I'm not sure if it gets any more shameless than this

So, everyone should hold over THIS NEW POPE'S head what the last or previous pope's did? ;)

I mean, maybe it should be, it is all the same higherarchy, but the way you stated this, I was uncertain if you realized that it was Pope John Paul the 2nd that had the reigns during that whole pedophilia, coverup, debacle, no?

and good morning Socrtease

Actually, Care, Benedict was the one who wrote the letter to hide their shame and foist these Priests on other Parishes rather than admit the problem and send them to prison. He, in fact, suggested the 10 year limit so that they could no longer be prosecuted or sued as both statutes of limitation would apply.

IMO, this added to your problems exponentially, the church then attracted more pedophiles into that position because they knew they would be protected by the established leadership.

So, if I understand you correctly, you consider those with opposing views to be an "infestation?"

in·fest (n-fst)
tr.v. in·fest·ed, in·fest·ing, in·fests
1. To inhabit or overrun in numbers or quantities large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious
2. To live as a parasite in or on

Is it your contention that opposing views are harmful? Perhaps the threaten you preconceived notions of where the country should be politically? Maybe it's just that you find the idea that someone may disagree with your views obnoxious?

Or do you consider those with opposing views parasites?

It's not opposing views. It's the way those opposing views are presented.

Indisputable thinks Bush is a great President & the Iraq war a magnificent success simply because Bush hasn't been impeached yet. And he says Democrats are liars because they couldn't find a way to end the war.

Little A talks about Democrats 'waking up' to the negatives about the Clintons, while proudly proclaiming to be a dittohead in the next breath.

I vote Democrat, but if you'll notice, this is a thread, started by me, criticizing a Democrat. I have also started threads criticizing Reid, Pelosi, Dean, the DNC and others on the left. As soon as I see comparable posts from Little Acorn, indisputable, Norman Paperman, et al, I will lend more credibility to what they are saying.
I criticize all of them. They disgust me. The entire system is rigged, the politicians are more interested in lining their pockets that doing what is best for the country. They are more interested in attaining power and keeping it than fixing anything that is wrong. I don't care what the say when their gums are flapping, everything they do tells a different story.

Then, members of both parties go around spouting their sanctimonious bullshit as if their party is better than the other. News flash: you can spout all the holier than thou rhetoric you want, but at the end of the day, they're just one side of the same coin and they both suck.
I criticize all of them. They disgust me. The entire system is rigged, the politicians are more interested in lining their pockets that doing what is best for the country. They are more interested in attaining power and keeping it than fixing anything that is wrong. I don't care what the say when their gums are flapping, everything they do tells a different story.

Then, members of both parties go around spouting their sanctimonious bullshit as if their party is better than the other. News flash: you can spout all the holier than thou rhetoric you want, but at the end of the day, they're just one side of the same coin and they both suck.

Oh look! It’s the 104th million pompous speech about how both parties and their supporters suck. Scintillating. Que Cawacko and Epi to come give you a pat on the butt and say “good job man” “yeah, we need people who will criticize both sides, good for you”.

How heady it must be for you up there.
So, everyone should hold over THIS NEW POPE'S head what the last or previous pope's did? ;)

I mean, maybe it should be, it is all the same higherarchy, but the way you stated this, I was uncertain if you realized that it was Pope John Paul the 2nd that had the reigns during that whole pedophilia, coverup, debacle, no?

and good morning Socrtease

Care, THIS Pope, when still just a cardinal, wrote a letter to the US Archbishops telling them to conceal the child molestation until the statute of limitation had run on each act. He suggested 10 years as a good amount of time. If this pope was TRULY sorry for the sexual predation of his priests he would name each and everyone of them that still wear a collar and turn them over to the local law to be investigated to see if there was anything that can be done. He continues to hide men who have sexually molested children. That shows that the Church feels no contrition for their acts.

And Good morning to you too Care :)
The Clintons believe strongly in the power of just saying whatever they want to say and people will believe it, whether what they say is connected to any truth or whether they themselves are guilty of what they claim someone else is doing.

AND, they are right. They have their own cadre of dittoheads that are evry bit as lobotomized as the dittoheads on the right.

Democrats shouldn't get too pompous and look down their noses to fool themselves to believe that all the knuckleheads are on the right.

Just starting reading the thread and could not pass this up...

Dittoheads? You bet...the Dims in general OWN a cadre of dittoheads for years.....they call themselves aferican americans :pke:
Care, THIS Pope, when still just a cardinal, wrote a letter to the US Archbishops telling them to conceal the child molestation until the statute of limitation had run on each act. He suggested 10 years as a good amount of time. If this pope was TRULY sorry for the sexual predation of his priests he would name each and everyone of them that still wear a collar and turn them over to the local law to be investigated to see if there was anything that can be done. He continues to hide men who have sexually molested children. That shows that the Church feels no contrition for their acts.

And Good morning to you too Care :)

Oh he was a cardinal then, I thought bishop, my bad.
Care, THIS Pope, when still just a cardinal, wrote a letter to the US Archbishops telling them to conceal the child molestation until the statute of limitation had run on each act. He suggested 10 years as a good amount of time. If this pope was TRULY sorry for the sexual predation of his priests he would name each and everyone of them that still wear a collar and turn them over to the local law to be investigated to see if there was anything that can be done. He continues to hide men who have sexually molested children. That shows that the Church feels no contrition for their acts.
And Good morning to you too Care :)

agreed... that is exactly what the church should have done and still should do.
Oh look! It’s the 104th million pompous speech about how both parties and their supporters suck. Scintillating. Que Cawacko and Epi to come give you a pat on the butt and say “good job man” “yeah, we need people who will criticize both sides, good for you”.

How heady it must be for you up there.

Oh, look! It's the 104,000,000th time I've been criticized for stating the truth of the two party system. Oh look! Once again another sanctimonious, pompous airhead attacks the messenger rather than the message. Oh look! It's the 3,000,000th Democrat who thinks the election of their candidate is going to solve the woes of the world!

See? It's real easy to attack someone. Get back to me when you have something substantive to add to the conversation.
Oh, look! It's the 104,000,000th time I've been criticized for stating the truth of the two party system. Oh look! Once again another sanctimonious, pompous airhead attacks the messenger rather than the message. Oh look! It's the 3,000,000th Democrat who thinks the election of their candidate is going to solve the woes of the world!

See? It's real easy to attack someone. Get back to me when you have something substantive to add to the conversation.

You first.