If the govt. legalized murder, would you then belive it was morally acceptable?

BTW... embryos, zigots nor fetuss are children.

LMAO... you really need to study biology.... perhaps you would prefer progeny... since you obviously believe in the magic baby fairy that turns the fetus into a child at birth.

A Zygote is the combination of two cells... an egg cell and a sperm cell. When they combine they form a unique life. For humans, we call this unique offspring of a human male and human female a child. The Zygote is the first step in the childs development.

An Embryo is once the zygote begins to divide. It is the second phase of a childs development in the uterus.

A Fetus is the third phase where the unborn child develops further.

If you are not comfortable calling it a child, then what do you propose? Shall we simply pretend it is not the offspring/progeny of humans? Shall we pretend it is not human so we can justify to ourselves killing kids for convenience?
Super you are an idiot if you dont understand that someone can be against people having abortions while not agreeing that the practice should be made illegal.

You are an idiot if you think I am going to go along with your self delusional bullshit.

Abortion is like murder... you are taking an innocent life.... you either support the child having rights or you don't.
You are an idiot if you think I am going to go along with your self delusional bullshit.

Abortion is like murder... you are taking an innocent life.... you either support the child having rights or you don't.

You are too emotional to see logic. It is not so black and white, but you can go on... Logical debate is useless with someone who merely emotionally believes something so blindly.
You are an idiot if you think I am going to go along with your self delusional bullshit.

Abortion is like murder... you are taking an innocent life.... you either support the child having rights or you don't.

I support fetus's having rights, I just belive in ballancing those rights with those of the mother in the eyes of the law.
How very liberal of you. Should we pass laws restricting what the pregnant mother eats during pregnancy ? a felony for drinking or smoking ? where does it end once it begins ?
Should SS survivor dependent benefits begin at conception ?

Did you ever answer this SF ?
Originally Posted by uscitizen
How very liberal of you. Should we pass laws restricting what the pregnant mother eats during pregnancy ? a felony for drinking or smoking ? where does it end once it begins ?
Should SS survivor dependent benefits begin at conception ?
Speeding puts others in danger. Should we make speeding tickets a felony under reckless endangerment?

When one starts bringing out ridiculous extensions, it is indicative they have run out of any genuine points of debate.
Speeding puts others in danger. Should we make speeding tickets a felony under reckless endangerment?

When one starts bringing out ridiculous extensions, it is indicative they have run out of any genuine points of debate.

Hey if the unborn have rights then culd support starts at conception so do social program benefits. How can you have that fetus life there and deny them benefits If the mother drinks or smokes while ptrrgnant she should be charged with child abuse