I'm ashamed

Me too. Slaughtering millions as Stalin was never so much fun.
The first thing DickTators do is take the guns away. Hitler registered all ther guns in 1935, the Nazis then came to your house in 1938 and demanded the handgun that was in the "Binder" list that you registered. I say take away all the guns from the street gang members first and then we can talk about Nationwide Legal CCW Carry by Law abiding citizens.
The first thing DickTators do is take the guns away. Hitler registered all ther guns in 1935, the Nazis then came to your house in 1938 and demanded the handgun that was in the "Binder" list that you registered. I say take away all the guns from the street gang members first and then we can talk about Nationwide Legal CCW Carry by Law abiding citizens.

It was the previous administration that registered guns. To be fair, the country was then being torn apart in chaotic streetfights between Communists and Nazi's. Of course, modern liberal idiots like yourself take this as a time to be self-righteous about another countries attempt to control mounting civil disorder. Clearly, letting people own guns wasn't doing the job, no matter what you liberal pussy idiots think. It was time for some serious measures, not pie in the sky fantasies that you got off of stupid action movies.
It was the previous administration that registered guns. To be fair, the country was then being torn apart in chaotic streetfights between Communists and Nazi's. Of course, modern liberal idiots like yourself take this as a time to be self-righteous about another countries attempt to control mounting civil disorder. Clearly, letting people own guns wasn't doing the job, no matter what you liberal pussy idiots think. It was time for some serious measures, not pie in the sky fantasies that you got off of stupid action movies.
"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants"
“Leaders in Washington from both parties, and groups like the NRA, all say that now is not the time to talk about how gun safety laws can save lives in America.

I agree, now is not the time to talk about gun laws – the time for that conversation was long before all those kids in Connecticut died today.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy

Carolyn McCarthy (born January 5, 1944) is the U.S. Representative for New York's 4th congressional district, serving since 1997. She is a member of the Democratic Party.

McCarthy was born Carolyn Cook in Brooklyn, raised in Mineola. Her father was a boilermaker and her mother worked at Woolworth. In her youth, she was an athlete and wanted to become a physical education teacher but found reading challenging and later was diagnosed with dyslexia. After caring for a boyfriend who was injured in a car accident, McCarthy decided to work as a Licensed Practical Nurse.

Later she married and lived with her family in Mineola, a suburban area about twenty miles outside New York City on Long Island. On December 7, 1993, her husband, Dennis, was killed and her son, Kevin, severely injured on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train at the Merillon Avenue station, when spree killer, Colin Ferguson, opened fire on passengers. Ferguson killed six and wounded 19 others. McCarthy responded to the crime by launching a campaign for more stringent gun control that eventually propelled her to Congress in 1996 on the Democratic ticket.

McCarthy was a registered Republican before her first run for Congress. She has "evolved over the years into a reliable Democratic vote.
Taking guns away from law abiding citizens isn't going to stop a nutjob who is hell-bent on killing.

It will, however, prevent citizens from rising up against a tyrannical gubmint.

No thanks.

The 2nd Amendment is our insurance for freedom and it isn't going away. I suggest you accept it.
the takers will never accept it stargazer. they will not rest. they will not sleep. they will not eat. they will just take and take and take and take. It's all the takers do. There is never an hour that goes by where a taker doesn't think about what they can take next. They can't even deny it. Their whole political philosophy is built around taking stuff from other people. They are the scum of the earth. I fucking hate takers.
the takers will never accept it stargazer. they will not rest. they will not sleep. they will not eat. they will just take and take and take and take. It's all the takers do. There is never an hour that goes by where a taker doesn't think about what they can take next. They can't even deny it. Their whole political philosophy is built around taking stuff from other people. They are the scum of the earth. I fucking hate takers.

Looking at your avatar, it appears we have identified 'the scum'
I spent the day in town, listening to this trajedy unfold on the radio, and when I returned home, I started reading the threads and posts made about this terrible incident.
After reading some of them, I lierally had to force myself to read the rest.

I'm ashamed that there are posters on this board who are using this situation, to promote their own agendas and this is pointed at both sides.

20 children are murdered and some of you just can't refreain from talking about gun cointrol, gun rights, abortion, divorces, ??vacuums??, climate change, attempts to bring humor into the exchange and even Obamacare was brought up.

Would anyone one of you bring up these topics to a parent that was looking for their child and then finding out that the child was dead?

What about the adults who gave their lives, to try and protect the children?

20+ families are going to wake up on Christmas day and have to deal with the fact that their families will never be the same.
Other children are probably going to need who knows how much counseling, to get past this.
What about the first responders who are going to have to put these children and adults in body bags and then transport them to the morgue?

I don't like Obama's policies or the direction he's taking the US; but I truly believe that the emotions he showed, during his talk, were genuine.
He gets props from me, on this.

Socrates; you were spot on, with your comments.
My heart goes out to all the victims, in this terrible situation.
Some of you really need to re-evaluate yourselves.


All of what you say is true. There are 20 families that will not wake up to Christmas with their loved ones. And in the time that you wrote your post, 20 more lost loved ones and will be spending Christmas wondering why. They will have lost them to car wrecks and other senseless violence throughout the country. While this is tragic and sad and my heart has broken for the families all day, it is no more so than the other faceless, nameless victims that you don't think about on a daily basis. This gets more publicity because of the shocking nature of what happened. Every life is valuable.

I would love if we had a board where the libtardiots weren't trying to further their agenda. But we don't. They are. While this is a tragedy that has caused great sadness, I am not going to stand by while Obuttface "never lets a crisis go to waste". Your post is exactly what the libtards are looking for. You may not want to politicize it, but they do. You can stand down if you want to, and I can understand why you would. But, I will not. We have lost too many freedoms in this country already.

I am not going to let the libtardiots use this tragedy to create a bigger tragedy by taking more of our freedoms
We have lost too many freedoms in this country already. I am not going to let the libtardiots use this tragedy to create a bigger tragedy by taking more of our freedoms

What freedoms have you lost?

List 'em.

Be specific.

Why are you so afraid?
All of what you say is true. There are 20 families that will not wake up to Christmas with their loved ones. And in the time that you wrote your post, 20 more lost loved ones and will be spending Christmas wondering why. They will have lost them to car wrecks and other senseless violence throughout the country. While this is tragic and sad and my heart has broken for the families all day, it is no more so than the other faceless, nameless victims that you don't think about on a daily basis. This gets more publicity because of the shocking nature of what happened. Every life is valuable.

I would love if we had a board where the libtardiots weren't trying to further their agenda. But we don't. They are. While this is a tragedy that has caused great sadness, I am not going to stand by while Obuttface "never lets a crisis go to waste". Your post is exactly what the libtards are looking for. You may not want to politicize it, but they do. You can stand down if you want to, and I can understand why you would. But, I will not. We have lost too many freedoms in this country already.

I am not going to let the libtardiots use this tragedy to create a bigger tragedy by taking more of our freedoms

No, you right wing scum want this to just go away and you will create strawman arguments in the interim.

Car wrecks are accidents, they do not qualify as senseless violence. And driving a vehicle is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. You want to compare laws pertaining to drinking and driving to gun laws? It is easier to legally get a gun in America than to legally get a driver's license. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you will be arrested and prosecuted. A man in Texas was caught multiple times driving under the influence...he was sentenced to LIFE in prison. Because driving is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. Owning a gun should be treated the same.

We are LIVING in your agenda you right wing assholes. This is the NRA's vision of America, not liberals. This blood is on your hands. Every other industrialized nation has stricter gun laws than America. We have MORE gun related deaths in 2 DAYS then England has in one YEAR.

Its like jumbo jet going down EVERY FUCKING WEEK you morons.
Owning a gun for "protection" is admitting that you live in fear?
Is this what causes people to buy guns?

Is this what causes people to buy guns?


Is Your Brain Liberal or Conservative?

The researchers found that volunteers who identified themselves as liberal tended to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain linked with monitoring uncertainty, which could help them cope with conflicting information. On the other hand, those who identified themselves as conservative have a larger amygdala, an area linked with greater sensitivity to fear and disgust

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/04/08/brain-scans-lean-left-right/#ixzz2F84ITfA2
I spent the day in town, listening to this trajedy unfold on the radio, and when I returned home, I started reading the threads and posts made about this terrible incident.
After reading some of them, I lierally had to force myself to read the rest.

I'm ashamed that there are posters on this board who are using this situation, to promote their own agendas and this is pointed at both sides.

20 children are murdered and some of you just can't refreain from talking about gun cointrol, gun rights, abortion, divorces, ??vacuums??, climate change, attempts to bring humor into the exchange and even Obamacare was brought up.

Would anyone one of you bring up these topics to a parent that was looking for their child and then finding out that the child was dead?

What about the adults who gave their lives, to try and protect the children?

20+ families are going to wake up on Christmas day and have to deal with the fact that their families will never be the same.
Other children are probably going to need who knows how much counseling, to get past this.
What about the first responders who are going to have to put these children and adults in body bags and then transport them to the morgue?

I don't like Obama's policies or the direction he's taking the US; but I truly believe that the emotions he showed, during his talk, were genuine.
He gets props from me, on this.

Socrates; you were spot on, with your comments.
My heart goes out to all the victims, in this terrible situation.
Some of you really need to re-evaluate yourselves.


I understand your pain guy.

believe it or not that pain is in the hearts of all Americans today.

It was there yesterday too.

Everyone processes shock and grief differently.

We all here did what many Americanss did yesterday.

we all looked arround and said "This evil crap has to stop, no more dead babies. Please for the love of all that is good we have to figure out how to stop this from EVER happneing again".

None of us are using these people.

We are using the momment to process the evil and to fathom how America got here.

I thank you for recognising that Obama showed real concern and real tears.

I dont know when the last time I heard someone who disagrees with my side of the policy issues actaully say something decent about our president.

This venue is where people can say anything about what they feel and think.

The same social boundries that are in place at work, out shopping or even to the people who live in our homes with us do not exsist here.

People will tell you whats in their heads here without a qualm.

I personally like to hear whats inside people heads.

This is the one place were you can really put your hands on what people think and how they process their world in real time.

Talking things out is HARD work.

That is why so many avoid telling people what they really think.

Until you know what someone really thinks you cant understand them.

you cant plead to them with facts about what is incorrect or flawed about their world veiw.

You gave me hope today.

Hope that the right may jsut stop seeing me and my fellow Americans as mosters.

As real people with real tears and real love in their hearts.

I am a bleeding heart liberal.

The right used to call me that as an insult.

I always wondered how caring about my fellow human beings was a bad thing?

I always knew it was not a bad thing.

today in your expressed words I saw a glimmer of hope that maybe we can ALL value our fellow human beings and NOT be insulted for it anymore.
No, you right wing scum want this to just go away and you will create strawman arguments in the interim.

Car wrecks are accidents, they do not qualify as senseless violence. And driving a vehicle is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. You want to compare laws pertaining to drinking and driving to gun laws? It is easier to legally get a gun in America than to legally get a driver's license. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you will be arrested and prosecuted. A man in Texas was caught multiple times driving under the influence...he was sentenced to LIFE in prison. Because driving is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. Owning a gun should be treated the same.

We are LIVING in your agenda you right wing assholes. This is the NRA's vision of America, not liberals. This blood is on your hands. Every other industrialized nation has stricter gun laws than America. We have MORE gun related deaths in 2 DAYS then England has in one YEAR.

Its like jumbo jet going down EVERY FUCKING WEEK you morons.
Oh please, plenty of children are victims of senseless violence in drive-by shootings, etc.

Taking guns away from law abiding citizens will never stop lone nutjobs from getting access to them.

The 2nd Amendment protects our right to rise up against an oppressive gubmint and it isn't going away. Little Black Jeebus can't wish it away either. ;)
No, you right wing scum want this to just go away and you will create strawman arguments in the interim.

Car wrecks are accidents, they do not qualify as senseless violence. And driving a vehicle is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. You want to compare laws pertaining to drinking and driving to gun laws? It is easier to legally get a gun in America than to legally get a driver's license. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you will be arrested and prosecuted. A man in Texas was caught multiple times driving under the influence...he was sentenced to LIFE in prison. Because driving is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. Owning a gun should be treated the same.

We are LIVING in your agenda you right wing assholes. This is the NRA's vision of America, not liberals. This blood is on your hands. Every other industrialized nation has stricter gun laws than America. We have MORE gun related deaths in 2 DAYS then England has in one YEAR.

Its like jumbo jet going down EVERY FUCKING WEEK you morons.

There are no straw man arguments. Car wrecks aren't always just accidents. Some come about due to senselessness. Driving too fast based on conditions etc. Yes, driving is a priviledge. Gun ownership is a RIGHT guarenteed under the US Constitution.

Deal with it bitch. I have said repeatedly. You personally can have my guns. But, YOU personally have to come and take them. Deal?