I'd like to give a hearty welcome to Sir Evil...

Damocles said:
A good friend of mine from another board. We've "known" each other for some time...

Thanks Damocles!

Hi all, I'm a right wing warmonger, seeking to see the Bush administration build empires throughout the world, and see them steal all the world oil suplly in the name of terrorism! :eek:

Nah, just more or less a conservative looking for some fun debating!
It definitely was time for some new blood... The community was getting kind of static. It's good to see ya over here, man!
we need lots of new blood. I'll go searching sometime. I desperately want this board to survive because It's all I have now for my online existence ;)

Whereas all the rest of you could default back to you know where :)

- Grind
his blather about years of failed sanctions is right out of the Dixie playbook on all of the reasons we went to war with Iraq that pale by comparison with the WMD's that Bush scared us with but were never there.

he sounds like another Bush apologist to me... and quite frankly, I am getting sick and tired of assholes with Bush cum crusting on their lips singing his praises while the world turns to shit because of his abysmal foreign policy.

If this Evil guy is really different, he sure as hell ain't showed me shit so far.

But...Evil..if you ARE different than all the Bush ass lickers who hang out here....WELCOME!
maineman said:
If this Evil guy is really different, he sure as hell ain't showed me shit so far.

But...Evil..if you ARE different than all the Bush ass lickers who hang out here....WELCOME!

sir evil.. meet maineman.
maineman said:
his blather about years of failed sanctions is right out of the Dixie playbook on all of the reasons we went to war with Iraq that pale by comparison with the WMD's that Bush scared us with but were never there.

he sounds like another Bush apologist to me... and quite frankly, I am getting sick and tired of assholes with Bush cum crusting on their lips singing his praises while the world turns to shit because of his abysmal foreign policy.

If this Evil guy is really different, he sure as hell ain't showed me shit so far.

But...Evil..if you ARE different than all the Bush ass lickers who hang out here....WELCOME!
Don't hold back! Tell us how you REALLY feel there, maineman!

maineman said:
his blather about years of failed sanctions is right out of the Dixie playbook on all of the reasons we went to war with Iraq that pale by comparison with the WMD's that Bush scared us with but were never there.

he sounds like another Bush apologist to me... and quite frankly, I am getting sick and tired of assholes with Bush cum crusting on their lips singing his praises while the world turns to shit because of his abysmal foreign policy.

If this Evil guy is really different, he sure as hell ain't showed me shit so far.

But...Evil..if you ARE different than all the Bush ass lickers who hang out here....WELCOME!

Wow, love the welcome! see friend here is the problem with you left wingers, you always pick the wrong forums to voice such dissension, the hate for the right is obvious but thats nothing new! I am far from being one of those "Bush can do no wrong" types but I saw the years of failed negotiations and appeasement from your supporting administrations. I side with the Bush mentallity on it's war against terrorism, it's something the left has shown little interest in outside of high tailing it out of Iraq!

Tell me, why did almost all of those dems there support Israel? funny they are fighting the same shit we are!:rolleyes:
Sir Evil said:
Wow, love the welcome! see friend here is the problem with you left wingers, you always pick the wrong forums to voice such dissension, the hate for the right is obvious but thats nothing new! I am far from being one of those "Bush can do no wrong" types but I saw the years of failed negotiations and appeasement from your supporting administrations. I side with the Bush mentallity on it's war against terrorism, it's something the left has shown little interest in outside of high tailing it out of Iraq!

Tell me, why did almost all of those dems there support Israel? funny they are fighting the same shit we are!:rolleyes:

no...we ought to be fighting Al Qaeda... a wahabbist organization

Israel is fighting Hezbollah, an arab nationalist organization.... not the same thing.

And PUH LEEZE don't talk to me about democratic appeasement. Hezbollah killed 250 of our marines in Beirut and Ronnie Raygun tucked his tail between his legs and cut and run like the chickenhawk hollywood fake-as-a-three-dollar-bill hero that he always was. It was THAT act of cowardice that showed the Arabs that we did not have the balls or the stomach to go after folks that attacked us. We didn't have the balls or the stomach to go into Tora Bora and get OBL, preferring instead to go invade Iraq because it was "easier".... this administration's abysmal foreign policy and its even more inept execution of it have led us and the rest of the world to the brink of Hell. Thanks a lot, asshole.
maineman said:
no...we ought to be fighting Al Qaeda... a wahabbist organization

Israel is fighting Hezbollah, an arab nationalist organization.... not the same thing.

And PUH LEEZE don't talk to me about democratic appeasement. Hezbollah killed 250 of our marines in Beirut and Ronnie Raygun tucked his tail between his legs and cut and run like the chickenhawk hollywood fake-as-a-three-dollar-bill hero that he always was. It was THAT act of cowardice that showed the Arabs that we did not have the balls or the stomach to go after folks that attacked us. We didn't have the balls or the stomach to go into Tora Bora and get OBL, preferring instead to go invade Iraq because it was "easier".... this administration's abysmal foreign policy and its even more inept execution of it have led us and the rest of the world to the brink of Hell. Thanks a lot, asshole.
Well, that and all the times that we did nothing in answer but blow up a few camels or wait for the Saudis to arrest, convict and kill the "terrorist" who blew something up.
Damocles said:
Well, that and all the times that we did nothing in answer but blow up a few camels or wait for the Saudis to arrest, convict and kill the "terrorist" who blew something up.

there is no doubt that 9/11 changed everything...but it does not excuse abysmal counter-productive foreign policy and the even more maddening inept execution thereof.

there were no giant uproars from the right to invade the middle east after Khobar Towers or USS Cole.