If you Democrat dummies nominate Hillary, I will vote for the Republican.

For much of that debate you couldn't even see Edwards. The media is treating like the voters are. He didn't appear to win that debate to me. He seemed ineffectual.
BF thought you were a dem?
do you hate strong woman?

1. Well I think after 20 years we need someone besides a Clinton and a Bush.

2. she is fake as fuck.

3. I don't hate women. I love to put my dick in them.

4. Hillary isn't strong
1. Well I think after 20 years we need someone besides a Clinton and a Bush.

2. she is fake as fuck.

3. I don't hate women. I love to put my dick in them.

4. Hillary isn't strong

1.) Its been 27 years if you count the years the senior Bush was veep.

2.) She's not only fake, she wants to kill Americans by sending them into more and more war. Read it, she wishes death upon our young.

3.) There was a chick with really big tits at the Longs Drugs today.

4.) Agreed, she's not strong, she's just an ambitious warhawk that will never put the interests of the country above her own inflated self image.

She's a piece of shit.
No one wants to hear Edwards any more than they want to hear Paul or Kucenich. He's a fringe joke of a candidate buying his way to a third place finish.
Romney was considered a joke also by the libs. They were trying to say public opinion. Don't do that. We are above that mentality because we know the truth.
It is no joke that some of those candidates you mentioned would be a nightmare for this country. I take them very seriously. (I exclude Paul from being a nightmare--4 years of Paul trying to reverse 100 years of nepotism could only be a start.)
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Where is Edwards getting blacked out by the media? News Google his name and you can ten's of thousands of mentions in the last day mostly from MSM sources.

I didn't literally mean a total blackout, (cue Beefy with "Cypress is Lying again!") that was a metaphor for a concerted media effort to not cover his campaign. Given that he has been a top tier contender in all the polls for the Dem nomination for two freaking years, his coverage has been an order of magnitude less than clinton or obama. There are statistics to prove it, but I don't feel compelled to prove something that is patently obvious to the most casual observer of cable news.
No one gets blacked out including Ron Paul, but you bastards sure bitched up a storm over his coverage.

I just explained the coverage of edwards to you. I relaly don't care what you think RS, but don't come on here acting like you know shit when you don't even watch it.

Paul was actually blacked out and treated unfairly. He was excluded from debates and forums, he finished second in Nevada and the media has done it's best to ignore it.

To compare Edwards coverage to Paul's is ridiculous. Do a news Google on Paul and you will find fewer articles while many of those found are actually blog posts and others are small town papers.

Edwards is a media darling. You fools are pretending he is the antiestablishment candidate getting the shaft. He is the establishment.
Paul was actually blacked out and treated unfairly

What Fox News did to Paul was inexcusable. When they shut him out of the debate. They allowed Grandpa Fred in the debate, for christ's sake.
1.) Its been 27 years if you count the years the senior Bush was veep.

2.) She's not only fake, she wants to kill Americans by sending them into more and more war. Read it, she wishes death upon our young.

3.) There was a chick with really big tits at the Longs Drugs today.

4.) Agreed, she's not strong, she's just an ambitious warhawk that will never put the interests of the country above her own inflated self image.

She's a piece of shit.

Word (to your mutha)
1. Well after 20 years I think we need someone beside a Clinton ,Bush or neocon.

2. She has taken too much lobbyist money.

3. black Flag sees womens reason for exsisting is for him to try and put his dick in them(especially the one at the drug stor with big tits).

4. Hillary has been a tuff ass senator for her state, she has taken what the Right has thrown at her for years and the world will breathe a sigh of relief at hearing the name Clinton as apposed to the name Bush.Shes not my first choice by any estimation but she sure as hell is not a neocon which is who has fucked our country really good this time.
I can't see Hillary being anything more than an ineffective 1-termer. She'll hurt the Dems in the long-run, and boost turnout for the GOP for the mid-terms like no other.

That's the way it's headed, though...
I would love to see Edwards who takes no lobbist money. It is not happening. I would like to see Obama . It may happen. I would take hillary over another republican. If McCain got elected I could always hope he would turn on his masters. If Romney won I would worry about aliens coming to get us. If Huckabee won I would worry about armegedon.
If the Rs nominate Huckabee I'll be voting Libertarian. Even if Clinton is the opponent.

I think Huckabee is pretty much done. He needed to win S Carolina. But if he wins the Rep nod, he will not get my vote. I will vote Bloomberg. Because if it is Huck and Hill..... Bloomberg will enter.