I think its over.


Well-known member
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
The Supreme Court made the decision having nothing to do with the Constitution. It should be ignored.
The Supreme Court made the decision having nothing to do with the Constitution. It should be ignored.
We are not the ones to decide if it was made relating to the Constitution or not. It cant be ignored.
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
We are a representative republic now,

Well Biden can bump off all the Russianed up republicans because he now has the party

Those people can be SCOTUS members decided presidents are kings

Then replace them with members who will protect the constitution

Then he does another term because he will win the election.

During that term the fully Dem house and senate reaffirm the constitution and freedoms with new legislation that the NEW SCOTUS agrees is constitutional.

Then we have the next election just like the founders planned

Everything corrected

Imprison all these Russianed up whores or just bump them off

I prefer locking them up for life but hey if you have to kill them the SCOTUS just made it perfectly legal