If Obama loses .. it won't be because of race.


The Force is With Me
Long, but interesting article, and I agree with much of it.


"Kicking Progressives in the Face

The ugly conceit with which Obama has been willing to risk alienating progressive, left-leaning voters could come back to haunt him in November. The militantly centrist corporate-sponsored Obama has irritated many of his leftmost supporters with the lurches he has made further to the right after securing the Democratic presidential nomination. Even I (a consistent left critic of Obama since his highly conservative 2004 Keynote Address) have been surprised at the speed and strength with which he has kicked his more progressive supporters in the face (and other bodily regions) by:

* embracing the Supreme Court ruling that invalidated a Washington D.C ban on personal handguns and claimed that the Second Constitutional Amendment pertains to private citizens, not just organized state "militias."

* declaring his belief in the state's right to kill certain criminals, including child rapists.

* becoming the first major party presidential candidate to bypass the public presidential financing system and to reject accompanying spending limits (violating his earlier pledge to work through the public system and accept those limits).

* supporting a refurbished spy bill that grants retroactive immunity to telephone corporations who collaborated with the White House in electronic surveillance of American citizens (violating Obama's earlier pledge to filibuster any surveillance legislation containing such immunity).

* appointing the corporate-friendly Wal-Mart apologist and Hamilton Project [3] economist Jason Furman as his economic policy director - something that stood in curious relation to his criticism ("I won't shop there") of Wal-Mart's low-wage anti-union practices when speaking to labor audiences.

* increasing his declared support of "free trade," contradicting his campaign-trail criticism of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

* "tweaking" his claim that he would meet with Iran's president (he added new and more restrictive conditions).

* embracing (in a speech to the powerful pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee - AIPAC) Bush-McCain rhetoric on the supposed Iranian nuclear threat and promising to do "anything" to protect the nuclear occupation and apartheid state of Israel from Iran (a nation previously attacked by Israel).

* calling (in his AIPAC speech) for an "undivided" Israel-run Jerusalem despite the fact that no government on the planet (and not even the Bush administration) supports Israeli's right to annex that UN-designated international city.

* making bolder Iraq "withdrawal" statements indicating that an Obama administration would not leave Iraq.

* vocally supporting a major part of the Republican agenda: the granting of public money to private religious organizations to provide social services.

* endorsing the conservative white male Blue Dog Democratic Congressman John Barrow (D-GA) over the progressive black female challenger Regina Thomas in a July 15 primary [4].

* flip-flopping on energy policy by calling for increased domestic and offshore oil drilling after it became clear that McCain was getting traction with voters by calling for such environmentally insensitive drilling."


If he loses, it will be because he blew it racing to the right.
I find it interesting that BAC is condemning Obama, while others maintain that his critics on this board are racists.
Let me also add that, despite my firm support of the supreme court's ruling concerning the 2nd Amendment, I was disappointed in Obama's statements that he agreed with it.

He has taken a stand against my beliefs in the past. Funny that he would not do so when something is riding on it.
Let me also add that, despite my firm support of the supreme court's ruling concerning the 2nd Amendment, I was disappointed in Obama's statements that he agreed with it.

He has taken a stand against my beliefs in the past. Funny that he would not do so when something is riding on it.

That's the point. The man seems to have never met an issue he won't take both sides on.

It seems that many of those who support him, particularly the antiwar crowd, will accept any indignity, any change of position, any betrayal he throws their way.

... which is why this will be ignored.
That's the point. The man seems to have never met an issue he won't take both sides on.

It seems that many of those who support him, particularly the antiwar crowd, will accept any indignity, any change of position, any betrayal he throws their way.

... which is why this will be ignored.

You're way better than everyone, and your badge is in the mail.
That's the point. The man seems to have never met an issue he won't take both sides on.

It seems that many of those who support him, particularly the antiwar crowd, will accept any indignity, any change of position, any betrayal he throws their way.

... which is why this will be ignored.

I've already pointed out to you on pretty much every single one of the points made above why you're wrong. I'm not going to bother going through them again. Suffice it to say that the list is full of gross exaggerations, simplifications and distortions. Some of it is accurate, but most of it is shit.

You basically want Obama to be a guy that can't win a general election or even a fucking Democratic primary. You basically want Denis Kucinich, which is fine. But you should recognize that such a person will never be president. Ever.
Obama is the best candidate out there who has any chance of actually serving.

It a very easy choice for me.
BTW, this is the first part of the article bac posted the middle of:

"While seeking to distance himself from his former pastor Jeremiah Wright last spring, Barack Obama told reporters that if he lost in his quest for the presidency, "it would not be because of race. It would be because of mistakes I made along the campaign trail"

I have no idea what's going to happen in November. This presidential election is even more difficult to call than the last two, thanks in part to race.

Still, I can safely say that, like many of Obama's formulations, his comment was partly true and largely false. Racial bloc voting and the well-documented reluctance of many whites to vote for a black presidential candidate - widely evident during the Democratic primaries - are obviously going to be a relevant factor in the November elections. If Obama loses to the reactionary war-mongering nut-job John McCain despite a political context that would normally strongly favor a Democrat this time around, the refusal of a significant number of white voters to support a black candidate will be a significant part of the explanation. "

Which sounds a lot like what I had said. Huh.
"You basically want Obama to be a guy that can't win a general election or even a fucking Democratic primary. You basically want Denis Kucinich, which is fine. But you should recognize that such a person will never be president. Ever."

Mega-ditto's on that one. Obama is getting a pretty rough treatment from many on the left right now, simply because of the high expectations & excitement he initially created. Now that people are coming to terms with the fact that he's got some regular ol' politician in him, the reaction to that is much more that it would be for anyone else that was in the Dem field, and certainly much more than anything McCain is getting.
Obama is the best candidate out there who has any chance of actually serving.

It a very easy choice for me.

OK that's true, from your perspective, and mine as well, but to other people, he may not be. When you criticize other candidates, you expect the supporters of those candidates to defend the positions said candidate takes. Is it fair for posters here to expect you to defend your candidates positions? And when you fail to do so, is it fair for them to conclude you agree with those positions anyway? My point is that McCain voters might not agree with every position McCain takes, so in the future, try to understand they are making a least damage decision just like you are, only based on their personal life experiences.