I'll be spending a lot more time on here for the next 12 days or so..........

I was forced to take a short "vacation" from the US Message Boards (USMB) site for being too mean to the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics that post on their threads. I WAS warned a few times, so I wasn't THAT surprised. I should've been smarter, I take the blame for my "vacation". So you'll be seeing me on here quite a bit until my "vacation" is over. I WILL try to have fun, and attempt to NOT be too hard on the knuckleheads that post on here.
I was forced to take a short "vacation" from the US Message Boards (USMB) site for being too mean to the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics that post on their threads. I WAS warned a few times, so I wasn't THAT surprised. I should've been smarter, I take the blame for my "vacation". So you'll be seeing me on here quite a bit until my "vacation" is over. I WILL try to have fun, and attempt to NOT be too hard on the knuckleheads that post on here.

Never heard of that site. Going to try that out. After your "vacation" is over, I hope you'll stick around.
Never heard of that site. Going to try that out. After your "vacation" is over, I hope you'll stick around.

It's a decent site. It's main focus is politics, but you can start threads on just about anything imaginable. And it has roughly THREE TIMES the amount of forums that we have on here. It's definitely worth checking out. And I WILL keep posting on here after my "vacation", but much less frequently than I posted tonight and will posting in the next 12 days.
I was forced to take a short "vacation" from the US Message Boards (USMB) site for being too mean to the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics that post on their threads. I WAS warned a few times, so I wasn't THAT surprised. I should've been smarter, I take the blame for my "vacation". So you'll be seeing me on here quite a bit until my "vacation" is over. I WILL try to have fun, and attempt to NOT be too hard on the knuckleheads that post on here.

Sounds like a site I wouldn't last a day in being honest about life in plain sight. Read their rules of engagement and they don't allow correcting compounding human error at all.
Steven, if CalFlTenn and westwall gave you a vacation and you are a hard on conservative, you were being far more than a little bit hard headed to the liberals.

Those two wack jobs are crazier than Trump.
I WAS calling the knuckleheads dumbshits, dumbasses, shitheads, and fuckwads. This MAY have had something to do with my unplanned "vacation".
I WAS calling the knuckleheads dumbshits, dumbasses, shitheads, and fuckwads. This MAY have had something to do with my unplanned "vacation".

So that would indicate you are bereft of intelligent thoughts and incapable of a reasoned debate. You should fit right in with the rest of the Trump Cult here.
So that would indicate you are bereft of intelligent thoughts and incapable of a reasoned debate. You should fit right in with the rest of the Trump Cult here.

And THIS would indicate YOU have the mental capacity of an enlightened eggplant, or perhaps a gifted rutabaga..........
So that would indicate you are bereft of intelligent thoughts and incapable of a reasoned debate. You should fit right in with the rest of the Trump Cult here.

Reasonable debate centered on situational ethics building realities where actual life is being ignored as physically limited to reproductions ancestrally timed apart now in plain sight for what, picking sides of most popular form of denying physical limitations as practiced so far.

Where is the debate about what went wrong to start with instead of always arguing on never getting back to how life actually works sustaining spontaneously alive while reproductively added to ever changing forms shaped here now.

Simple compounding did to does remain as never being the same total sum achieved from now on. Every reproduction regardless its species is 50/50 each parent, 25% the 4 grandparents, 12.5% great grandparents, 6.25% great great.

All that being 100% 1 of a kind timed apart now as equally occupying space in this atmosphere. Kinetic results not potential differences of opinions governing outcomes from now on like there is a tomorrow factually considered possible because everyone agrees now cannot be point of origin to only reporductively timed apart in living plain sight.

What is the negative nobody can historically disprovecomparing beliefs life is more than simultaneously alive as spontaneously here?
Reasonable debate centered on situational ethics building realities where actual life is being ignored as physically limited to reproductions ancestrally timed apart now in plain sight for what, picking sides of most popular form of denying physical limitations as practiced so far.

Where is the debate about what went wrong to start with instead of always arguing on never getting back to how life actually works sustaining spontaneously alive while reproductively added to ever changing forms shaped here now.

Simple compounding did to does remain as never being the same total sum achieved from now on. Every reproduction regardless its species is 50/50 each parent, 25% the 4 grandparents, 12.5% great grandparents, 6.25% great great.

All that being 100% 1 of a kind timed apart now as equally occupying space in this atmosphere. Kinetic results not potential differences of opinions governing outcomes from now on like there is a tomorrow factually considered possible because everyone agrees now cannot be point of origin to only reporductively timed apart in living plain sight.

What is the negative nobody can historically disprovecomparing beliefs life is more than simultaneously alive as spontaneously here?

Only 14th grade level on Flesch-Kincaid....maybe you are improving!
Reasonable debate centered on situational ethics building realities where actual life is being ignored as physically limited to reproductions ancestrally timed apart now in plain sight for what, picking sides of most popular form of denying physical limitations as practiced so far.

Where is the debate about what went wrong to start with instead of always arguing on never getting back to how life actually works sustaining spontaneously alive while reproductively added to ever changing forms shaped here now.

Simple compounding did to does remain as never being the same total sum achieved from now on. Every reproduction regardless its species is 50/50 each parent, 25% the 4 grandparents, 12.5% great grandparents, 6.25% great great.

All that being 100% 1 of a kind timed apart now as equally occupying space in this atmosphere. Kinetic results not potential differences of opinions governing outcomes from now on like there is a tomorrow factually considered possible because everyone agrees now cannot be point of origin to only reporductively timed apart in living plain sight.

What is the negative nobody can historically disprovecomparing beliefs life is more than simultaneously alive as spontaneously here?

It's been fun being back on here with my full attention centered on THIS site. I'm trying NOT to refer to some of the knuckleheads that post on these threads as dumbsh*ts or dumb motherf*ckers, but it's difficult to do, considering the shocking lack of intelligence and manners of these morons. But I WILL try. I MAY just ignore these fools altogether, that would be the best tactic. But is IS fun to be back on here full-time!