greenhorn whippersnapper.

I'm fortunate to have been BORN IN THIS COUNTRY just like all the crybabies on both sides who complain about everything in the US not being good enough for them. The difference between me and them/you, is that I recognize how fortunate I am based on that alone.

But that having been said, I've worked hard and sacrificed for everything I have, which is modest by some standards but more than enough for my comfort.

And while I was walking the road of life, I always did what was necessary to get by in terms of my living arrangements and what kind of expenses I incurred.

Aside from around $10,000 in student loans which I paid off as quickly as possible, I've never been in debt in my life and I never pissed my money away on things I didn't need.

There's an ignore feature anyone can use.

I suggest you avail yourself of it.

Come to think of it, I could swear you said something about doing just that the last time I made you cry.

There are no Squat-a-burger places in Florida.

Sounds like a Texas thing.

Big, fat, ugly, Texas redneck cows squatting on a hamburger then eating it.

Sounds like the kind of thing you'd see in Tex-ASS.

Why do I keep finding myself agreeing with you? :whoa:
We have a lot of diners here that make very good burgers. I don't eat burgers anywhere, but the food is much better than any fast food joint.

Denny's is about the only Diner food we see here in North Texas. We also have IHOP and Waffle House for those that like Grease and Sugar, but I am having to cut back on that stuff.

There are many little Bistros scattered around the Restaurant Rows, Deep Ellum, and Westend that still make a decent Burger here. And I should also mention Keller's Drive-in that is also a tradition and ICONIC Burger-Joint here in Dallas. It's the place to go if you like OLD-Fashioned Burgers and have an interest in High-Profile hot-rods, muscle cars, sports cars, poppy seed buns, and REAL Onion Rings!

Already happening in California. Restaurants like Chili's and Applebee's are seeing a big resurgence in customers who are inclined to pay roughly the same price for a better burger and the option to get a beer with it than eat at fast food.
It's a no brainer. Anyone who has ever been in a FF kitchen during business hours knows better than to ever eat there.

The problem with low pay is that the employees have a terrible attitude. Back in the 80's I watched as a grown woman refused to clean insecticide from the stainless bins when she prepared for the breakfast crowd.

The exterminator showed up at 4 a.m. and accidentally splashed the spray on the trays. She didn't seem concerned.
I always find it quaint when lazy people resort to snide little put downs like insinuations of laziness, etc, when they themselves are too lazy to formulate an actual response.

And I always find it quaint when lazy and DISHONEST people do things like misrepresent a quote as being from a source they claim was not completely and fully represented, when it was not from said source.

IOW, your quote that positively rates the Roosevelt Institute's accuracy of reporting, did not even come from the Wikipedia link I posted. But you accused me of purposely leaving it out or "redact(ing)" it.

That's so dishonest.

But enough of that.

Back to the subject.

The San Diego Union-Tribune asked 14 economists and executives the question: Is the negative effect of the $20 fast-food minimum wage overblown?

Only 5 out of 14 (3 economists and 2 executives) answered yes, that the negative effects of the new $20 minimum wage was overblown.

The rest, 9 out of 14, answered no, the negative effects are not being overblown.

I've only posted the NO answers because they agree with me and, well..... I'm so lazy.

But I've included the link so, if you're not too lazy, you can go find them yourself.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

Wiki is truly the laziest form of citation.
I always find it quaint when lazy people redact information that doesn't fit their bias.

The article you linked contained mostly positive views of restaurant robotics, but you chose to post only one paragraph that continued negative views.

Hmmmmm....... :thinking:

Sloppy work.
You flatter me.

The article fully explained the issue of robotics, and then came to an honest conclusion.

Something that you would have left out because it doesn't fit your agenda.
But... but.... what about the poor fast food workers you've been pretending to have so much sympathy for???

Where will they work???

How will they survive????

:( :( :(

The Trumpers around here who call your proggie ilk "Nazis" are really on to something there.

You people really are Nazis.

Just because you don't eat fast food or drink sodas, you want it made illegal for everyone else???

Seig fucking heil, bub.

But you just said that getting rid of the industry that employs them at over $10 an hour, would be the best thing that could ever happen to the US. So will you be happy when the fast food industry disappears and they have no means of employment left whatsoever?

What about people who are in too big of a hurry to go into a sit down restaurant and be waited on and who don't want or can't afford the tip they'll be forced to plunk down on top of the food bill?

Or do you not really care about them, either?
Stop trying so hard. You aren't making sense.

I guess you haven't read about apps that allow people to order food and then simply pick it up? About 50 or more years ago restaurants pushed take out orders. I'm surprised you never noticed.

The reason fast food should go out of business is because it simply isn't healthy. When everyone gets fired, they can go on public assistance. Because you would rather the taxpayer feed them than corporations.
Denny's is about the only Diner food we see here in North Texas. We also have IHOP and Waffle House for those that like Grease and Sugar, but I am having to cut back on that stuff.

There are many little Bistros scattered around the Restaurant Rows, Deep Ellum, and Westend that still make a decent Burger here. And I should also mention Keller's Drive-in that is also a tradition and ICONIC Burger-Joint here in Dallas. It's the place to go if you like OLD-Fashioned Burgers and have an interest in High-Profile hot-rods, muscle cars, sports cars, poppy seed buns, and REAL Onion Rings!

I'm sure in the early days McDonalds, etc. served healthier food. As the focus became more about delivering food faster and faster the quality began to fade.

The frozen hockey pucks that are served as burgers have absolutely no fat. As such, they have to load the finished product with 'special sauces' in order to create flavor. If you're lucky enough to get one that wasn't dropped on the filthy floor, all you have to worry about is the high fat content of the sauces/fries, high sodium, high sugar, etc..

The goal is to give the lowest quality food the most flavor.
Is that before or after tossing in all their welfare and subsidized healthcare benefits?

Welfare has a lifetime limit of 5 years of cash benefits, and a 2 year continuous limit. Subsidized healthcare insurance is maybe $5k to $10k max, which is not going to get you from $40k to $100k.

The only really good benefit is Social Security/Medicare... But if you are 80 years old and working at McDonald's, you should be pitied.
My advice is to move to Texas. :thup:

Texas and Florida used to work. They were low income states, but also low cost of living states. That does not work so much these days. It has become more costly to live in Texas and Florida. You are left with low income, and kind of average cost of living. Throw in the shoddy construction, terrible schools, high crime rates, etc., it just is no longer worth it.
Sane, intelligent and educated people understand basic human intelligence via the Bell Curve.

Without being cruel, just factual, stupid people often make stupid decisions.


I actually think now that higher education skews dumber.

PHD = Pile it Higher and Deeper
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Ask me next year when robots are serving all fast food.
All the fast food? Hardly. It’ll happened first in cities where high volume and $20 to $30 minimum wage laws are in effect. Not in Henrietta, TX.

Let me know when the first fast food franchise automates and does well. TIA
I actually think now that higher education skews dumber.

PHD = Pile it Higher and Deeper
Of course you do, Fredo. You’re a conspiracy theorist beta male. You’re jealous of anyone who is more successful, better educated and happier than yourself. The resentment manifests itself in bigotry against minorities, especially if they fit any of those categories I just mentioned.
Texas and Florida used to work. They were low income states, but also low cost of living states. That does not work so much these days. It has become more costly to live in Texas and Florida. You are left with low income, and kind of average cost of living. Throw in the shoddy construction, terrible schools, high crime rates, etc., it just is no longer worth it.

In the cities, yes. Dallas is very expensive; high costs, high taxes, crowded, lots of homeless*, etc. I’ve watched my costs rise my entire life even with 11 years in Florida and 26 years in Texas. Even with low inflation rates, costs rise. As long as pay rises too, it’s a push.

*I think homeless, especially chronically homeless (read mentally ill), go to cities for the opportunities of shelters, money handouts, dumpster diving, etc.
In the cities, yes. Dallas is very expensive; high costs, high taxes, crowded, lots of homeless*, etc. I’ve watched my costs rise my entire life even with 11 years in Florida and 26 years in Texas. Even with low inflation rates, costs rise. As long as pay rises too, it’s a push.

*I think homeless, especially chronically homeless (read mentally ill), go to cities for the opportunities of shelters, money handouts, dumpster diving, etc.

California, Texas, and Florida are just going to attract homeless people, because of the good weather for homeless people. That is just life.

Florida is running out of cheap land. Texas is bigger, and still has lots of cheap land, but good luck getting a job close to that cheap land. You can still buy cheap land in Death Valley California, but why?

Lower construction quality in both Florida and Texas at first led to lower prices, but now are leading to higher insurance, and repair costs. It costs more to air condition a house in Texas than in California, not because electricity is cheaper in California (the opposite is true), but rather because California is just better insulated.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

Wiki is truly the laziest form of citation.

Thinks mockery is flattery!!!! :lolup:

What a lazy response.

You flatter me.

The article fully explained the issue of robotics, and then came to an honest conclusion.

Something that you would have left out because it doesn't fit your agenda.

So, the guy who intentionally left out all the positive critiques of restaurant robotics, (which BTW comprised most of the article), because they don't fit his agenda, says I "would have" left out the parts that don't fit my agenda.


And he still thinks mockery is flattery!!!!

There should be some kind of Lazy Hypocrite of the Month award here at JPP.

Between your lazy responses and your massive hypocrisy you'd be a shoo in.

Stop trying so hard. You aren't making sense.

I guess you haven't read about apps that allow people to order food and then simply pick it up? About 50 or more years ago restaurants pushed take out orders. I'm surprised you never noticed.

So? What good would an ordering/pick up app do fast food workers if the industry is completely dead and out of business?


You want the fast food industry to completely die and go away in order to further your authoritarian Nazi agenda of telling people how and what they should eat.

Then you desperately tout some lame ass food ordering app that forces people to pick up their food as if that would make a difference to an industry that no longer exists....


The reason fast food should go out of business is because it simply isn't healthy. When everyone gets fired, they can go on public assistance. Because you would rather the taxpayer feed them than corporations.

So you think that you should be the one who decides what everyone else eats?

Typical authoritarian Nazi attitude.

American workers don't need $20 an hour just to eat and survive.
California, Texas, and Florida are just going to attract homeless people, because of the good weather for homeless people. That is just life.

Florida is running out of cheap land. Texas is bigger, and still has lots of cheap land, but good luck getting a job close to that cheap land. You can still buy cheap land in Death Valley California, but why?

Lower construction quality in both Florida and Texas at first led to lower prices, but now are leading to higher insurance, and repair costs. It costs more to air condition a house in Texas than in California, not because electricity is cheaper in California (the opposite is true), but rather because California is just better insulated.

so desperate.

so sad.

California, Texas, and Florida are just going to attract homeless people, because of the good weather for homeless people. That is just life.

Florida is running out of cheap land. Texas is bigger, and still has lots of cheap land, but good luck getting a job close to that cheap land. You can still buy cheap land in Death Valley California, but why?

Lower construction quality in both Florida and Texas at first led to lower prices, but now are leading to higher insurance, and repair costs. It costs more to air condition a house in Texas than in California, not because electricity is cheaper in California (the opposite is true), but rather because California is just better insulated.
Doesn’t it matter what you plan to do with the land? Some people want the land to be self-sustaining by farming or ranching and selling the excess for money. My initial plan was 50 acres about 2X25 for an Ultralight training and hangaring park. Since I was working at the time and would be away 3-4 nights a week, my wife was reluctant to be alone in the wilderness so I nixed the idea.

Yet Texas continues to grow and be prosperous. Go figure.
Doesn’t it matter what you plan to do with the land? Some people want the land to be self-sustaining by farming or ranching and selling the excess for money. My initial plan was 50 acres about 2X25 for an Ultralight training and hangaring park. Since I was working at the time and would be away 3-4 nights a week, my wife was reluctant to be alone in the wilderness so I nixed the idea.

Yet Texas continues to grow and be prosperous. Go figure.

There is a lot of cheap land in Appalachia with plenty of water. I would be worried about the water in Texas. Then again, Texas is a big state, with many different water conditions.

For those of us who want jobs that pay enough to buy food and other essentials and wants, we want to live close enough to jobs, schools, grocery stores, Chinese restaurants, etc. All exist in Texas, but you have to live somewhere more expensive. Maybe not as expensive as the same types of places in California or New York, but it is closing in on the expense.