I'm ashamed


I spent the day in town, listening to this trajedy unfold on the radio, and when I returned home, I started reading the threads and posts made about this terrible incident.
After reading some of them, I lierally had to force myself to read the rest.

I'm ashamed that there are posters on this board who are using this situation, to promote their own agendas and this is pointed at both sides.

20 children are murdered and some of you just can't refreain from talking about gun cointrol, gun rights, abortion, divorces, ??vacuums??, climate change, attempts to bring humor into the exchange and even Obamacare was brought up.

Would anyone one of you bring up these topics to a parent that was looking for their child and then finding out that the child was dead?

What about the adults who gave their lives, to try and protect the children?

20+ families are going to wake up on Christmas day and have to deal with the fact that their families will never be the same.
Other children are probably going to need who knows how much counseling, to get past this.
What about the first responders who are going to have to put these children and adults in body bags and then transport them to the morgue?

I don't like Obama's policies or the direction he's taking the US; but I truly believe that the emotions he showed, during his talk, were genuine.
He gets props from me, on this.

Socrates; you were spot on, with your comments.
My heart goes out to all the victims, in this terrible situation.
Some of you really need to re-evaluate yourselves.

i had no plans to go out of my way to bring politics into this, but within minutes the takers were out in full force, and I can't let that slide. The takers don't get to talk and expect nothing to be said in return. Gun rights are too important.
So....should we outlaw violent video games? Cuz until someone shoots up a bunch of republicans in the halls of Congress, we won't see any change in assault weapon legislation.
i had no plans to go out of my way to bring politics into this, but within minutes the takers were out in full force, and I can't let that slide. The takers don't get to talk and expect nothing to be said in return. Gun rights are too important.

So....should we outlaw violent video games? Cuz until someone shoots up a bunch of republicans in the halls of Congress, we won't see any change in assault weapon legislation.

Your comments on a message board won't make much difference one way or the other, will they? The arguments can wait.

Why not refrain from politicizing this for at least a day or so, like USF (rightly) suggested?

We all need to examine what kind of society we've become, IMO.
Your comments on a message board won't make much difference one way or the other, will they? The arguments can wait.

Why not refrain from politicizing this for at least a day or so, like USF (rightly) suggested?

We all need to examine what kind of society we've become, IMO.
If you're wondering what kind of society we've become, just read the moronic comments posted here on a daily basis.
So....should we outlaw violent video games? Cuz until someone shoots up a bunch of republicans in the halls of Congress, we won't see any change in assault weapon legislation.
It's standard politicians at work, take a tragedy and turn it into a point for them, most laws named after children are like that, some people are just cannibals, they eat everything and produce nothing but shit.
My posting sympathy on a political message board is not going to make one bit of difference to those poor parents and other students who saw their classmates killed.
And that's the problem. People have been lulled into ignoring the dangers of desensitizing unstable minds with violent games
Unstable minds are already unstable, people who want to do violence do violence. People don't do things because somebody on a screen tells them to, otherwise advertising would be much more effective.
Unstable minds are already unstable, people who want to do violence do violence. People don't do things because somebody on a screen tells them to, otherwise advertising would be much more effective.
Why then did a guy beomce a millionaire selling pet rocks?

Advertising is very effective.
Let McDonalds drop their advertising for 6 months and see where their sales go.

How many would have voted for Palin had they not seen her on the tube?
i had no plans to go out of my way to bring politics into this, but within minutes the takers were out in full force, and I can't let that slide. The takers don't get to talk and expect nothing to be said in return. Gun rights are too important.
You better believe it, the Liberals are looking for anything to grab our guns. That is why they started that "Fast and Furious", they were hoping for something violent to happen with those so-called assault weapons, so they could push for more gun control. I agree with Free that it is sad and should not be politicized, but Obama brought up gun control during his crybaby speech, whether he outwardly stated as much or not, the insinuation was there. People in AZ do not have to worry about gun control, but we in California need to be alert and ready.