I Woke Up in Stalingrad

Every time you say banana republic, a gay angel sends down another drag queen.

Yep, you’re right. Interference in an election. That’s what Trump is guilty of. And this one is just the beginning.

How did Trump "interfere with an election?"

You Stalinists are such morons.
A single misdemeanor outside the statute of limitations spells out clearly that this was a lynching and the rape of the rule of law.

Soros thug Bragg claimed that he could magically make a bookkeeping error, one that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both paid fines for - to the FEC which has jurisdiction but found this too petty to pursue; But Soros came up with a novel (that means never before tried) legal theory that he could usurp federal law in violation of the supremacy clause, and stack charge it 34 times based on the claim that the bookkeeping was done commit some other crime.

Soros thug Bragg never mentioned what this underlying law is - direct violation of the 6th Amendment. Presiding Cunt Merchan, when he illegally ordered the jury to find Trump guilty - regardless of facts - could to explain what this other crime was. Merchan who was censured by the NY Bar for ethics violations for campaign contributions - same thing his boss, the Soros cartel, charged Trump with. Instead the Presiding Cunt told the jury to find guilt even if they all came up with different ideas of what this mythical "other crime" might be.

On it's face, this is the complete breakdown of the rule of law. When taken in context that this entire lynching was done to corrupt a federal election, to deny free and fair elections to the America people it becomes clear that this is one of the most pivotal acts in history.

The banana republic of New York has effectively declared war against the United States Constitution.
More excuses for Trump's failures. The statute of limitations in NY is suspended during a period when the accused is not available for prosecution: out of the country, cannot be found, serving as president, etc.
More excuses for Trump's failures.

Just like those who demanded Mandela be freed were making excuses.

Tyrants yearn for the mantel of legitimacy, for the illusion that their acts are justified.

The statute of limitations in NY is suspended during a period when the accused is not available for prosecution: out of the country, cannot be found, serving as president, etc.


The Constitution is suspended when the party is in danger of losing power.

Trump didn't set the corrupt DOJ and city attorneys after his political enemies. The Biden police state is post-constitutional.
Trump conspired to block the constitutional process of counting electoral votes to overturn the 2020 election. Fortunately, the Constitution survived Trump's unconstitutional efforts.

He also sought to appoint a justice department official to investigate the 2020 election despite the lack of evidence to begin an investigation. Fortunately, the other top DOJ officials threatened to quit if the appointment was made and Trump backed off. He also attempted to have the Ukraine investigate a political opponent.
Bragg got elected to GET TRUMP, and used a made up, nonexisten crime to do so.

It will never standup to appeal outside of the New York SSR.

New York proudly displays its new state flag:
