If Americans only knew

Okay, who's going to be the first to jump in and claim that Desh is anti-Semitic? I should start a poll.

Sadly, support for Israel in this country has morphed into hate for, or at least dismissal of, the Palestinian Arabs.
Okay, who's going to be the first to jump in and claim that Desh is anti-Semitic? I should start a poll.

Sadly, support for Israel in this country has morphed into hate for, or at least dismissal of, the Palestinian Arabs.

What a moron, another total shitbrick response!

This should read "If America only knew this side of the story" For every depiction here one can be made for the opposing view as well. At nest it is nothing more than an opinion piece from formers, but I do love the touch how they put this on the bush administration as if they are the only ones to portray support for Israel.

Gotta love the fact find basis found around here, no wonder it is a board full of shitbricks......
this guy is a real moran.

Yes there are two sides to everything and this is the exact point of this whole post.

We run around in America pretending that Israel can do NO wrong.

the deaths of little children who happen to have commited only one crime, being born arab means nothing.

Why do they hate us?
Because we are infidels? They hated us before Gulf War I. They hated us before WWII, WWI, the Revolutionary War. It's not about Israel or oil.

this is an unmitigated lie.

The arabs have not "always" hated us. The only started to hate us since about the 1960 and 1970s when our support for israel became entirely one-sided.

The arabs actually had good relations and largely respected us prior to the 1960s. It was AMERICANS who backed the arabs against the French and British colonial overlords. For example, Eisenhower backed the arabs in the 1950s Suez crises against their european overlords.
this is an unmitigated lie.

The arabs have not "always" hated us. The only started to hate us since about the 1960 and 1970s when our support for israel became entirely one-sided.

The arabs actually had good relations and largely respected us prior to the 1960s. It was AMERICANS who backed the arabs against the French and British colonial overlords. For example, Eisenhower backed the arabs in the 1950s Suez crises against their european overlords.

If you are referring to non-Muslim Arabs, I might agree. However, Islam has always wanted the world divided into believers and infidels. Some might qualify for dhimmitude, but that is the best that can be hoped for.

Read the Koran.
If you are referring to non-Muslim Arabs, I might agree. However, Islam has always wanted the world divided into believers and infidels. Some might qualify for dhimmitude, but that is the best that can be hoped for.

Read the Koran.

So, have extremist christians over the years. They've tried to convert all non-believers through violent and non-violent means. Extremists everywhere think they have all the answers.

You were wrong, however - dead wrong - that the arab states and the arab people at large have "always" hated america. Its simply not true, regardless of what rush limbaugh instructed you to think
this guy is a real moran.

Yes there are two sides to everything and this is the exact point of this whole post.

We run around in America pretending that Israel can do NO wrong.

the deaths of little children who happen to have commited only one crime, being born arab means nothing.

Why do they hate us?

Ok Douche, I can your level of intellectual vaule I am dealing with when you use a word like moran, is that the title of a rap song or something, or just the way your were taught last year leaving 5th grade?

The point I was making kid was the fact that the video was very much one sided, with one point directed. If anything the video projects nothing more than snip its from very one sided attitudes.

Hows about the children being born of arab decent that are taught to strap bombs to themselves, hows about that side of the story and why?
this is an unmitigated lie.

The arabs have not "always" hated us. The only started to hate us since about the 1960 and 1970s when our support for israel became entirely one-sided.

The arabs actually had good relations and largely respected us prior to the 1960s. It was AMERICANS who backed the arabs against the French and British colonial overlords. For example, Eisenhower backed the arabs in the 1950s Suez crises against their european overlords.

Cyphilis, quit being a hardcore shitbrick! You can't undo time, you can't undo the the administrations that lived through the quarter century of arab hating Americans, but you can remove the uneducated, look up the facts on the net, shitbrick goggles!

Arabs are going to hate American with or without support of Israel, their uprising is in place, and no matter it be a dem or repub administration they will be looking to kill us all....
If you are referring to non-Muslim Arabs, I might agree. However, Islam has always wanted the world divided into believers and infidels. Some might qualify for dhimmitude, but that is the best that can be hoped for.

Read the Koran.
I have read the Koran. Reads exactly like the bible, for the most part.

Almost all religions -- and certainly all of the Abrahamaic, monotheistic religions -- divide the world into believers and infidels. Christianity does and Judaism does too. If you insist on making this into some sort of comic-book clash of religions then each side is equally at fault and equally hateful. Or so it seems from the outside.

Bloodthirsty fanatics are bloodthirsty fanatics, whether they hide behind a crescent or a cross or a magen David.
So, have extremist christians over the years. They've tried to convert all non-believers through violent and non-violent means. Extremists everywhere think they have all the answers.

You were wrong, however - dead wrong - that the arab states and the arab people at large have "always" hated america. Its simply not true, regardless of what rush limbaugh instructed you to think
True. The United States -- and Americans, more to the point -- have traditionally been much more highly regarded in that region than we are now.
So, have extremist christians over the years. They've tried to convert all non-believers through violent and non-violent means. Extremists everywhere think they have all the answers.

You were wrong, however - dead wrong - that the arab states and the arab people at large have "always" hated america. Its simply not true, regardless of what rush limbaugh instructed you to think

As well as the way the wig wearing kerry has instructed you! Now take a moment and try to come up with something not so redundant, we already know that you wanna run & hide from it all over money, save a buck and educate yourself some!
So, have extremist christians over the years. They've tried to convert all non-believers through violent and non-violent means. Extremists everywhere think they have all the answers.

You were wrong, however - dead wrong - that the arab states and the arab people at large have "always" hated america. Its simply not true, regardless of what rush limbaugh instructed you to think

I do not cotton to Limbaugh, Savage, etc. Heck I'm not keen on Hannity and loathe O'Reilly.

I am not wrong on Islamics.

Now most importantly, give modern examples of Christians using violence for conversion, I might even say historical, but am not going to bother with the whole history thing, at least until I know you all better. (How's that Damo?)
True. The United States -- and Americans, more to the point -- have traditionally been much more highly regarded in that region than we are now.

So here we are back to the hearts & minds I guess? Like I have said earlier in the post, you can't undo time! What, we don't have the backing of Iran, Syria?
I think we are still in good regards with the ones that count, and don't kid yourself that the reason for that isn't simply about global politics otherwise they too would be American hating countries.
I have read the Koran. Reads exactly like the bible, for the most part.

Almost all religions -- and certainly all of the Abrahamaic, monotheistic religions -- divide the world into believers and infidels. Christianity does and Judaism does too. If you insist on making this into some sort of comic-book clash of religions then each side is equally at fault and equally hateful. Or so it seems from the outside.

Bloodthirsty fanatics are bloodthirsty fanatics, whether they hide behind a crescent or a cross or a magen David.
You are either lying or have a reading deficiency. Both Christianity and Judaism leave it for God to sort out.
You are either lying or have a reading deficiency. Both Christianity and Judaism leave it for God to sort out.
Neither Christian nor Jews do, however.

If you honestly believe that Islam is fundamentally more hateful or judgmental than Christianity, then you're lying to yourself. They are remarkably similar in many ways. That's why their baby killing fanatics are so much like Christian baby killing fanatics.
You are either lying or have a reading deficiency. Both Christianity and Judaism leave it for God to sort out.

Say Runyon, kinda hard to get across to shitbricks, hence the brick part at the ned of the stinky bastards! :cof1:
So here we are back to the hearts & minds I guess? Like I have said earlier in the post, you can't undo time! What, we don't have the backing of Iran, Syria?
I think we are still in good regards with the ones that count, and don't kid yourself that the reason for that isn't simply about global politics otherwise they too would be American hating countries.
The "ones that count" eh? And just who would those be?

Ultimately, the only people whose opinions matter in that region are the common Arabs and Persians on that cliched street -- Muslim, Christian, Zoroastrian and whatever else. If they come to believe that thieves and murderers like Bush, Cheney and Rummy are genuinely representative of the American people, we may as well close our embassies and go home.