If the economy is doing great, why do Dems beg for benefits?

They are evaporating because the jobs they once had are being slashed by republicans.

SHOW us where the republicans have proposed lowering taxes on the working poor.

show us how the federal government has ever improved the economy by creating more jobs for takers?
Yet unemployment keeps dropping. Are these non-middle class jobs that are being created?

No...the tea party governors are ELIMINATING government jobs...private sector jobs are being created. BTW, the republicans ALSO have obstructed any infrastructure jobs to repair our bridges and roads which Bush and the republican congress ignored while they funneled money into wars.
No...the tea party governors are ELIMINATING government jobs...private sector jobs are being created. BTW, the republicans ALSO have obstructed any infrastructure jobs to repair our bridges and roads which Bush and the republican congress ignored while they funneled money into wars.

So the new private sector jobs being created are not middle class jobs?
show us how the federal government has ever improved the economy by creating more jobs for takers?


In the winter of 1933, with unemployment reaching 25 percent, Roosevelt established the Civil Works Administration, an emergency jobs program that put 4.2 million unemployed to work within six months. He also started the Civilian Conservation Corps to employ a half-million young men with minimal skills in useful work in the nation's parks, forests and rangelands. Meanwhile, Roosevelt launched the Public Works Administration, which funded long-term infrastructure projects such as highways, bridges, dams and public buildings.

The WPA followed in 1935, employing 8.5 million more between 1935 and 1943. It put those men and women to work on projects requested by state and local governments, such as roads, schools, sewers and airports, and operated local arts, educational and media programs.

Once the New Deal was launched in 1933, the US economy began to grow again by leaps and bounds - at a rate of nearly 10 percent per year. By 1937, production had doubled and the unemployment rate had dropped by half. By 1941, before the war began, the economy was back where it would have been had the Depression never happened. With the wartime build-up, mass unemployment became a distant memory.

To tackle our current unemployment crisis, the federal government should spend $500 billion a year over the next three years on emergency jobs programs like those of the New Deal. The first step would be to give every state and local government the funds to restore their budgets. The loss of 680,000 teaching, police, transit, and other public-sector jobs over the last three years has contributed measurably to the downturn.

The second step would be direct programs to create new full-time jobs for the unemployed - at the median wage of $16.27 an hour - in areas where the need is obvious: in schools (e.g., teachers, school maintenance and enrichment programs); human services (e.g., child care, home care and health care); and energy conservation (e.g., retrofitting homes and public buildings).

To this should be added a third step: financing large-scale public works programs to build schools, bridges, a "smart" electrical grid, zero-emission buses, high-speed rail, wind farms and affordable housing. The pathetic state of our national infrastructure has been decried for years by the American Society of Civil Engineers, which gives the country a D grade, and the United States ranks 32nd in the world in infrastructure, according to McKinsey Global Institute.

A substantial increase of government spending for public works will create expanded opportunity for youth, women and minority workers to enter state-certified apprenticeship programs in the construction trades and to earn a middle-class income.
No...the tea party governors are ELIMINATING government jobs...private sector jobs are being created. BTW, the republicans ALSO have obstructed any infrastructure jobs to repair our bridges and roads which Bush and the republican congress ignored while they funneled money into wars.

Bush hasn't been president sine January 2009.

First you claim the economy hasn't collapsed and the private sector is creating jobs, and then you claim Republicans are destroying jobs.

You lost your government job, didn't you?

The private sector is creating jobs - what's the problem?
So the new private sector jobs being created are not middle class jobs?

Not enough to replace those the republicans are eliminating and the RTW states are downsizing.

do you have information to contradict this?

If so, please feel free to join in the discussion.
Who said they did?

So you don't know, but you offered it as "proof"?

You said it when you created this thread.

I don't care. It's your party...do you not know what they did with this? Are you that void of understanding how your party works?

Seems to me you create more fantasies about democrats than you have realities about republican/tea partiers.
i wouldn't trust truthout even if they told me water was wet. and roosevelts plan was shown to be wrong anyway.

Show me your proof truthout has lied.

Show me your proof Roosevelt's plan was wrong.

Contrast that with Hoover's plan of helping this nation out of the depression the banks created when the republicans ALSO deregulated the banks as they did in 1996
Show me your proof truthout has lied.

Show me your proof Roosevelt's plan was wrong.

Contrast that with Hoover's plan of helping this nation out of the depression the banks created when the republicans ALSO deregulated the banks as they did in 1996
when biased media sources push and promote radically diverse opinions about a historical event and it's results, I expect them both to be outright lies. let me repeat that for you, just so you don't assume i'm a conservative, that BOTH left and right have lied to us for decades, even about the depression causes, effects, and resolutions.
Daily Kos said The Obama Economy is Doing Well...


You said it when you created this thread.

I don't care. It's your party...do you not know what they did with this? Are you that void of understanding how your party works?

Seems to me you create more fantasies about democrats than you have realities about republican/tea partiers.

Ever notice when you present them with facts they ask another stupid question or try to change the subject to Obama? Ever notice how their memories only go back to yesterday?
Not enough to replace those the republicans are eliminating and the RTW states are downsizing.

do you have information to contradict this?

If so, please feel free to join in the discussion.

So there is negative job growth under President Obama? Because that is what you are claiming if you think the loss of government jobs has outpaced the growth of private sector jobs.