I need your help finding a Lost or Misplaced Post, is there Posting Lost & Found Dept

You're free to leave this one too. I don't recall begging you to join.

I was pointing out the sentence could mean two different things. You made the threat, dont try to pretend it was me threatening to leave. Some people should not have any power, even on an internet forum.
just repeat what you said that got you banned.....the new post will probably end up right next to the one you are looking for........
I was pointing out the sentence could mean two different things. You made the threat, dont try to pretend it was me threatening to leave. Some people should not have any power, even on an internet forum.

I'd call it more of a warning but whatever makes you feel good. Like I tell everyone when they join "don't fuck up". Follow that simple axiom and you'll be fine.
Wow, you banned him becauese he implied you are an EXPERT on sex molesters?

Read the 12b Rule. It couldn’t be any more clear

For legal reasons Damo wants nothing to do with these types of posts. Not a thing. Don’t hint. Don’t imply. Don’t think you are being cute.

12b is the quickest way to get a one way trip outta here

What is it about 12b that makes libtards NOT want to adhere to It?

Are they just teenagers and feel the desire to see if they can get away with it?

Are they like Broward County and think rules don’t apply to them?

BTW before someone gets banned the Mods have to all agree.

You fucksticks are asking for it if you violate 12b

Oh and you are a n*@&#r
You'd make a good Steward for them, add domer, Nifty and Nomad, and you're a crew.

Thanks, RB60. Like your friend, Mason, I sometimes feel alone out here. It's tough fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way when there are so many Right-wing extremists here that want to establish Christian Sharia Law across the Land.
Thanks, RB60. Like your friend, Mason, I sometimes feel alone out here. It's tough fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way when there are so many Right-wing extremists here that want to establish Christian Sharia Law across the Land.

Don't worry Jack, Christmas is almost here. I'm sure you'll be out vandalizing manger scenes, burning Christmas decorations and Santa houses in your fight for Truth, Justice, and the Liberal Way.
Can you link us to the thread? I'm always cautioning members about 12b encroachment, but that comment doesn't seem to make any claim when taken out of context.
You can click the little button on the quote to take you to the thread.
I support your views and hope you can outwit the Gestapo like tactics of Miss Phantasmal and her Brown Shirts. (Good Luck)
(Oh, ... I did find out that Miss Phantasmal has a picture of Grind fucking a goat, so she has him under her thumb and will do what she says when it comes to 'banning' people she feels are 'undesirable'. Just a tip)

Are you somehow insinuating phantasmal is a right winger? Surely you can't be serious.