I need your help finding a Lost or Misplaced Post, is there Posting Lost & Found Dept

Like I said before, you can threaten a persons life or their family, spew racial epithets until your red in the face, change a posters words, lie like a rug and be as racist and bigoted as the good lord allows...……..but even hint at calling a racist white man a child molester and you've crossed the line.

It's the only thing the mods here care about.
Like I said before, you can threaten a persons life or their family, spew racial epithets until your red in the face, change a posters words, lie like a rug and be as racist and bigoted as the good lord allows...……..but even hint at calling a racist white man a child molester and you've crossed the line.

It's the only thing the mods here care about.

That rule is applied evenly here. You call ANYONE a child molester and you're banned. And do it more than once you get the ban extended. Quit your bitching.
That rule is applied evenly here. You call ANYONE a child molester and you're banned. And do it more than once you get the ban extended. Quit your bitching.

Like I said...….call a racist white male a child molester and you're banned.

Like I said before, you can threaten a persons life or their family, spew racial epithets until your red in the face, change a posters words, lie like a rug and be as racist and bigoted as the good lord allows...……..but even hint at calling a racist white man a child molester and you've crossed the line.

It's the only thing the mods here care about.

Show me the Post.
Apparently I violated the dreaded Rule (12b) :awesome:, on or around the first week of September. If anyone here could please help out in locating that post with the “precise” quote that “I” placed, that facilitated an immediate 60 Day 12b Rule Violation, I would greatly appreciate it. After all, it should help in preventing such outrageous violations in the future, especially if one could actually see what a Rule 12b Violation actually looks like rather than getting Banned without any verifiable proof.

Guideline: This has to be an actual 12b Rule Violation, that was posted by me, as described in the Forum Rules, and not someone’s broad interpretation and/or some projections of some mystic words.

BTW; Isn’t it kind of odd that you never see the offence linked to the offender? I guess we just have to take in on faith, correct? :bigthink:

Humm … I wonder why?

Happy Hunting … :bleh:

is that kinda like getting banned for a rule that doesn't exist?
I got a week ban for mentioning some Japanese cartoon character.

You have to remember, this is a Right-wing bastion of Conservatives and Religious Loons.

Have you experienced the "Forced Ignore" yet? Some idiot Moderator (I won't mention her name) apparently just flies around and begins to muzzle people at her personal whim. It wasn't by my request and according to the Moderator, it wasn't a request from the other person.

Look, Bourbon. You've been here longer than I have ... my Policy is to just assume you are the only black guy at the KKK group meeting here.

Not true, there's BAC, TTQ64, Taichiliberal and that Fentanyl Bum character.
Show me the Post.

Oh, I didn't see the post and I don't believe one exist. Not one that warranted a ban. And, you will never see it anyway.

I am totally on you're side. I asked why you were banned and when I heard it was about 12B...…..I immediately knew it was some right wing racist fuck who banned you over some BS. They really banned you because you call these racist fucks out on their BS.

They will never produce the post because it would show how petty and partisan they are when it come to moderating.

Good Luck...…..
Call anyone a child molester and you're banned, nigger.

it was due to an epic battle between Maineman and ……….wow I cant even remember who the con poster was

I kept trying to tell maineman to just brush off the claims the poster was making about him and his son.

He just couldn't do it

He could serve his nation honorably for years but couldn't stay clam while having a poster repeatedly lie and say Maineman was having sex with his son

never let the insults of a lying racist asshole get to you

just twist their little brains until their rubber band holding it together breaks

Maineman was and is a great guy

I miss him

I didn't want the rule made

at that point this site had NOT one rule about what you could post

Be happy when a racist posts racist shit

it outs them for life

then you can rub it in their blank stare faces evermore
it was due to an epic battle between Maineman and ……….wow I cant even remember who the con poster was

I kept trying to tell maineman to just brush off the claims the poster was making about him and his son.

He just couldn't do it

He could serve his nation honorably for years but couldn't stay clam while having a poster repeatedly lie and say Maineman was having sex with his son

never let the insults of a lying racist asshole get to you

just twist their little brains until their rubber band holding it together breaks

Maineman was and is a great guy

I miss him

I didn't want the rule made

at that point this site had NOT one rule about what you could post

Be happy when a racist posts racist shit

it outs them for life

then you can rub it in their blank stare faces evermore

Maineman has been gone for a long time now and.....#killyourself