ignore 007

Please tell us... What does "with you at all times" actually mean? Do you carry it in your heart, and therefore, is the statement more metaphorical than factual? what does it really mean?
Did 007 say he's carrying a loaded concealed weapon in Mass? In his car and office? Sorry, Paulie. That's illegal. Thank goodness I have your name and social. I need to make a phone call...
How exactly do you "ready" yourself? Are you on a constant state of high alert, standing behind your locked, door with your khukuri quivering in your hand? That doesn't sound like much of a life. I don't think I'd worry so much about it if I were you.

And yet, you illegally smuggled a firearm into Mexico. :palm:
That's not true, now whether he has a permit is another matter altogether.


Oops! Too late! I already reported him with all pertinent info!

Since Howard feels this is necessary, then I guess he would also want to inform the Mexican Government that Maineman has admitted smuggling a firearm into Mexico.

I don't have the wealth of info on MM do do that, and I'm sure that the Mexican government could care less, given the cash flow of the hundreds of thousands of retired US millitary who live in their country. It's the criminals and lowlifes like you they want to keep guns away from.
The Mexican government could care less, and MUCH more importantly, my LOCAL government could care much less than that.
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I can imagine you'll be all yessir, nosir, bowin' and scrapin', shuckin' and jivin' when they come to see you....or maybe, one of 'em might be a democrat and you could pull that bigass knife out and cut his head off!
The Mexican government could care less, and MUCH more importantly, my LOCAL government could care much less than that.

Are you positive that the Mexican government could care less?

Don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into Mexico.

Don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in Mexico.

You may become one of dozens of U.S. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating Mexico’s strict weapons laws.

If you are caught with firearms or ammunition in Mexico...

•You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;
•You will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;
•You will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;
•You may get up to a 30-year sentence in a Mexican prison if found guilty.
If you carry a knife on your person in Mexico, even a pocketknife . . .

•You may be arrested and charged with possession of a deadly weapon;
•You may spend weeks in jail waiting for trial, and tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees, court costs, and fines;
•If convicted, you may be sentenced to up to five years in a Mexican prison.
Claiming not to know about the law will not get you leniency from a police officer or the judicial system. Leave your firearms, ammunition, and knives at home. Don’t bring them into Mexico.


• Never bring a firearm across the border! Don’t even attempt to do this unless you are of military need to take one with you. If you try to cross the border with firearm tucked away you risk spending time in a Mexican prison and you most likely won’t get into the country.
I can imagine you'll be all yessir, nosir, bowin' and scrapin', shuckin' and jivin' when they come to see you....or maybe, one of 'em might be a democrat and you could pull that bigass knife out and cut his head off!

Or he could cement the possibility of getting the job, by letting them know about some guy named Maineman who has admitted to smuggling a gun into Mexico.