If not God, then...

There will be no big crunch. The rate of expansion is accelerating. Try to stay informed.

It is accelerating? How do you know?

Oh, that’s right. SCIENTISTS, the same guys who provide actual SCIENTIFIC theories, told you so.

Gotta laugh at the disconnect there.
No. I stated a scientific fact, then offered an alternative. The only alternative. If something physical cannot create itself, that means someone created it. Simple logic.

It’s a scientific fact that your god has always existed? Please site a peer reviewed article on that.
Your god is not phyical and has always existed? Who told you so? Your god?

What happened to that “created man in his own image” horseshit?


man created god

mankind needed god at the time

that time may end

or we may always have a section of the population that needs a God

believe whatever you want people

don't try to force others to believe things you cant prove

accept that others don't believe in god for good reasons

its your faith

Frank: "We just gotta come back at him...and hope that he and others like him can finally start getting logical."

My Position:
What if you were on a boat going up the Amazon River. After a day or two, you turned upon a tributary heading further into the unknown. After a week in the Amazonian Wilderness, you detect a Tribe of people. You stop and give them gifts. You try to understand their customs, rituals, their Way of Life.

All cultures throughout Time have some 'storyline' about 'The Beginning'. They have their 'stories', they have their assorted 'heroes'.

Now, you as an educated person ... would YOU try to explain YOUR version of Reality to them, or would you leave them to their ancient and familiar rituals and customs?

My View: Here in the Modern World, we still have Primitive People amongst us. Leave them be. Let them live in THEIR world. Think 'Amish'. Don't you support the Amish to live as they choose?

Okay. I get your point.

I still like to dance with an ugly woman once in a while.
Why are you people avoiding the question? Can something physical create itself? It's a simple yes or no question. I think I know why you won't answer. If you answer yes, you look like a fool. If you answer no, then you agree with me. Lol. You can't win.
You know, it's an interesting question. With all our technology, the super computers, all the DNA and Genome knowledge we are acquiring, we still can't create 'Life'.

My son thinks Aliens seeded the Planet. That's as good as any other theory I've heard.
You know, it's an interesting question. With all our technology, the super computers, all the DNA and Genome knowledge we are acquiring, we still can't create 'Life'.

My son thinks Aliens seeded the Planet. That's as good as any other theory I've heard.


...the answer to the question, "Can something physical create itself?"...


...wait for it...


Nobody does.

If what we humans call "the universe" is a creation (something we do not know, but people like the ugly one blindly guesses is the case)...

...anyway, if what we humans call "the universe" is a creation...it either was created by something else or it was created by ITSELF.

We simply do not know.

Fact is, we actually do not even know if this thing we humans call "the universe" IS A PHYSICAL THING.

It may not be. (More about that some other time.)

The fact is that science may some day determine that SOME physical things CAN create themselves. It may even determine that this thing we humans call "the universe" DID JUST THAT...CREATED ITSELF.

Or it may determine that it, or its precursors, ALWAYS existed.

Ugly is being a dickhead about this...but ya gotta understand it. He thinks that "Creator" of his might find a reason to punish him by having him endure torture for all the rest of eternity.

Big motivation for all that bullshit of his.

By the way...Ugly is pretending to ignore me. He's supposedly not going to see any of this. You might want to discuss it.
Why are you people avoiding the question? Can something physical create itself? It's a simple yes or no question. I think I know why you won't answer. If you answer yes, you look like a fool. If you answer no, then you agree with me. Lol. You can't win.

The answer is you invented your god, pally boy. Including the version where he/she/it is not physical and has existed forever. The only part you got correct is the scientific fact that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. That’s what the SCIENTISTS have told you. Not the voices in your head.

...the answer to the question, "Can something physical create itself?"...


...wait for it...


Nobody does.

If what we humans call "the universe" is a creation (something we do not know, but people like the ugly one blindly guesses is the case)...

...anyway, if what we humans call "the universe" is a creation...it either was created by something else or it was created by ITSELF.

We simply do not know.

Fact is, we actually do not even know if this thing we humans call "the universe" IS A PHYSICAL THING.

It may not be. (More about that some other time.)

The fact is that science may some day determine that SOME physical things CAN create themselves. It may even determine that this thing we humans call "the universe" DID JUST THAT...CREATED ITSELF.

Or it may determine that it, or its precursors, ALWAYS existed.

Ugly is being a dickhead about this...but ya gotta understand it. He thinks that "Creator" of his might find a reason to punish him by having him endure torture for all the rest of eternity.

Big motivation for all that bullshit of his.

By the way...Ugly is pretending to ignore me. He's supposedly not going to see any of this. You might want to discuss it.

I agree with what you say.
I heard some scientist remark "If the Seven Dwarfs are running the Universe, we'll let you know."
That's good enough for me.

I think in the 'olden days', the High Priests held all the Answers, now it seems their descendants (Ministers of God) are Frauds and it's just a money-making operation. It probably should be illegal but ... when is fleecing the ignorant a crime?
I agree with what you say.
I heard some scientist remark "If the Seven Dwarfs are running the Universe, we'll let you know."
That's good enough for me.

I think in the 'olden days', the High Priests held all the Answers, now it seems their descendants (Ministers of God) are Frauds and it's just a money-making operation. It probably should be illegal but ... when is fleecing the ignorant a crime?

some human brains are wired for god beliefs

when humans knew next to nothing about how the world operated believing in a God like creature helped them survive a hostile world

human brain wiring

give them a break

believe whatever is in your heart folks

don't try to beat others over the head with your preferred myths

SCIENCE belief is not equal to a religion

the people who game science to make money or gain power are evil

don't follow them

I guess your parents gave you the wrong "talk"

You mean the wrong talk yours gave you about how someone can be the other gender because they feel that way?

One monkey butt fucked the other, shit came out, and they named it kudzu.
You mean the wrong talk yours gave you about how someone can be the other gender because they feel that way?

One monkey butt fucked the other, shit came out, and they named it kudzu.

that also involves brain wiring

its all sciencey

you idiot dick in the dirt dragging racists wont like it
Why are you people avoiding the question? Can something physical create itself? It's a simple yes or no question. I think I know why you won't answer. If you answer yes, you look like a fool. If you answer no, then you agree with me. Lol. You can't win.

No, it is not a simple Yes or No question.

If we had evidence of something creating itself, then the answer would be a definitive YES.

Lacking that evidence does not mean it is not possible ... The answer could either be Yes or no one knows.

You have a great deal of work to establish a definitive NO.

LOL to your dark heart's content, but until you (Nobel Prize winning advance in Science here) can prove it impossible, you've got nothing except your sophomoric mockery.