ignore list....

Yeah. The assholes in my state are gonna allow the lazy shits in Phila. to cast late votes. That is bullshit (unless they're from our military)!!

Nobody casts late ballots, Einstein. But of course whatever Donald wants, Donald gets- right
As a country we have always counted votes that were postmarked on or before Election Day. So why do we change now??
Do you have a good reason?

???....can you provide some evidence that this is true?.....the only exception I am aware of are military ballots that were transported within the military delivery system.....
nothing in that article speaks of votes which were not in hand on election day.......it speaks of counting provisional ballots.......try again....

READ you fucking moron. When you hero won the last election there were plenty of votes counted after Election Day. In fact as many as 10% yet you said nothing. Now its such a terrible thing, you fucking idiot. Its all in the article.
READ you fucking moron. When you hero won the last election there were plenty of votes counted after Election Day. In fact as many as 10% yet you said nothing. Now its such a terrible thing, you fucking idiot. Its all in the article.

I read it......I find nothing in the article that speaks of counting votes RECEIVED after the election......feel free to quote anything in your article that you believe says otherwise.........otherwise you're just standing there with your dick hanging out of your pants.......
So you flat-out lied concerning your promise to leave the forum permanently if Trump were impeached

unless Nancy lied, I have not lied.......Trump hasn't been impeached.......he's just been Nancy Danced......

“Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” she said. “He’s just not worth it.”
Absolutely NOT!

Why is that? What if those absentee ballots were mailed a week before the election, but got "lost" in the mail? What if those ballots came from our military ppl serving overseas? Throw them out? What if they came from our citizens working overseas? Throw them out?

Why is that you RWers want to throw away people's votes?
Nobody casts late ballots, Einstein. But of course whatever Donald wants, Donald gets- right

With the possible exception of our military overseas, everyone stateside had ample time to mail their ballots to arrive on or before today. Anything arriving later should not be counted.
And no, he doesn't get whatever he wants. I wish Trump did get a few things he wants. Another 4 years, for one.
Why is that? What if those absentee ballots were mailed a week before the election, but got "lost" in the mail? What if those ballots came from our military ppl serving overseas? Throw them out? What if they came from our citizens working overseas? Throw them out?

Why is that you RWers want to throw away people's votes?

People had ample time to mail ballots in early. Are you suggesting it's just Dems who are too stupid and lazy to get them in on time?
I agree anything coming in a day or two late should be added. But how long should we have to wait for late ballots? A week? A month?
People had ample time to mail ballots in early. Are you suggesting it's just Dems who are too stupid and lazy to get them in on time?
I agree anything coming in a day or two late should be added. But how long should we have to wait for late ballots? A week? A month?

It is up to each state to decide how long (or if) to count votes after the Election Day polls close. Given the problems with the USPS lately, you'd think that you would want *all* the votes counted, particularly those coming from our troops stationed out of the country. You do want all the votes to count, right?
I sincerely hope that you've got me on your ignore list, because I've got you on mine.

Unlike you, I don't feel the need to hide behind some list. You just admitted you're a fucking coward and are likely too stupid to even know you did it.
It is up to each state to decide how long (or if) to count votes after the Election Day polls close. Given the problems with the USPS lately, you'd think that you would want *all* the votes counted, particularly those coming from our troops stationed out of the country. You do want all the votes to count, right?

Read my above posts. I addressed that.
The creation of an ignore list is the mark of a putz.

The longer it is the worse you are.


That's nonsense. There are a number of people on here who are content forever to do nothing but scream silly racist and similar insults at opponents. That makes for total tedium, and the Ignore function just indicates you've got better things to do with your time while allowing them to go on spouting muck if that's their thing.