I'm no longer responding to toxicity


Verified User
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.

Most of the Trumptarded Trolls comments or threads here are not even worthy of a legitimate response!
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.

Good post.

There are certain hate trolls who really just want to ruin this forum. I am using the thread ban more regularly.
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.

the biggest problem with this board is

1) sock puppetry is encouraged

2) the craziest of the crazies are treated as kinfolk based on partisan politics and both sides do it
They are pathetic. They have some imaginary debate where every insult scores them a point.

you are the example. on a legit board - both left and right would come together with pitchforks and chase you out

your constant need to troll and act like a poser are transparent and nobody is impressed
They are pathetic. They have some imaginary debate where every insult scores them a point.

They are going to be so butthurt after the 2024 election, it'll look like a Baboon colony around here- JUST AS IT HAS BEEN SINCE 2020!

Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.

I agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately, there aren't that many here who even understand the concept. In the last couple of weeks, I've asked very specific and non-rhetorical questions and gotten no response except trolling in return. I've given up on the policy discussions, I'm more interested in HOW people are thinking. What makes them believe what they believe. I want to know what I'll encounter in the real world, and for that purpose, this board is highly useful.

As an example, I asked someone who has mocked and ridiculed by economic knowledge and suggested I didn't know what Glass-Steagal was.to explain in his own words what he felt was the impact of the repeal of GS, and how he thought it had impacted the 2008 mortgage crisis. His next response to me was 'shut up, cunt'. So there you go. I asked another poster who suggested that a comparison between Australian and United States society was stupid what he felt the differences were and how they impacted his argument. Crickets. I can do this a hundred times, and they will never answer. it isn't lack of effort on my part. Most threads are parrot threads with the OP posting something that outrages them without any comment containing their thoughts.

In any case, everyone has to decide who and how they respond to, and you are not wrong in your approach.
I agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately, there aren't that many here who even understand the concept. In the last couple of weeks, I've asked very specific and non-rhetorical questions and gotten no response except trolling in return. I've given up on the policy discussions, I'm more interested in HOW people are thinking. What makes them believe what they believe. I want to know what I'll encounter in the real world, and for that purpose, this board is highly useful.

As an example, I asked someone who has mocked and ridiculed by economic knowledge and suggested I didn't know what Glass-Steagal was.to explain in his own words what he felt was the impact of the repeal of GS, and how he thought it had impacted the 2008 mortgage crisis. His next response to me was 'shut up, cunt'. So there you go. I asked another poster who suggested that a comparison between Australian and United States society was stupid what he felt the differences were and how they impacted his argument. Crickets. I can do this a hundred times, and they will never answer. it isn't lack of effort on my part. Most threads are parrot threads with the OP posting something that outrages them without any comment containing their thoughts.

In any case, everyone has to decide who and how they respond to, and you are not wrong in your approach.

I will never understand right wingers on the forum who need to tell liberals they do not like them.
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.

I as well have been talking recently about the low quality here.
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.
There's occasional debate and people who are intelligent, educated and/or experienced often have something worth reading.

For the most part, I'm here to study the freaks, geeks and geezers. Most people offer something that can be learned from even if it's the negative example of racist, elderly geezers blaming their loser lives on Jews, African-Americans and Hispanics.
I agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately, there aren't that many here who even understand the concept. In the last couple of weeks, I've asked very specific and non-rhetorical questions and gotten no response except trolling in return. I've given up on the policy discussions, I'm more interested in HOW people are thinking. What makes them believe what they believe. I want to know what I'll encounter in the real world, and for that purpose, this board is highly useful.

As an example, I asked someone who has mocked and ridiculed by economic knowledge and suggested I didn't know what Glass-Steagal was.to explain in his own words what he felt was the impact of the repeal of GS, and how he thought it had impacted the 2008 mortgage crisis. His next response to me was 'shut up, cunt'. So there you go. I asked another poster who suggested that a comparison between Australian and United States society was stupid what he felt the differences were and how they impacted his argument. Crickets. I can do this a hundred times, and they will never answer. it isn't lack of effort on my part. Most threads are parrot threads with the OP posting something that outrages them without any comment containing their thoughts.

In any case, everyone has to decide who and how they respond to, and you are not wrong in your approach.

you put people on ignore when they destroy your arguments. like most on the left, you have no real ability to defend your positions without an eraser
Believe it or not, this board used to have some good discussion. And it's why I have come here in the past. I enjoy talking politics, and I get a lot out of hearing other points of view.

Lately, it's just gotten bad. I doubt anyone would disagree w/ this. I feel like most posters here are just so fed up w/ the "other side" that they don't even want to have discussions anymore. They come here just to vent, and take out whatever frustrations they have. Some here post absolutely nothing of substance. Just insult after insult after insult.

And, I'll say it again: this is an anonymous message board. No one is hurt by repetitive, generic insults directed their way. They're just lame & ineffectual, and derail actual debate.

Anyhoo, I've simply stopped responding to certain posters here as a result. I'm just not going to indulge it anymore. I'd encourage others here to do the same. Maybe it's too dreamy, but I believe this can still be a place for spirited debate.

It seems like the polarized atmosphere in American politics has infiltrated here, too. So you have diehards who post poutrage after poutrage and engage in angry diatribes, as well as personal attacks on anyone who disagrees. And you have a couple of pEarls, who thread-ban everyone who dares to counter their spurious propaganda. Then you have some like myself, who enjoy the banter and back and forth but also just chit-chatting with cyber buds. There are a handful of deranged and truly disturbed people who are possibly dangerous to themselves or to others, a couple of stalkers and obsessees, and the occasional rational moderate who wanders in and quickly leaves.

I like the mostly-unmoderated format but feel that the copious racism, use of racial and gender slurs, and hate speech drives away a lot of members who are hoping for more decorum and civil discussion, like yourself. I hope you'll continue to stay here and post. You have made a lot of good contributions.
It seems like the polarized atmosphere in American politics has infiltrated here, too. So you have diehards who post poutrage after poutrage and engage in angry diatribes, as well as personal attacks on anyone who disagrees. And you have a couple of pEarls, who thread-ban everyone who dares to counter their spurious propaganda. Then you have some like myself, who enjoy the banter and back and forth but also just chit-chatting with cyber buds. There are a handful of deranged and truly disturbed people who are possibly dangerous to themselves or to others, a couple of stalkers and obsessees, and the occasional rational moderate who wanders in and quickly leaves.

I like the mostly-unmoderated format but feel that the copious racism, use of racial and gender slurs, and hate speech drives away a lot of members who are hoping for more decorum and civil discussion, like yourself. I hope you'll continue to stay here and post. You have made a lot of good contributions.


you are one of the most thin skinned people here. you act like a complete bigot to anyone that is not lock step in with you
I as well have been talking recently about the low quality here.

Pfft. You whine constantly about how smart you think you are, and what poor quality morons surround you. Yet here you are.

Anyone who has to constantly join with his cyber slut to proclaim how much "better" you are than everyone else is not better. You're just pitiful.
I saw your impotent groan, Zy. Thankfully that's all I can see. :laugh:

Today, 04:53 PM
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