If Foley Were A Democrat....

If Congressman Mark Foley had been a Democrat, he would not have resigned, he would have left Washington D.C. without comment on the matter, and the liberal spin machine would have immediately gone into 'damage control' mode. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi would have given press conferences, stating that it's important we reserve our judgement until all the facts are in. Conspiracy theorists in the left-wing blogosphere, would have begun circulating the rumor that Karl Rove had planted the story, which was completely bogus... the kid with the alleged email, has an uncle who used to work for Pappy Bush, and was a huge Republican contributor.

Foley would gain enormous publicity as the subject of a vast right-wing conspiracy, and the "scandal" would be, who made up this lie about such a fine upstanding Democrat, like Foley. Of course, they would point to his record on child predator legislation, and insist that this proves the allegations must be false. They would point out, that instant messages are not illegal, Foley never has been accused of having sex, just sending messages. It would be pointed out, the page was 16, the legal age of consent in D.C., so it was not a child Foley exploited, but a "consenting" adult. Then we would hear about how this was all a Republican dirty trick to overturn the will of the people in Foley's district. That card would be played liberally.

Republicans would attempt to have it fully investigated, and the Democrats would accuse us of witch-hunting, and drag their feet until the middle of Foley's next term. When an investigation is finally ordered, the Democrats would immediately attack it as a moral right-wing crusade, modern day McCarthyism, gay bashing neocons out to delve into Foley's personal sex life. When the evidence finally resulted in a conviction, or a plea bargain, the Democrats would give Foley a standing ovation, and a pardon. After all, he endured so much from the mean old Republicans.

In another couple of election cycles, Foley's name would be widely circulated as a possible nominee for President. Any mention of the 2006 sex scandal, would be met with indignant outrage and contempt. How dare we use this mans personal tragedy against him! This is what Democrats would say, and how they would defend Foley, if he were one of them.

I don't make this claim out of speculation, I make it out of the Democrats past history, with just this sort of thing. Studds, Reynolds, Frank, Hart, Clinton... The Democrats have a long and storied history of sex scandals, and their position was made abundantly clear a long time ago, they don't believe sex scandals have anything to do with how a representative performs their job, and as long as there isn't a charge and conviction, which can't be pardoned, they will support the "will of the people" who elected the representative.

Besides, it's a Democrat seat, they can't just give that up!
If Congressman Mark Foley had been a Democrat, he would not have resigned, he would have left Washington D.C. without comment on the matter, and the liberal spin machine would have immediately gone into 'damage control' mode. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi would have given press conferences, stating that it's important we reserve our judgement until all the facts are in. Conspiracy theorists in the left-wing blogosphere, would have begun circulating the rumor that Karl Rove had planted the story, which was completely bogus... the kid with the alleged email, has an uncle who used to work for Pappy Bush, and was a huge Republican contributor.

Foley would gain enormous publicity as the subject of a vast right-wing conspiracy, and the "scandal" would be, who made up this lie about such a fine upstanding Democrat, like Foley. Of course, they would point to his record on child predator legislation, and insist that this proves the allegations must be false. They would point out, that instant messages are not illegal, Foley never has been accused of having sex, just sending messages. It would be pointed out, the page was 16, the legal age of consent in D.C., so it was not a child Foley exploited, but a "consenting" adult. Then we would hear about how this was all a Republican dirty trick to overturn the will of the people in Foley's district. That card would be played liberally.

Republicans would attempt to have it fully investigated, and the Democrats would accuse us of witch-hunting, and drag their feet until the middle of Foley's next term. When an investigation is finally ordered, the Democrats would immediately attack it as a moral right-wing crusade, modern day McCarthyism, gay bashing neocons out to delve into Foley's personal sex life. When the evidence finally resulted in a conviction, or a plea bargain, the Democrats would give Foley a standing ovation, and a pardon. After all, he endured so much from the mean old Republicans.

In another couple of election cycles, Foley's name would be widely circulated as a possible nominee for President. Any mention of the 2006 sex scandal, would be met with indignant outrage and contempt. How dare we use this mans personal tragedy against him! This is what Democrats would say, and how they would defend Foley, if he were one of them.

I don't make this claim out of speculation, I make it out of the Democrats past history, with just this sort of thing. Studds, Reynolds, Frank, Hart, Clinton... The Democrats have a long and storied history of sex scandals, and their position was made abundantly clear a long time ago, they don't believe sex scandals have anything to do with how a representative performs their job, and as long as there isn't a charge and conviction, which can't be pardoned, they will support the "will of the people" who elected the representative.

Besides, it's a Democrat seat, they can't just give that up!

Like when they impeached President Clinton for a blow-job with a consenting adult?
Dixie would be singing a song 180 out of phase with his current song :)

Yeah? What's my current song? Republicans will lose a seat to the Democrats in a highly-conservative republican district? Republicans probably just lost a few moderate religious democrats back to the kook fringe? I think the Republicans will pay a political price for this, and that's life. What disturbs me, is the double standard and hypocrisy of the Democrat Party. To come off acting like you guys are shocked and appauled at the behavior, concerned with the welfare of the poor little children entrusted to our care in D.C. ...It's all a bunch of phoney-baloney, disingenous, and reprehensible blather. You care about one thing... Winning an election!

Out of one side of your mouths, we hear... Disgusting child-molesting, pedophile, preying on innocent children, perverted sickness.... and out of the other side, we hear.... Well, the legal age of consent in D.C. is 16!
Dixie, pointing to the history books, and yelling at voters to look at something that happened a quarter of a century ago, isn't going to cut it.

In short, you're wasting time and blowing hot air.
Dixie, pointing to the history books, and yelling at voters to look at something that happened a quarter of a century ago, isn't going to cut it.

In short, you're wasting time and blowing hot air.

LMAO... Clinton/Lewinski didn't happen that long ago.... neither did Reynolds "hitting the jackpot" with his Catholic school girls, who Clinton pardoned in 1995. Nor did Barney Frank and his boy lover, running a brothel out of his home! This is all recent history, dear.
LMAO... Clinton/Lewinski didn't happen that long ago.... neither did Reynolds "hitting the jackpot" with his Catholic school girls, who Clinton pardoned in 1995. Nor did Barney Frank and his boy lover, running a brothel out of his home! This is all recent history, dear.

Carry on then.

Only children point to the bad behaviour of others, when they get in trouble.

Most americans understand this. You won't sway one vote with that argument. Its only serves to make devoted Bush fans feel better.
you'd think that a party that had been in charge of all the branches of government for the past six years would run on their record.....

Carry on then.

Only children point to the bad behaviour of others, when they get in trouble.

Most americans understand this. You won't sway one vote with that argument. Its only serves to make devoted Bush fans feel better.

HAHA... Prissy, I am not pointing to the bad behavior of others because Foley got in trouble. I don't condone what Foley did, and he resigned. Nothing in my posts supports your view that I am making excuses for Foley, and I agree, if that were what I was doing, you would be 100% correct, but I think I have made it clear that I don't support Foley, I am glad he resigned, and I find his behavior repugnant. My point, is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the left, who doesn't think this sort of behavior is repugnant, they give standing ovations to people who have been censured for it.
dixie is right this time, that sounds like a very plausible scenerio... especially about how age 16 is legal age...
Listen if Dixie wants to support Foley and stand up with him, more power to him. The Republicans can support Hastert for covering it up for all I care...

Do that Dixie... Support the pedophile all you and your party want.

We will let the voters decide in November!
Listen if Dixie wants to support Foley and stand up with him, more power to him. The Republicans can support Hastert for covering it up for all I care...

Do that Dixie... Support the pedophile all you and your party want.

We will let the voters decide in November!

LMAO... I've not seen one word of support for Foley from anyone. He resigned. You don't see me, or anyone, trying to have him retract his resignation, or anything like that, so how can you say I am supporting him? I'm not condoning what he did in any way, it was inappropriate and wrong. This is the big difference between republicans and democrats, we stand for principle, the guy was scum and he's gone, no one is standing up for him or supporting anything he did. If he were a Democrat, however... it would be a horse of a totally different color, we all know that, because democrats really don't care, as long as they win the election and take the seat.... as long as a democrat ass is sitting in the congressional seat, they are content to excuse this sort of behavior and much worse, as they have demonstrated in the past.

Yeah... the people WILL decide in November.
and if they decide to send more democrats to the house and senate than are there now, will you be paying me that $100 you will then owe me?
and if they decide to send more democrats to the house and senate than are there now, will you be paying me that $100 you will then owe me?

:cof1: Yeah, I'm sure you'll get that, right before Watermark gets his $10,000.
The second that Tip O'Neal was notified about Rep. Studs he asked Studs for his resignation Dixie.... That is what the Democratic leadership did when they thought his behavior was inappropriate....What did Hastert or some other republicans may have held it back from Hastert, do? Hide it...

And it WAS WRONG...back then with studs to use his power and wrong for foley to use his power...and Wrong for the republican back then, Representative or Senator Crane?, who was married and also was sleeping with a 17 year old page girl....he did not resign from what I remember but he lost his seat, was not reelected.

Studs refuse to resign as Tip had requested and came from a very liberal district on the cape, Provincetown and was reelected until 1996....

There are laws now that are making it illegal for people in positions of power and holding them to a higher standard than other citizens when it comes to this...whereas it may not be against the Law as Studs proclaimed it was not, but it would be in some places today... because of these "position of power" laws coming out...that would include teachers, clergymen, firemen, policemen, and I would guess, congressmen?

This was a scandal back then Dixie, why rehash what happen back in 1983 and how the Dems handled it? (Note I am combining your comments on other threads in this reply...
and if they decide to send more democrats to the house and senate than are there now, will you be paying me that $100 you will then owe me?

surely you jest.

Dixie welched on his bet for the golden rule thread, and went into hiding for a few days, until that thread got buried.
why does dixie try to dredge up old shit? because he is panicking and feels it all starting to slip away..... Speaker Pelosi ...the thought drives him wild!

I hope Hastert does not resign, just like I wish Delay had not resigned.

I hope the Republicans will stand up for what they belive in... Coverup and corruption!
but, but, Dixie cannot be wrong, he just can't, don't you guys understand it is not possible ;)

Oh, I can be wrong, it's just rare, and almost never with a pinhead. I'm certainly not wrong because 3 pinheads concur, or someone twists my arguments into wrongness. When proven wrong, I have no problem admitting I was wrong, unlike some pinheads I know, who will literally alter reality to keep from admiting they are wrong.

When it comes to how Democrats would react if Mark Foley were one of their own, I am not wrong because history proves me right. You have a long and storied history of standing up for guys like Foley, while castigating those of us who dare to criticize them. The only reason for any outrage from Democrats, is because Foley is a Republican.

It's like all the bluster and outrage expressed over the election system, the mere thought of some Americans vote not counting, is the supposed basis for all the fuss, however, it's not about standing up for people's votes at all, it's about casting a perception of doubt and using that to bash Republicans. If Democrats were really concerned about the will of the people, there would be some level of concern for the highly-republican Foley district, who will likely end up with Democrat representation. How many pinheads have even mentioned the poor disenfranchised voters in Foley's district? None, you're all too busy drooling over the freebie seat you were gifted, and you don't have a second thought about it. So, you really don't give a shit about the will of the people, or if they are represented fairly, just that they are represented by a Democrat.