If Foley Were A Democrat....

Dixie welched on his bet for the golden rule thread, and went into hiding for a few days, until that thread got buried.

You just can't seem to type a post without lying, can you? I've not gone anywhere, I have been here every day, and I didn't make a bet, I offered a prize for certain information that didn't exist, and was not presented. A few smart-ass pinheads twisted what I said, and pretended that I had "lost a bet" or something, but that isn't my concern, I can't help what retarded people do.
Or he simply took you off ignore. It isn't permanent and one can put you on and take you off their ignore list at will.
Oh, I can be wrong, it's just rare, and almost never with a pinhead. I'm certainly not wrong because 3 pinheads concur, or someone twists my arguments into wrongness. When proven wrong, I have no problem admitting I was wrong, unlike some pinheads I know, who will literally alter reality to keep from admiting they are wrong.

When it comes to how Democrats would react if Mark Foley were one of their own, I am not wrong because history proves me right. You have a long and storied history of standing up for guys like Foley, while castigating those of us who dare to criticize them. The only reason for any outrage from Democrats, is because Foley is a Republican.

It's like all the bluster and outrage expressed over the election system, the mere thought of some Americans vote not counting, is the supposed basis for all the fuss, however, it's not about standing up for people's votes at all, it's about casting a perception of doubt and using that to bash Republicans. If Democrats were really concerned about the will of the people, there would be some level of concern for the highly-republican Foley district, who will likely end up with Democrat representation. How many pinheads have even mentioned the poor disenfranchised voters in Foley's district? None, you're all too busy drooling over the freebie seat you were gifted, and you don't have a second thought about it. So, you really don't give a shit about the will of the people, or if they are represented fairly, just that they are represented by a Democrat.

There is a Republican replacement in the race?

They just could not get his name on the ballot so the floridians in this district have to cast a vote for Foley if they want the new republican in office.

And THAT is a republican problem because THEY held back on foley, hoping to make it through the election with the republican vote for him.

As far as Studs, as I said the leadership, tip oneal was outraged and asked for his resignation....And YES, the Democrats did handle it DIFFERENTLY than the republicans did with Foley, where that speaker of the house ignored the dangerous signs of a predator of minors....congrats to the ethics of speaker Tip Oneal....

booooooooo to hastert. (if what is being reported is true)
Or he simply took you off ignore. It isn't permanent and one can put you on and take you off their ignore list at will.

I would suggest that he never HAD us on ignore, but only chose to act like it because he KNEW I'd hand him his ass like I used to do routinely on FP.com.

He will renege on our bet regarding the election, no doubt....

and he will continue to say what a great endeavor this war in Iraq is when all the signs point otherwise.....

we have already lost 120 MORE soldiers than Dixie predicted we would lose throughout the rest of the conflict...and October is shaping up to be one of the bloodiest months on record, with no end in sight.

When WILL the neocons EVER put country ahead of party and admit that they fucked up and accept the political consequences?
Well I just hope they keep Hastert, then the democrats can keep the theem "culture of corruption" without even promoting it themselves!
And THAT is a republican problem because THEY held back on foley, hoping to make it through the election with the republican vote for him.

No, I am sorry, this is incorrect. You want to pretend that the Republicans knew all about Foley, and intentionally ignored it, hoping to make it through the elections, but you haven't proven this, and on its face, it's an absurd argument. How did the Republicans plan to defend this, when it came out?

No one in Republican leadership knew the extent of what Foley was doing, until the instant messages were made public by ABC News last Friday. As soon as it was revealed, they booted him and called for a complete investigation, no one ever tried to defend him or ignore the allegations, or cover anything up. The emails had been made public to the news media some time ago, and weren't damning enough for them to even do a story... now that's pretty bad, when a liberal rag can't manufacture something to lie about... but, nevertheless, they couldn't find a story, the republican leadership couldn't act on inactionable information, and someone, somewhere, knew of the instant message exchanges, and sat on the information until a month before the elections, where Republicans would not be able to take Foley's name off the ballot, and the voters would be forced to pull the lever for Foley, if they wanted to vote Republican.

Your Democrat Party: Working For YOU!
Who is the Liberal Rag? FOX NEWS? The Miami Herald? The St pete times? Both newspapers supported President Bush... and FOX news...what can I say, the same...

These news sources FAILED also in their duty to report and investigate the news... All they would have had to do if they did not have enought info to print this from the beginning, then THEY SHOULD HAVE INVESTIGATED the story to find out if there was FIRE, where the smoke was...

it took about a day to get the elicit emails on google....

Hastert, and these papers should have taken ANOTHER step and researched the situation.
These news sources FAILED also in their duty to report and investigate the news... All they would have had to do if they did not have enought info to print this from the beginning, then THEY SHOULD HAVE INVESTIGATED the story to find out if there was FIRE, where the smoke was...

They DID investigate, in fact, they had more info than Hastert did! Still, even with that, all they had were emails that could have been seen as, perhaps a little curious, but not much more. There is no crime in asking a former page for a photograph! What the fuck was the paper supposed to report, on what grounds was the republican leadership supposed to take action? Now, you can look back in retrospect and make all kinds of wild-ass claims of what should have been known, but humans aren't blessed with psychic abilities, and without actionable evidence, there wasn't much that could have been done at that time. Trump it up all you like, you know this is right, and you look like an idiot trying to make the argument that Republicans should have kicked Foley out for sending innocuous emails to former pages.

By the way, while we're talking about what should have been known... will you have the same view when we find out the truth about Jefferson's $90,000 in his freezer? Can we argue that democrats should have known he was guilty of something and booted him?
It is clear Hastert knew Foley was into the boys and having inapproperate conversations with them on the email. Foley was told by them to guit communicating with any pages...

When Congressman Boner said he told Hastert, Hastert responded... that he did not remember being told about Foley...

When you say you dont remember if you were told a member of congress has inapproperate conversations with a 16 year old intern you are either LYING or it was not important to you or Amung Republicans this is an everyday event..

Well which is it.

Like I say, Keep Hastert, let the American people see what kinda corruption you support!
And THAT is a republican problem because THEY held back on foley, hoping to make it through the election with the republican vote for him.

No, I am sorry, this is incorrect. You want to pretend that the Republicans knew all about Foley, and intentionally ignored it, hoping to make it through the elections, but you haven't proven this, and on its face, it's an absurd argument. How did the Republicans plan to defend this, when it came out?

No one in Republican leadership knew the extent of what Foley was doing, until the instant messages were made public by ABC News last Friday. As soon as it was revealed, they booted him and called for a complete investigation, no one ever tried to defend him or ignore the allegations, or cover anything up. The emails had been made public to the news media some time ago, and weren't damning enough for them to even do a story... now that's pretty bad, when a liberal rag can't manufacture something to lie about... but, nevertheless, they couldn't find a story, the republican leadership couldn't act on inactionable information, and someone, somewhere, knew of the instant message exchanges, and sat on the information until a month before the elections, where Republicans would not be able to take Foley's name off the ballot, and the voters would be forced to pull the lever for Foley, if they wanted to vote Republican.

Your Democrat Party: Working For YOU!

Dixie, what is it about the original emails THAT DID NOT SET OFF RED FLAGS to you and your Leaders....

They were MOST CERTAINLY inappropriate and MOST CERTAINLY showed those predatory HABITS of this Congressman Foley?

They SHOULD HAVE INVESTIGATED IT FURTHER.....Don't you think? I read those emails, not the explicit ones, but the ones that you say show just nastiness I guess? And they were not and are not innocent emails...he had an agenda....

This is a 52 year old single man talking with 16 year olds the way he did....He is a predatory of Minor Boys....I would have placed MONEY on it and not reneged, from reading the first few emails that he was a predator....a sexual predator of young boys.
It is clear Hastert knew Foley was into the boys and having inapproperate conversations with them on the email. Foley was told by them to guit communicating with any pages...

No, it's not clear that any of the emails known about were inappropriate, nor is it clear that Hastert knew Foley was "into the boys" as you say. The parents of one page, made a request that someone tell Foley to stop emailing their son, he was creeped out. The emails were not sexually explicit, and contained only minor questionable things that didn't warrant alarm... Foley asked how the boy had weathered the hurricane... what he planned to do on his birthday... could he send him a photo... nothing that was inappropriate or sexual in nature whatsoever. Still, the Republican leadership informed Foley to stop emailing pages, that the wrong idea could be taken by it, and that was the end of it, as far as they knew. The parents of the boy were satisfied with that, and didn't want to make it a public issue, the St. Pete Times couldn't even do a story on it, because the boy didn't want to have his identity revealed, and there wasn't anything inappropriate in the content of the emails, anyway!

What makes this incident custom made for pinhead exploitation, is the ignorance of the masses on the difference between emails and instant messages. You can fool enough ignorant people into believing they are one in the same, and that isn't the case here. You can pretend that the emails were just as bad as the instant messages, and that is simply a fabrication. And you can insist that the emails Hastert knew about, were sexually explicit like the instant messages which came out last Friday, and ignorant people aren't going to realize the difference.

Oh, it's a brilliantly crafted political strategy! It all but guarantees a democrat seat in a largely republican district! Which is why it's more than just coincidence that it all played out like it did. Yes, we will let the people decide who is corrupt and cheating their asses off to regain power.
Sure Dixie the Democrats planted those emails in Floey's computer...!

I know you are supporting Foley but come on!
Dixie said...

"Oh, it's a brilliantly crafted political strategy! It all but guarantees a democrat seat in a largely republican district! Which is why it's more than just coincidence that it all played out like it did. Yes, we will let the people decide who is corrupt and cheating their asses off to regain power."

I guess Dixie thinks the Democrats picked Foley to plant these emails in his computer because it would all but give the Democrats a seat in a conservative district!
Dixie, what is it about the original emails THAT DID NOT SET OFF RED FLAGS to you and your Leaders....

They were MOST CERTAINLY inappropriate and MOST CERTAINLY showed those predatory HABITS of this Congressman Foley?

Maybe you've seen something I haven't. The emails I read, didn't warrant the Republican leadership kicking a six-term duly-elected representative to the curb in the middle of his re-election campaign. I serously doubt that you or any democrat would have taken such action against one of you own, in fact, you would have defended the damn instant messages too! Foley would still be sitting in his Congressional seat, while we listened to you idiots preach to us about not casting judgement, and waiting for all the facts to come in. We know this because it's what you have done in the past.

Again, you can't accuse and condemn a sitting representative for asking a former page to send him a picture! There was no actionable inappropriateness in the emails Hastert knew about, and as soon as something tangible emerged, the appropriate actions were taken, as it should have been.

To pretend that Democrats are somehow blessed with a crystal ball in their pinheads, and could have forseen the inappropriate behavior, is laughable... if that were the case, William Jefferson would have been asked to resign, Studds would have been forced out, Barney Frank would be history, Ted Kennedy and Patrick Kennedy would be gone... Bill Clinton would have been removed by impeachment.... the list goes on and on!
Again, you can't accuse and condemn a sitting representative for asking a former page to send him a picture!

Dixie, you have teenage daughters, don't you?

If a 52-year old Teacher was sending them private email to them, and asking for their pictures, would any red flags go off in your head? Or, would you simply dismiss it and not worry about it?
Sure Dixie the Democrats planted those emails in Floey's computer...!

I know you are supporting Foley but come on!

Hey pinhead, you mind telling me how you derived this from what I posted? I don't recall ever making such a claim! The emails have been public knowledge for years now, the Republicans knew about them, the Democrats knew about them, and the news media knew about them. No one has ever claimed they weren't Foley's emails, and where you come up with me saying that, is beyond me, I have never even remotely indicated such stupidity.

The tangible proof of inappropriate behavior, surfaced in the instant messages, which were made public for the first time, last Friday. That was the first time Hastert or the Republicans knew of Foley's inappropriate behavior. However, someone knew about these 2 year old instant messages, and didn't bother reporting them to Hastert, or the media... they held them for 2 years, until a month before an election, and THEN made them public. I think if we are going to feign moral outrage, we should feign moral outrage over whoever the scumbag was that had this information for 2 years, and waited to release it for political advantage, instead of doing what was in the best interests of the children.
Hey pinhead, you mind telling me how you derived this from what I posted? I don't recall ever making such a claim! The emails have been public knowledge for years now, the Republicans knew about them, the Democrats knew about them, and the news media knew about them. No one has ever claimed they weren't Foley's emails, and where you come up with me saying that, is beyond me, I have never even remotely indicated such stupidity.

The tangible proof of inappropriate behavior, surfaced in the instant messages, which were made public for the first time, last Friday. That was the first time Hastert or the Republicans knew of Foley's inappropriate behavior. However, someone knew about these 2 year old instant messages, and didn't bother reporting them to Hastert, or the media... they held them for 2 years, until a month before an election, and THEN made them public. I think if we are going to feign moral outrage, we should feign moral outrage over whoever the scumbag was that had this information for 2 years, and waited to release it for political advantage, instead of doing what was in the best interests of the children.

If that is true, why was Foley told, in private away from Democrats, not to communicate with Pages any more?
Again, you can't accuse and condemn a sitting representative for asking a former page to send him a picture!

Dixie, you have teenage daughters, don't you?

If a 52-year old Teacher was sending them private email to them, and asking for their pictures, would any red flags go off in your head? Or, would you simply dismiss it and not worry about it?

Read what I posted. The parents of the page who received the emails, were indeed concerned, they requested that Foley stop emailing their son, and they were satisfied with that. They didn't dismiss anything, nor did I say they should have.

"Red flags" are one thing, actionable and tangible evidence of wrongdoing, is something completely different. You simply can't kick a man out of Congress because you think he might be doing something wrong, if that were the case, half the Democrats would be gone before they ever made it to Washington. I think you might want to reconsider establishing the standard of "suspicion" over "proof" that you seem to want to apply here.
Who said they should have kicked him out of congress... They should have however shared this info with the Democrats on the Ethics and Page committees!