If evolution is teh realz then why is not it happeningg nows?


while survival of the fittest is observed in nature, it is not absolute. We also observe survival of the weakest and survival of the luckiest. Every infant is the weakest of a species, and yet obviously, some of them survive or there would be no species at all. Similarly, when a whale swims through a school of fish swallowing 80%, the 20% that survived were not the fittest - they were the luckiest. Somehow "survival of the fittest" has become tautology. Only the fittest survive. How do we determine they were the fittest? Because they survived!
Doing trigonometry is certainly learned behavior. So is fear is guns.

What "learned" behavior can be passed on?

educate me, how is trigonometry learned behavior? from the little i know, math is not learned behavior, it is knowledge.

damo gave a good example and my understanding is from college and good lord i type it into google and get mostly:

is homosexuality a learned behavior that is passed on genetically...arrrg

but i remember studies done with dogs and some learned behavior was passed through genes..

again, i'm no expert so i could be wrong
educate me, how is trigonometry learned behavior? from the little i know, math is not learned behavior, it is knowledge.

damo gave a good example and my understanding is from college and good lord i type it into google and get mostly:

is homosexuality a learned behavior that is passed on genetically...arrrg

but i remember studies done with dogs and some learned behavior was passed through genes..

again, i'm no expert so i could be wrong

All you want to count as learned behavior is psychological conditioning. I punch you in the face, so the next time I raise my fist you flinch. That's a learned behavior and is conditioning. But I would argue that's not all learned behavior is.

Homosexuality isn't a learned behavior. It may be passed on genetically, however. Or it may not be. I'm not sure anyone knows.
Zomg. Gots to google to defend evolution from the crazies!

Haha....well, when you get back to defending evolution I'll join you...as a theory,
Its very intriguing and certainly has its possibilities....
It can be believed right alongside of most religions....but
It is far different than "natural selection" which is proven fact in my book

while survival of the fittest is observed in nature, it is not absolute. We also observe survival of the weakest and survival of the luckiest. Every infant is the weakest of a species, and yet obviously, some of them survive or there would be no species at all. Similarly, when a whale swims through a school of fish swallowing 80%, the 20% that survived were not the fittest - they were the luckiest. Somehow "survival of the fittest" has become tautology. Only the fittest survive. How do we determine they were the fittest? Because they survived!

It's called "fitness" because the assholes in charge want their dominance to be perceived as fitness, when really it's due to generations of moral failure.
Haha....well, when you get back to defending evolution I'll join you...as a theory,
Its very intriguing and certainly has its possibilities....
It can be believed right alongside of most religions....but
It is far different than "natural selection" which is proven fact in my book

Uh, moron, natural selection is the driving force behind evolution. Not God.
Uh, moron, natural selection is the driving force behind evolution. Not God.

Yeah...thats the theory.....

Natural selection; somehow, made some monkeys into humans..(among other things).....quite a leap of faith...
Might even be considered a bigger leap than a Godly creation of man to some....

But your allowed your fantasy as Jimmy Falwell was his....
Yeah...thats the theory.....

Natural selection; somehow, made some monkeys into humans..(among other things).....quite a leap of faith...
Might even be considered a bigger leap than a Godly creation of man to some....

But your allowed your fantasy as Jimmy Falwell was his....

Go spew your retarded words all over someone else's thread.

If you want a thorough debunking of the myths people like you propagate about evolution, read this:

Go spew your retarded words all over someone else's thread.

If you want a thorough debunking of the myths people like you propagate about evolution, read this:


I wouldn't waste my time.....ID makes little sense as its presented using the Bible as a timeline.....so what ?
I 'propagate' no myths about the theory of evolution....in reality its just an educated guess, without proof positive about its conclusions.....
Many prominent scientists are religious and believe in their own versions of "god"...
No one has a lock on knowledge or the truth of the origin of life....not yet...

Believe what you will...its your right.....it reminds me of the arguments about when life begins in the womb....and the extreme hypocrisy some will go to deny conception as the beginning....as if this scientific conclusion has a bearing on the abortion issue....
Two entirely different issues.....

You have difficulty using your own brain and rely on TV..?

from your site....

More than 150 years ago Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution to explain how the diversity of life arose, laying the foundation for modern biological science.

I can buy that 100%....natural selection....mutation...etc....

It hardly proves the origin of life....thats why I say evolution and religion can live in the same house, without conflict...
You have difficulty using your own brain and rely on TV..?

from your site....

More than 150 years ago Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution to explain how the diversity of life arose, laying the foundation for modern biological science.

I can buy that 100%....natural selection....mutation...etc....

It hardly proves the origin of life....thats why I say evolution and religion can live in the same house, without conflict...

Darwing, of course, doesn't talk about the origin of life.

I think you'd find that NOVA episode enlightening.
Darwing, of course, doesn't talk about the origin of life.

I think you'd find that NOVA episode enlightening.

I've seen it ...more than once....

You do understand that "the origin of life" is the whole point with those religious nuts....not that deer run fast because they have long legs...or deer have long legs so they can run fast....
Most really don't give a shit if monkeys grew long tails or always had them from day one...."the beginning".....thats what the fight is about...
I've seen it ...more than once....

You do understand that "the origin of life" is the whole point with those religious nuts....not that deer run fast because they have long legs...or deer have long legs so they can run fast....
Most really don't give a shit if monkeys grew long tails or always had them from day one...."the beginning".....thats what the fight is about...

Somehow, I doubt you've seen any NOVA ever.

And no, the fight isn't only about the beginning. Intelligent Design attacks evolution, which has nothing to do with origins. The God types attack evolution and have for 150 years.
Somehow, I doubt you've seen any NOVA ever.

And no, the fight isn't only about the beginning. Intelligent Design attacks evolution, which has nothing to do with origins. The God types attack evolution and have for 150 years.

I remember Carl Sagan as a young man...hows that ?

You have a problem with ID defenders then Sport....I wouldn't waste one puff of breathe on them...they are irrelevant....most fundamentalists are...

But "God types" do have a problem with those evolutionists that deny the existence of that supreme being they believe in.....

And in the end...neither group can claim the truth, because neither group can prove their beliefs.....
As I said before, many scientists cling to a belief in God or religion in general.....they can co-exist with no problem in an open mind....I was taught that simple fact 45+ years ago in a Theology class, it was right then and its right now...
All you want to count as learned behavior is psychological conditioning. I punch you in the face, so the next time I raise my fist you flinch. That's a learned behavior and is conditioning. But I would argue that's not all learned behavior is.

Homosexuality isn't a learned behavior. It may be passed on genetically, however. Or it may not be. I'm not sure anyone knows.

how is trigonometry learned "behavior"

homosexual can in fact be learned behavior

and you want to talk about religious types or whatever said attacking evolution....you science folks have been using evolution to attack religion :pke:
I remember Carl Sagan as a young man...hows that ?

You have a problem with ID defenders then Sport....I wouldn't waste one puff of breathe on them...they are irrelevant....most fundamentalists are...

But "God types" do have a problem with those evolutionists that deny the existence of that supreme being they believe in.....

And in the end...neither group can claim the truth, because neither group can prove their beliefs.....
As I said before, many scientists cling to a belief in God or religion in general.....they can co-exist with no problem in an open mind....I was taught that simple fact 45+ years ago in a Theology class, it was right then and its right now...

My brother is a priest and he believes in evolution because he's also got a degree in chemistry and physics and isn't retarded.

Dixie, on the other hand, claims not to be a fundamentalist but he's on record as an ardent defender of ID. He is retarded.

Evolutionary biologists have "proved" their case for evolution as well as anything can be "proven" in science. Since science isn't in the business of "proving" stuff, there's always room for growth and new knowledge.
My brother is a priest and he believes in evolution because he's also got a degree in chemistry and physics and isn't retarded.

Dixie, on the other hand, claims not to be a fundamentalist but he's on record as an ardent defender of ID. He is retarded.

Evolutionary biologists have "proved" their case for evolution as well as anything can be "proven" in science. Since science isn't in the business of "proving" stuff, there's always room for growth and new knowledge.

Your Bro is without doubt a pretty smart man and it would be wise of you to ask him where he draws the line with his belief in evolution and the origin of species....and the origin of life....
two different issues....

Some evolutionists make a big big leap of faith in trying to explain how an earthworm came to be or how a honey bee came into existence or how a fish became a bird....with little to no real solid proof.....
Its a theory,........ likely ? maybe.....sensible?....maybe.....
as can be said for your brothers God....likely ? maybe.....sensible?....maybe.....