If evolution is real why are there still apes?

You are so very virtuous. I appreciate you extolling your virtue on JPP to sort of, you know, set a good example for everyone else. You and Terry are providing a virtual virtue-signalling public service and it's just so nice of you to do that.

The only possible thing that could be better would be to learn the list of those with whom your dissimulation resonates. Thanks again.

Lots of fancy vocabulary, but not much substance.
Soooo all the whiny atheists only hate Christians because it's local and completely disregard Islam?

Doesn't that seem closed-minded and short-sighted to you? If they want to throw shade on believers, why not go after all the largest ones?


I did not say that. I said that Xtians are the focus of atheists in America because Christianity is the dominant religion. I can guarantee you that if someone showed up on this forum stating that they are Muslim and getting pushy about it, they'd get the same flack from the atheists (and a lot of the rest of us too) that pushy Xtians get now. Anyone who's been here more than a few weeks has seen nasty comments about Muslims.
There are rightwing atheists on this forum, as well as rightwing holly rollers.

And their politics are exactly the same.

I don't think Jesus and the gospels are what is shaping the politics of MAGA holy rollers. Being a rightwing asshole is what shapes it.

Other than the very infequent knock on the door by some Jehovah's witnesses, I am not directly prostylitized. I had friend invite me to a prayer group once,, but that was only because I asked him some questions about his religion out of curiosity. My Mother ran a study group who got together to discuss the Gospel of John, but she never asked me to attend.

I think the ones who evangelize others at work are the worst. Have had a few instances of that. In general if you simply say "Thanks, but I'm good," they leave you alone. It's probably less likely to happen in California than in a red Bible Belt state.
Science would say that we didn’t actually evolve from apes but that we both evolved from a common ancestor in a process that is essentially the genes of our common ancestor mutating into different forms leading to us and apes.

However the problem with this theory is that scientists cannot explain why the same genes would evolve on differing paths since the common ancestor was located in the same environment.

Another problem is that after that branching of genes from our common ancestors there is zero evidence of it ever happening again.

Statistically that would be an impossibility since if it happens once it should be an ongoing process.

So yes, after that split from the common ancestor each species evolved in their own way but never again did any species genes branch out again to create multiple new species.

There are many, many holes in the theory of evolution

I suppose that you're going to tell us that there are no holes in the theory of creativity.
Really? You're one of those leftist nutcases that ensures he meets his quota of screaming "RACIST!" 1000 times each day for good health?

You're a fucking idiot.

Hey, would you call me a "RACIST!" a few times? Just to go towards your quota, I mean. Just, maybe thirty to forty? It's not like I'm asking for a few hundred.

I'm busy right now! But Thanks! Maybe later!

I think the ones who evangelize others at work are the worst. Have had a few instances of that. In general if you simply say "Thanks, but I'm good," they leave you alone. It's probably less likely to happen in California than in a red Bible Belt state.

Makes sense that there could be regional differences.

It might also be related to company culture. I worked in Texas and Louisiana for five years and was never prostylitized at work by anyone.
Things like the Creation Museum are trying to cram fantasies down the throats of everyone. The Republican Party has stopped being a party of personal accountability and fiscal responsibility. It's now a quasi-religious cult and white nationalist party.

Creation Science Museum and young Earth creationism directly affect the public debate over education and science.

Taking great pleasure in mocking the irrationality of stories in the Hebrew bible is just the equivalent of letting a fart out on a crowded elevator - it's fairly juvenile and intended to annoy and induce a reaction
Makes sense that there could be regional differences.

It might also be related to company culture. I worked in Texas and Louisiana for five years and was never prostylitized at work by anyone.

Think you're right. I worked for a small, privately-owned publishing company for several years in the 90s. Most of the ppl were Christians and constantly talked about what church activities and stuff they were doing. I was "hit on" several times there by well-meaning evangelists. The other person in my two-person desktop-publishing dept. was the daughter of an Assembly of God minister. She was cool; she just did her Jesus thing and didn't try to push it on other ppl. Heh, I was told once by one of the managers to not laugh so loudly because it bothered Jack, the company president. Yet every day Arthur, a kind of go-fer guy who did all sorts of stuff, would walk through the office singing hymns very loudly. He had a beautiful voice. Guess that was okay. lol
Think you're right. I worked for a small, privately-owned publishing company for several years in the 90s. Most of the ppl were Christians and constantly talked about what church activities and stuff they were doing. I was "hit on" several times there by well-meaning evangelists. The other person in my two-person desktop-publishing dept. was the daughter of an Assembly of God minister. She was cool; she just did her Jesus thing and didn't try to push it on other ppl. Heh, I was told once by one of the managers to not laugh so loudly because it bothered Jack, the company president. Yet every day Arthur, a kind of go-fer guy who did all sorts of stuff, would walk through the office singing hymns very loudly. He had a beautiful voice. Guess that was okay. lol

There you go - company culture.

A private Mom and Pop company, whereas I was working at a large multinational corporation in Houston, where the employees you ran into at the water cooler might be Muslims from Nigeria, Jews originally from Brooklyn, or Catholics from Brazil.
There you go - company culture.

A private Mom and Pop company, whereas I was working at a large multinational corporation in Houston, where the employees you ran into at the water cooler might be Muslims from Nigeria, Jews originally from Brooklyn, or Catholics from Brazil.

There you go. My last three years of work was at a large insurance corporation. Like most HR depts., they had rules about respecting other people's religions, race, political POV, gender, etc. and reminding employees to leave that stuff at home. Speaking of that, Missouri's (R)s are trying to (or may already have) pass legislation disallowing the state to do business with any public or private corporations that have diversity statements as part of their corporate policies. Which is almost all of them. Just looked it up. The language was removed from the bill it was attached to. From our former rep's newsletter last month:

Also taken out of the Senate version was the language that Missouri could not have any business with companies that had diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) language as part of their mission statements. All Fortune 500 companies now have DEI statements, including the Federal Government. Allowing a ban based on the presence of DEI language would have made contractual matters in Missouri very difficult…and cost us millions of dollars in federal funding.
Lots of fancy vocabulary, but not much substance.

He's like cheap, light-weight muslin fabric; thin and doesn't hold well up in the wash.

IMO, it's because he spreads himself too thin across at least three socks. Notice that he rarely uses all three at once. It takes too much energy. Still, just the effort of keeping up all three accounts must be tiresome.
There you go. My last three years of work was at a large insurance corporation. Like most HR depts., they had rules about respecting other people's religions, race, political POV, gender, etc. and reminding employees to leave that stuff at home. Speaking of that, Missouri's (R)s are trying to (or may already have) pass legislation disallowing the state to do business with any public or private corporations that have diversity statements as part of their corporate policies. Which is almost all of them. Just looked it up. The language was removed from the bill it was attached to. From our former rep's newsletter last month:

It truly saddens me to see the Republicans go down the path of being quasi-religious wackadoodles who hate American ideals.
There you go. My last three years of work was at a large insurance corporation. Like most HR depts., they had rules about respecting other people's religions, race, political POV, gender, etc. and reminding employees to leave that stuff at home. Speaking of that, Missouri's (R)s are trying to (or may already have) pass legislation disallowing the state to do business with any public or private corporations that have diversity statements as part of their corporate policies. Which is almost all of them. Just looked it up. The language was removed from the bill it was attached to. From our former rep's newsletter last month:

These third tier state legislators probably just want to be able to brag to their constituents that they are fighting woke.

Was anything lasting and tangible that resulted from rightwing hyperventilating about Sharia law? Or was it all just Kabuki theater?
Creation Science Museum and young Earth creationism directly affect the public debate over education and science.

Taking great pleasure in mocking the irrationality of stories in the Hebrew bible is just the equivalent of letting a fart out on a crowded elevator - it's fairly juvenile and intended to annoy and induce a reaction

Exactly. They are trying to jam it down the throats of Americans in public schools.
These third tier state legislators probably just want to be able to brag to their constituents that they are fighting woke.

Was anything lasting and tangible that resulted from rightwing hyperventilating about Sharia law? Or was it all just Kabuki theater?

It's tougher to legislate religious bigotry because of the First Amendment. The fucking morons think they can jam bigotry into law by banning "diversity".
It truly saddens me to see the Republicans go down the path of being quasi-religious wackadoodles who hate American ideals.

I'm good with it, as long as we have enough indies and (D)s to stop them. Slow suicide is good for the GOP. Fast would be even better. lol