ignore 007

It's not that. He's constantly and persistently violating the rules of the forum. He's been warned time and time again since his last ban and he came right back guns a-blazin.

12.It should be particularly attended to, to avoid any and all mention of descriptive encounters with children. It is unacceptable to bring that onto the board in any context. Do not suggest encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child.

I've sent PM after PM...I've mentioned it on here...I've done everything I can. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why he's still posting.

As I stated...I don't want to be on Forced Ignore with him, particularly since he's using TapATalk and can see and respond to my posts and I can't defend him calling me a pedophile and child rapist in every post.

I'm seriously considering leaving this forum, despite the trolls response to my having just said that.
Well, he'll likely get banned from the APP Forum soon, DQ, and then you won't have to worry about him much.

no problem, i just added him to my ignore list so i will not have to put up with his trash in any forum...what me worry?
Paulie one-note.

If everybody puts you on ignore....well, it's like that old question about if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it happen, did it really make any noise.... Pretty soon you'll be ranting and raving at all these posts that "liberals" make, but nobody will hardly even KNOW you're back there somewhere ranting, and they won't ever hear what it is your ranting about. I wonder... Is that your long term strategic goal whenever you join a message board?
Paulie one-note.

If everybody puts you on ignore....well, it's like that old question about if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it happen, did it really make any noise.... Pretty soon you'll be ranting and raving at all these posts that "liberals" make, but nobody will hardly even KNOW you're back there somewhere ranting, and they won't ever hear what it is your ranting about. I wonder... Is that your long term strategic goal whenever you join a message board?

And if you stop posting, again; we won't know if you're just taking another sabbatical or if you were arrested for smuggling guns into Mexico.
It's not that. He's constantly and persistently violating the rules of the forum. He's been warned time and time again since his last ban and he came right back guns a-blazin.

I've sent PM after PM...I've mentioned it on here...I've done everything I can. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why he's still posting.

As I stated...I don't want to be on Forced Ignore with him, particularly since he's using TapATalk and can see and respond to my posts and I can't defend him calling me a pedophile and child rapist in every post.

I'm seriously considering leaving this forum, despite the trolls response to my having just said that.

Much as I have very little time for 007, you are hardly one to talk as I don't recall you admonishing Bijou when she started calling people paedophiles. You were even more silent, if that is possible, when Darla called me a rapist.
Much as I have very little time for 007, you are hardly one to talk as I don't recall you admonishing Bijou when she started calling people paedophiles. You were even more silent, if that is possible, when Darla called me a rapist.

Although calling someone a rapist isn't in violation of board rules, I don't recall either.
Threats have been made.

"Threats" you can't corroborate...meaning your unfounded claims are just more 00Nutjob bullshit.

Denial is support.

"Denial" is denial...nothing more. Except in your delusional mind maybe.

You are a liberal totalitarian, you agree with the threats provided they are for political gain for your cult.

"Threats" you can't prove ever occurred.
"Threats" you can't corroborate...meaning your unfounded claims are just more 00Nutjob bullshit.

"Denial" is denial...nothing more. Except in your delusional mind maybe.

"Threats" you can't prove ever occurred.

Ya know...I still have all the pics he's posted, plus all his posts archived elsewhere, nowhere do I see any threats.