If the Democrats can’t landslide the Republicans this year....

Do I think that Colin Powell is a good guy? Yes. Do I think there are other people more qualified to be SOD? Yes. Do I think there are people more qualified than Condi to be SOS? Yes.
Good thing he was Sec of State rather than SecDef then... and he was well qualified for that position.
I did not.

And their convenient skin color.

They can basically do the job and they're black and conservative, so like Clarence Thomas, they are thrown into very high office to show how unracist conservatives are.

And how long has it been since the Democratic party wasn't dominated by the south? About thirty years.

When was the last time a democrat that was NOT from the south was elected President? 1960?

Johnson, Carter, and Clinton were all southerners.

And the fact that I mentioned the reconstruction was not about the south, but about how long ago it was.

And you said "None of the black appointments really ever held a lot of power, besides possibly Condi.", so I simply corrected you. I think Colin Powell held a good deal of power.
I did not.

And their convenient skin color.

They can basically do the job and they're black and conservative, so like Clarence Thomas, they are thrown into very high office to show how unracist conservatives are.

And how long has it been since the Democratic party wasn't dominated by the south? About thirty years.

See Solitary? You can give it up man! Waterhead has all the bases covered here... we appoint blacks to high cabinet level offices, and it's because they are "tokens" ...we don't vote for liberal blacks because we are "racists" ...we can't win no matter what we do.

The fact remains, 50% of the country votes Lib and 50% votes Con... If Obama loses by more than a hair, it is not because Cons were racists, it's because Libs were.
See Solitary? You can give it up man! Waterhead has all the bases covered here... we appoint blacks to high cabinet level offices, and it's because they are "tokens" ...we don't vote for liberal blacks because we are "racists" ...we can't win no matter what we do.

The fact remains, 50% of the country votes Lib and 50% votes Con... If Obama loses by more than a hair, it is not because Cons were racists, it's because Libs were.

You don't vote for blacks because there aren't any conservative ones.
And actually conservatives have a pretty good advantage over liberals in numbers. Obama has to win over a ton of moderates to get the nomination, most of them with a conservative lean. The only reason he even has a chance is because the Republicans were so terrible the last eight years.
You don't vote for blacks because there aren't any conservative ones.

Right... not because of their skin color! You are learning! I would be more than happy to vote for a black conservative, yellow conservative, red conservative, blue conservative, or green conservative... It doesn't matter what color the conservative is.
And actually conservatives have a pretty good advantage over liberals in numbers. Obama has to win over a ton of moderates to get the nomination, most of them with a conservative lean. The only reason he even has a chance is because the Republicans were so terrible the last eight years.

No, actually the past two presidential elections have been split right down the middle, and the current polls are split right down the middle.... we're half and half. As I said... Cons vote Con, Libs vote Lib... if Obama loses big, it's because Libs were racists, not Cons.
No, actually the past two presidential elections have been split right down the middle, and the current polls are split right down the middle.... we're half and half. As I said... Cons vote Con, Libs vote Lib... if Obama loses big, it's because Libs were racists, not Cons.

The presidential votes were split down the middle, but the Democrats had to appeal to moderate conservatives to do so. Republicans can just sing as conservative a tune as they want and at least 45% of America will vote for them.
As much as I hate to agree with Dixie, he does bring up a good point. If the republicans are so racist, why is it that the republican's cabinet has more minorities than any presidential cabinet in history?

Well, you see... because 20-25% of the Dems are racist it must mean the Reps are even worse. It just must mean that. It has to mean that. I mean...like... come on... the Dems are like the party of tolerance and all.

The presidential votes were split down the middle, but the Democrats had to appeal to moderate conservatives to do so. Republicans can just sing as conservative a tune as they want and at least 45% of America will vote for them.

If anyone has a handicap appealing to the base in this election, it is McCain appealing to conservatives. Libs will (mostly) vote Obama, Cons will (mostly) vote McCain... pretty much 50/50 down the middle, if recent elections are a guide. That being said, if Obama should lose by a shoestring, no big deal... 'he wasn't moderate enough', is a good excuse.... but if he gets hammered by McCain... say by 10-15%... it is an indication that Liberals didn't vote for their Liberal candidate.... only one reason Libs wouldn't vote for a fellow Lib that I can think of.
Everyone agrees he should be ahead by double-digits now. The national conversation regarding this has gotten absurd...oh, what could it be? It must be his inexperience, or William Ayers! What, oh what could it possibly be?

Fuck off, asshole. It is pricks like YOU who keep racism alive and kicking. :mad:

Let it die already, motherfucker. There is no racism in this election. If Obama loses, it's because he was a piss-poor candidate who ran a piss-poor campaign.

Get over it!
Fuck off, asshole. It is pricks like YOU who keep racism alive and kicking. :mad:

Let it die already, motherfucker. There is no racism in this election. If Obama loses, it's because he was a piss-poor candidate who ran a piss-poor campaign.

Get over it!

"We don't care what color you are, as long as you can get the job done.... "

Good lord, Dixie; you continue to out-do yourself.

Really? "You Republicans" don't care about race...all of you? Every single Republican, when they get in the voting booth, will think only along the lines of "who can get the job done," and won't see the color of the candidate's skin at all?

Wow, is that amazing. "You Republicans" are so much smarter & evolved than I thought. I'm glad you cleared that up.
What could it be? Millions who were supporting him suddenly found out he was black? I don't think so. Weak excuse.
If the Dem's lose, it's because all the Bumper stickers look like they say Osama Binladen from a distance.

Obama Biden
Osama Binladen

We know how much bumper stickers sway the vote.
If the Dem's lose, it's because all the Bumper stickers look like they say Osama Binladen from a distance.

Obama Biden
Osama Binladen

We know how much bumper stickers sway the vote.
This is better than the assumption that millions suddenly realized he was African-American and decided to throw their vote behind McCain because he's white.
This is better than the assumption that millions suddenly realized he was African-American and decided to throw their vote behind McCain because he's white.

Yeah, I thought so too. Wait until those voters realize McCain is the dead guy from "Weekend at Bernie's".
Hillary said something very telling in her speech last night. She said something to the effect that the Supreme Court was in a right wing deadlock....(and then congress is in gridlock, I believe was the rest of the line). I am telling you that for many of us conservative democrats that is the biggest deal of all. While the decision of the Supreme Court on the DC gun ban a while back was positive for 2nd ammendment supporters, it was of the slimmest of margins (5-4). Dislike Bush all you want but the plain truth is that were Gore or Kerry president during the last 8 years we who are 2nd ammendment supporters would be cussing instead of celebrating. Things like this are exactly why many folks will vote for the republican candidate.....even when they might agree with the democratic candidate on a lot of issues.
That's true. Court appointments are pretty much the only saving grace of the Bush administration.

Kerry and Gore would have appointed anti-gun justices.
If the Democrats can’t landslide the Republicans this year, they ought to just wrap up, close down, and emerge in a different form.

unbelievable Mccain takes lead... Just wait till he adds Romney. Even some of my liberal friends and family say they will vote moderate mccain if he takes moderate Romney.

BTW in MA after Romney's programs.. MA has most helthcare coverage and SAT scores are going up dramatically.

Onac again, democrats grab defeat ...