I wish I had the capital to try an experiment.


New member
Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?
Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?
if you do, i'd like a job. anywhere that I can have a profit share as a partner without having to put up my own capital investment is somewhere i'd like to be.
if you do, i'd like a job. anywhere that I can have a profit share as a partner without having to put up my own capital investment is somewhere i'd like to be.

Like I said...I think it's time to start thinking differently. This was a complete hypothetical....so sorry, no job forthcoming.

I was just throwing it out there for folk that are more knowledgeable about business than I am as to it's feasibility.
You're basically describing a co-op, but with likely more rigid principles. You should look up your local co ops and see how they work.
Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?

Count me in. I'll sweep floors and do mundane tasks that require no thought and imagination, punch my time card to make 40 hours/ week and share your paycheck equally.
Count me in. I'll sweep floors and do mundane tasks that require no thought and imagination, punch my time card to make 40 hours/ week and share your paycheck equally.

Well, with an attitude like that, you'll never see more than the $7.35 of your base wage...because the company won't grow and they'll be no profit to share. Lazy douchebags without vision need not apply.
Well, with an attitude like that, you'll never see more than the $7.35 of your base wage...because the company won't grow and they'll be no profit to share. Lazy douchebags without vision need not apply.
Nowhere in my post was there a piss-poor attitude or thoughts of laziness. I'm profiling an employee that you will need in your business. Every place has a floor to be swept, toilets to be cleaned and trash cans to empty, and there are plenty of folks who are average or lower intelligence and lack of imagination, but the work ethic to get these jobs done.

I can clean the shit out of a toilet, and make that tile shine like the sun. I deserve a job in your company. You're not being fair if you think otherwise.
Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?

Put up your gobblement paycheck and show us how it works Warren. You might as well start a thread about hypothetically fueling your car with goose farts.
Well, with an attitude like that, you'll never see more than the $7.35 of your base wage...because the company won't grow and they'll be no profit to share. Lazy douchebags without vision need not apply.

So you don't think someone cleaning toilets is worth a living wage? Greedy prick
Nowhere in my post was there a piss-poor attitude or thoughts of laziness. I'm profiling an employee that you will need in your business. Every place has a floor to be swept, toilets to be cleaned and trash cans to empty, and there are plenty of folks who are average or lower intelligence and lack of imagination, but the work ethic to get these jobs done.

I can clean the shit out of a toilet, and make that tile shine like the sun. I deserve a job in your company. You're not being fair if you think otherwise.

OK, first of all, where did I say that everyone's paycheck would be the same?

I said that base wages would be comparable to say... Walmart. There would also be a cap on base salary of $100k....including myself as owner. The difference would be that once all the expenses are paid, and 10-15% thrown into the bank for future expansion/rainy day fund, THEN...all net profits will be divided equally. So...being a custodian...your paycheck would be $7.35 + whatever net profits were made ÷ the number of employees.

Everyone has an equal interest in the company being successful. When the company wins, we all win. If the company fails, we're all looking for a job.

If you were being serious and not just being an ass(which is what I thought) fine...be a custodian.
OK, first of all, where did I say that everyone's paycheck would be the same?

I said that base wages would be comparable to say... Walmart. There would also be a cap on base salary of $100k....including myself as owner. The difference would be that once all the expenses are paid, and 10-15% thrown into the bank for future expansion/rainy day fund, THEN...all net profits will be divided equally. So...being a custodian...your paycheck would be $7.35 + whatever net profits were made ÷ the number of employees.

Everyone has an equal interest in the company being successful. When the company wins, we all win. If the company fails, we're all looking for a job.

If you were being serious and not just being an ass(which is what I thought) fine...be a custodian.
the bolded is why we're giving you the comments we are. if your company makes 250,000 a year and you have 10 employees, i'd be happy as hell cleaning floors and toilets for a 40k end of year profit share.
Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?

Robert Owen did something similar. Turn out that if the employer's interest is the success of workers and the locality, things can go well.

It's almost similar to Saint-Simon's organically, technocratically managed co-ops. His worked like this: You had a co-op, and workers would elect management based on ability. There would thus be a kind of leadership, but it would be accountable to the laborers. Basically, representative - as opposed to direct - democracy within the workplace. Or at least that's my interpretation of it.

Engels has this to say about Owen:

"In the industrial revolution most of his class saw only chaos and confusion, and the opportunity of fishing in these troubled waters and making large fortunes quickly. He saw in it the opportunity of putting into practice his favorite theory, and so of bringing order out of chaos. He had already tried it with success, as superintendent of more than 500 men in a Manchester factory. From 1800 to 1829, he directed the great cotton mill at New Lanark, in Scotland, as managing partner, along the same lines, but with greater freedom of action and with a success that made him a European reputation. A population, originally consisting of the most diverse and, for the most part, very demoralized elements, a population that gradually grew to 2,500, he turned into a model colony, in which drunkenness, police, magistrates, lawsuits, poor laws, charity, were unknown. And all this simply by placing the people in conditions worthy of human beings, and especially by carefully bringing up the rising generation. He was the founder of infant schools, and introduced them first at New Lanark. At the age of two, the children came to school, where they enjoyed themselves so much that they could scarely be got home again. Whilst his competitors worked their people 13 or 14 hours a day, in New Lanark the working-day was only 10 and a half hours. When a crisis in cotton stopped work for four months, his workers received their full wages all the time. And with all this the business more than doubled in value, and to the last yielded large profits to its proprietors."

OK, first of all, where did I say that everyone's paycheck would be the same?

I said that base wages would be comparable to say... Walmart. There would also be a cap on base salary of $100k....including myself as owner. The difference would be that once all the expenses are paid, and 10-15% thrown into the bank for future expansion/rainy day fund, THEN...all net profits will be divided equally. So...being a custodian...your paycheck would be $7.35 + whatever net profits were made ÷ the number of employees.

Everyone has an equal interest in the company being successful. When the company wins, we all win. If the company fails, we're all looking for a job.

If you were being serious and not just being an ass(which is what I thought) fine...be a custodian.

That's not fair. Why should you make more than me? I work hard.
That's not fair. Why should you make more than me? I work hard.

This is the assholish behavior that I was speaking of. Where...and I mean look over at the USMB too....anywhere....and see if I ever said anything about "everybody being paid the same" That's the dumbest stereotype ever regarding the hated "libruls"...

Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?

Just get a bunch of liberal investors to back you.
Why is this a problem?
Well, with an attitude like that, you'll never see more than the $7.35 of your base wage...because the company won't grow and they'll be no profit to share. Lazy douchebags without vision need not apply.

What makes you come to the conclusion that other retail chains are only paying a competitive wage of $7.35 an hour, for janitors?
OK, first of all, where did I say that everyone's paycheck would be the same?

I said that base wages would be comparable to say... Walmart. There would also be a cap on base salary of $100k....including myself as owner. The difference would be that once all the expenses are paid, and 10-15% thrown into the bank for future expansion/rainy day fund, THEN...all net profits will be divided equally. So...being a custodian...your paycheck would be $7.35 + whatever net profits were made ÷ the number of employees.

Everyone has an equal interest in the company being successful. When the company wins, we all win. If the company fails, we're all looking for a job.

If you were being serious and not just being an ass(which is what I thought) fine...be a custodian.

The average hourly wage for a janitor at WalMart is $11.00 @ hour.
Now add in bonuses and profit sharing and your offer of $7.35 an hour appears to be spiteful or uninformed (again).

Seems to be that you just want to earn a living, off the back of the workers.
Nowhere in my post was there a piss-poor attitude or thoughts of laziness. I'm profiling an employee that you will need in your business. Every place has a floor to be swept, toilets to be cleaned and trash cans to empty, and there are plenty of folks who are average or lower intelligence and lack of imagination, but the work ethic to get these jobs done.

I can clean the shit out of a toilet, and make that tile shine like the sun. I deserve a job in your company. You're not being fair if you think otherwise.

Screw you.
For $40,000 a year, I can do the job better then you. :)