If Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028

“Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years”​

”Christians, get out and vote, just this time,” Trump exclaimed to a cheering crowd in West Palm Beach, Fla.”

“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians” he added.”

“I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” Trump said.”

As I’ve said, who is going to stop him, force him to leave, not the cult, the GOP, the law, the SCOTUS, the Constitution, the right wing media, in fact, all of those entities will support and defend him

Trump Promises 'No More Voting' After Election If He Wins In Authoritarian Declaration​

What more does this idiot have to say or do to let the American Stupid understand, he's unhinged and hell fire bent on destroying the country by any means necessary?? These morons that find this all okay, are the same stupid fucks that refused to wear mask when asked by authoritarian law makers. Refused to get shots, refused to do this, do that....and they're okay with THE GOP TAKING OVER AND TELLING THEM WHAT THE FUCK TO DO??
If Trump wins Vance will be dictator Before four years. Obese people rarely make it to 80z
What more does this idiot have to say or do to let the American Stupid understand, he's unhinged and hell fire bent on destroying the country by any means necessary?? These morons that find this all okay, are the same stupid fucks that refused to wear mask when asked by authoritarian law makers. Refused to get shots, refused to do this, do that....and they're okay with THE GOP TAKING OVER AND TELLING THEM WHAT THE FUCK TO DO??
Oh, I think they understand, they feel safer with an authoritarian.
Oh, I think they understand, they feel safer with an authoritarian.
On theory, yes. On paper yes...but we know what we got in this country...stupid, unhealthy, uneducated, racist ingrates that deny facts and thrive on lies and promises and for the negro's that flow with that shit....show just how lost in space we are as a race. Every time there's an election, black ppl come with thier damn hands out....damit, stop waiting on laws and the government to make your lives better, start with yourself, and spread that wisdom to your kids and your communities and stop CREATING LEFT BEHIND RACIST WHITE FUCKS WHEN YOU DO THIS HANDS OUT SHIT!!
Trump is like a train you know is gonna derail sooon and all the warnings and information given, is ignored. Sadly, Democrats can not get a fuckin break. Trump is the most beatable candidate known to mankind and still we can't seem to topple this monster. If he wins this Nov..than its God's will that we as a nation suffer the consequences of hate and loathing for a country that was once blessed.

“Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years”​

”Christians, get out and vote, just this time,” Trump exclaimed to a cheering crowd in West Palm Beach, Fla.”

“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians” he added.”

“I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” Trump said.”

As I’ve said, who is going to stop him, force him to leave, not the cult, the GOP, the law, the SCOTUS, the Constitution, the right wing media, in fact, all of those entities will support and defend him
this proves how deranged the fuckwits on the left have become.......certainly they cannot be trusted to run a country......
sounds like he is preparing to suspend the Constitution and become the nations first Dictator.
the Right had better watch out what they wish for.
again after he is done taking away the people on the lefts Constitutional rights what says he doesn't come after theirs?
GOD Bless America
we are going to need it
Have a nice day for as long as you can.
sounds like you need to be committed to a mental institution.....
Where is he going? To a trump concentration camp?
No,....but you just might. I do not believe you can be re educated , too weak minded and lazy. But you can be used to better the economy for the rest of us at one of the forced labor camps hand digging coal or some such. My advice to you is to not waste your money buying any new clothes as you wont need them. They wont fit. After November you will be dropping a lot of weight quite rapidly from the work load and minimum caloric intake as expendable labor. That and you will also be given the standard issue work fatigues and soft sole shoes for inmates at the camp. Plus one tin cup and one tin plate. Sorry, but No silverware included.
No,....but you just might. I do not believe you can be re educated , too weak minded and lazy. But you can be used to better the economy for the rest of us at one of the forced labor camps hand digging coal or some such. My advice to you is to not waste your money buying any new clothes as you wont need them. They wont fit. After November you will be dropping a lot of weight quite rapidly from the work load and minimum caloric intake as expendable labor. That and you will also be given the standard issue work fatigues and soft sole shoes for inmates at the camp. Plus one tin cup and one tin plate. Sorry, but No silverware included.
Didn't you just say that liberals should only be laughed at and not responded to? Whoops! FTR I didn't read what you said. LOL
Have a day!
Didn't you just say that liberals should only be laughed at and not responded to? Whoops! FTR I didn't read what you said. LOL
Have a day!
I am laughing at you,...a LOT. Furthermore,....when I say responded to I meant in a non serious manner. It would be like replying seriously to Bozo the clown or the three stooges,....so no sense even trying. Just laugh at them and ridicule their silly asses. All they are really good for anyway.
Adolf Hitler also made such a statement.

In the lead-up to the 1933 elections in Germany, he promised that if the Nazi Party won, it would be the last election for a long time.

This was part of his strategy to consolidate power and eliminate democratic processes in Germany. Once in power, Hitler moved quickly to dismantle the democratic institutions of the Weimar Republic and establish a totalitarian regime.

This is how you get The Night of the Long Knives




“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians” he added.”
This little snippet won't get any traction. The preceding and following context has been cropped. Trump was talking about election stealing (which was cropped out) and that he'll have it all fixed in four years. Trump is emphasizing that they all have to get out and vote this time, and that they won't be so pressured once everything is fixed.

The obvious dishonesty is very Guno-ish.