If evolution is real why are there still apes?

These third tier state legislators probably just want to be able to brag to their constituents that they are fighting woke.

Was anything lasting and tangible that resulted from rightwing hyperventilating about Sharia law? Or was it all just Kabuki theater?

Good point. Posturing and preening on non-existent cultural issues is about all they've got these days. Why aren't they doing something about immigration? Inflation? Energy?
I did not say that. I said that Xtians are the focus of atheists in America because Christianity is the dominant religion.

I can guarantee you that if someone showed up on this forum stating that they are Muslim and getting pushy about it, they'd get the same flack from the atheists (and a lot of the rest of us too) that pushy Xtians get now. Anyone who's been here more than a few weeks has seen nasty comments about Muslims.

I understand why they are doing it. They are like teenagers who scream they hate their parents. It's local, not worldly.

Like Ms. Moon? The only people I've seen attack her religion are the RWers. Not a single atheist to my recollection. OTOH, I haven't seen any atheists attacking Jews, Hindus or Buddhists.

To be clear: I'm fine with pushing back on "pushy Xtians", but that's not what I often see. I see certain atheists attacking all Christians.
Exactly. They are trying to jam it down the throats of Americans in public schools.

Comparative religion and religious studies classes are important and valuable, and could or should be part of a comprehensive liberal college education. I don't see why holy rollers feel compelled to import religious doctrine into genetics and Earth science.
Good point. Posturing and preening on non-existent cultural issues is about all they've got these days. Why aren't they doing something about immigration? Inflation? Energy?

As far as I can tell, the last time the Republican base enthusiastically promoted a tangible policy goal based on their own ideas was when they hollered that we must invade Iraq.
Creation Science Museum and young Earth creationism directly affect the public debate over education and science.

Taking great pleasure in mocking the irrationality of stories in the Hebrew bible is just the equivalent of letting a fart out on a crowded elevator - it's fairly juvenile and intended to annoy and induce a reaction

Agreed on the lack of maturity in mocking religions and other spiritual beliefs, including atheism which is, indeed, a belief.
Agreed on the lack of maturity in mocking religions and other spiritual beliefs, including atheism which is, indeed, a belief.

I think most people know where to draw the line between scathing criticism and juvenile mockery. But not all. I'm probably a little guilty too

I always told Jack and BP that they don't actually seem like principled atheists, they seemed like anti-Christian zealots
I understand why they are doing it. They are like teenagers who scream they hate their parents. It's local, not worldly.

Like Ms. Moon? The only people I've seen attack her religion are the RWers. Not a single atheist to my recollection. OTOH, I haven't seen any atheists attacking Jews, Hindus or Buddhists.

To be clear: I'm fine with pushing back on "pushy Xtians", but that's not what I often see. I see certain atheists attacking all Christians.

Moon is a Muslim?

Yes, some atheists focus exclusively on Xtians. The vast majority of atheists don't discuss religion or religious people; they simply have no interest in it no matter what flavor it is.

In general I think it's safe to say that most people, atheist or not, dislike those who are religiously aggressive, esp. when they portray themselves as somehow superior to everyone else.

Guno is constantly attacked by RWers, Xtian and non, on the basis of his Jewish faith. I've seen RB do it, I've seen Minty do it. American RWers do not like American Jews. They prefer their Jews far away, like in Israel.
As far as I can tell, the last time the Republican base enthusiastically promoted a tangible policy goal based on their own ideas was when they hollered that we must invade Iraq.

Sounds about right. The first two years of the Biden administration, all they did was screech about the "crisis at the border." Notice how strangely silent they've fallen since they gained a scant majority in the House?
Muslims aren't the dominant religious faith in the U.S., that's why. But if you went to live in a majority-Muslim place and let it be know you're atheist, you might encounter the same distrust and dislike.

The problem isn't Xtians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus. It's religion making bigots out of humans, rather than raising us up and making us more accepting of each other.

Organized religion! That's probably why at my Epiphany, I was told steer clear of churches
Oh, okay. Lived most of my life in red Bible Belt Missouri. When I was growing up ppl went to church but kept their beliefs to themselves. In adulthood the evangelicals became more powerful and pushy, esp. in politics. But in all those decades (I'll be 70 soon with any luck), and as a non-Xtian person, I have only been pestered to the point of annoyance maybe a dozen times by pushy ass Xtians. We've all had our door-knocker Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons, but in my experience they weren't jerks, just annoying.

Be secure in your own belief/nonbelief system and don't let them bother you.

This speaks volumes about right wing evangelical Republicans idea of Christianity! Give lip service to Jesus,but kiss Trump's ass!
Comparative religion and religious studies classes are important and valuable, and could or should be part of a comprehensive liberal college education. I don't see why holy rollers feel compelled to import religious doctrine into genetics and Earth science.

Their Politics Trump's their assumed beliefs.
I understand why they are doing it. They are like teenagers who scream they hate their parents. It's local, not worldly.

Like Ms. Moon? The only people I've seen attack her religion are the RWers. Not a single atheist to my recollection. OTOH, I haven't seen any atheists attacking Jews, Hindus or Buddhists.

To be clear: I'm fine with pushing back on "pushy Xtians", but that's not what I often see. I see certain atheists attacking all Christians.

My theory is that sometimes kids are dragged by their parents to some fire and brimstone Fundy church, end up getting traumatized by the experience, and then have a chip on their shoulder the rest of their lives about Christianity.

But on the other hand, the atheism of somebody like a Steven Hawking seemed genuine, universal and principled.
I'm good with it, as long as we have enough indies and (D)s to stop them. Slow suicide is good for the GOP. Fast would be even better. lol

They seem to have stepped up the pace a bit since 2016 by giving White Supremacists a public platform.
Sounds about right. The first two years of the Biden administration, all they did was screech about the "crisis at the border." Notice how strangely silent they've fallen since they gained a scant majority in the House?

My Republican customer is off the deep end about China!
Especially electric cars!
Sounds about right. The first two years of the Biden administration, all they did was screech about the "crisis at the border." Notice how strangely silent they've fallen since they gained a scant majority in the House?

They don't really seem to be policy wonks. Supposedly, Tucker Carlson devoted a show to the penetrating question about the gender identification and androgyny of the M&M cartoon characters
My theory is that sometimes kids are dragged by their parents to some fire and brimstone Fundy church, end up getting traumatized by the experience, and then have a chip on their shoulder the rest of their lives about Christianity.

But on the other hand, the atheism of somebody like a Steven Hawking seemed genuine, universal and principled.

One of my heroes, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an atheist. He calls it being a "Skeptic". He hosted a few Skeptic conventions which I listened to on Youtube. He's not an "in your face" atheist* and openly mocking atheist like Richard Dawkins.

Below is a fairly clear difference in their approaches:

The clip was obviously posted by a militant atheist and Dawkins fan.

*the opposite of an "in your face" Bible thumper or member of ISIS.
My theory is that sometimes kids are dragged by their parents to some fire and brimstone Fundy church, end up getting traumatized by the experience, and then have a chip on their shoulder the rest of their lives about Christianity.

But on the other hand, the atheism of somebody like a Steven Hawking seemed genuine, universal and principled.

Absolutely right! We NEVER went to church as kids,because my Dad got kicked out of a Catholic HS because he wanted to be an usher in a Lutheran wedding.
So I was an open mind,not clouded by any church's spin.
It seems to me those brought up in the church have the most confusion because their churches spin .
They get caught up with what to eat when,and all the other outdated church doctrines!
Organized Religion chases away more people than they ever make Spirit filled Christians.
One of my heroes, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an atheist. He calls it being a "Skeptic". He hosted a few Skeptic conventions which I listened to on Youtube. He's not an "in your face" atheist* and openly mocking atheist like Richard Dawkins.

Below is a fairly clear difference in their approaches:

The clip was obviously posted by a militant atheist and Dawkins fan.

*the opposite of an "in your face" Bible thumper or member of ISIS.

I agree, Tyson is a principled and mellow atheist.

I saw a webcast where another, more belligerent atheist was trying to egg on Tyson to get more confrontational with Christianity, but he wouldn't take the bait. He only opposed introduction of religious dogma into science education and public policy