If not God, then...

Simple question. If God did not create the universe, then who or what is responsible? Without a Creator, you have no choice but to believe that there was no cause for the universe. That it created itself. This violates every law of science, since nothing physical can create itself.

Now, before you idiot atheists ask who created God, I will point out the simple fact that God is not physical and has always existed. Any way you slice it, the universe requires a Creator.

Wrong forum, but your hitting yourself in the head with a two by four raising religion as a topic

Your endorsing Aquinas's Prime Mover theory, Aristotelian, looking for ratioanl explanations to spiritual questions on faith

Can't be done, doesn't have to be, think Augustanian, Plato, the belief in God doesn't have to be, actually can't be, explained rationally, you either believe it or you don't, why it is called faith, logic and religion don't interface
There will be no big crunch. The rate of expansion is accelerating. Try to stay informed.

Hey, who knows? That's the beauty of scientific inquiry. People have all kinds of theories and are compelled to tract them down. Religion is dogmatic and shuts down thought. Some say there are multiple universes, like soap bubbles. No one has a problem with YOUR theory that there is a God. Go prove it like all the other scientists do.
Wrong forum, but your hitting yourself in the head with a two by four raising religion as a topic

Your endorsing Aquinas's Prime Mover theory, Aristotelian, looking for ratioanl explanations to spiritual questions on faith

Can't be done, doesn't have to be, think Augustanian, Plato, the belief in God doesn't have to be, actually can't be, explained rationally, you either believe it or you don't, why it is called faith, logic and religion don't interface

Nothing physical can create itself. It's a scientific fact. Therefore, the physical universe had a non physical Creator.
Just as I suspected. Not a single one of you has an intelligent reply.

Just as I suspected...any reply given you will designate as "not intelligent" or "off track."

Stop being such a phony.

And stop pretending to be ignoring me. I know your kind...and my guess is you read everything I post.
for some believing in god means they get to hate people.

religion just confuses some people with low morals
"Why not assume "the universe" was never "created"...that it simply ALWAYS has existed?"

Because that would fuck up his whole narrative.
See ... the narrative has to be 'God always existed'.

And ... talks to Homo Sapiens here on Planet Earth, a truly special place filled with special people here in the vast expanse of the Cosmos.

Yup, I'm afraid you are correct.

We just gotta come back at him...and hope that he and others like him can finally start getting logical.
It is physically impossible for the universe to have always existed. If it were true, then there would be no energy left. Second law of thermo dynamics.

Oh, Jesus H. Christ.

Don't go scientific on us. Not when positing a being that "created" the universe.
Nothing physical can create itself. It's a scientific fact. Therefore, the physical universe had a non physical Creator.

Once again...irrationally asserting that "the universe" had to be "created"...just so you can posit a "Creator."

Get off that bullshit. It is a loser.
Nothing physical can create itself. It's a scientific fact. Therefore, the physical universe had a non physical Creator.

Try it once more, you are wasting your time, you can't prove that either, assume it, but can't definitively prove it, one can't prove God's existence rationally, but you don't need to, why it is called faith
Try it once more, you are wasting your time, you can't prove that either, assume it, but can't definitively prove it, one can't prove God's existence rationally, but you don't need to, why it is called faith

Then perhaps you could give us one example of something creating itself. That would blow my argument out of the water.
Then perhaps you could give us one example of something creating itself. That would blow my argument out of the water.

Last time I looked there were 250 creation stories to explain to people of the Bronze Age, "where do we come from?"...

Are you really quibbling about an ancient myth?
Yup, I'm afraid you are correct.

We just gotta come back at him...and hope that he and others like him can finally start getting logical.

Frank: "We just gotta come back at him...and hope that he and others like him can finally start getting logical."

My Position:
What if you were on a boat going up the Amazon River. After a day or two, you turned upon a tributary heading further into the unknown. After a week in the Amazonian Wilderness, you detect a Tribe of people. You stop and give them gifts. You try to understand their customs, rituals, their Way of Life.

All cultures throughout Time have some 'storyline' about 'The Beginning'. They have their 'stories', they have their assorted 'heroes'.

Now, you as an educated person ... would YOU try to explain YOUR version of Reality to them, or would you leave them to their ancient and familiar rituals and customs?

My View: Here in the Modern World, we still have Primitive People amongst us. Leave them be. Let them live in THEIR world. Think 'Amish'. Don't you support the Amish to live as they choose?
Last time I looked there were 250 creation stories to explain to people of the Bronze Age, "where do we come from?"...

Are you really quibbling about an ancient myth?

Doesn't matter what 'myth' you believe in, as far as this topic goes. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself. Do you disagree?
You are trying to make a myth fit scientific theory... or vice versa.. That is childish.

No. I stated a scientific fact, then offered an alternative. The only alternative. If something physical cannot create itself, that means someone created it. Simple logic.
Simple question. If God did not create the universe, then who or what is responsible? Without a Creator, you have no choice but to believe that there was no cause for the universe. That it created itself. This violates every law of science, since nothing physical can create itself.

Now, before you idiot atheists ask who created God, I will point out the simple fact that God is not physical and has always existed. Any way you slice it, the universe requires a Creator.

Your god is not phyical and has always existed? Who told you so? Your god?

What happened to that “created man in his own image” horseshit?
