I'm ready for Socialism...

I know this will be a major disappointment to many pinheads here, but I am kind of looking forward to Socialism under Barack Hussein Obama. I hate to let you guys down, I know you were probably imagining me contemplating jumping off a bridge or something, but really, I am a very happy man these days.

My kids are all raised, my last one graduated high school this year, and is off to college, so if the public education system goes completely to shit, I really don't care anymore. Go ahead and pack it with little Atheist Socialist twits who get their kicks molesting kids and brainwashing our youth, it doesn't really matter to me anymore.

I do have a job, but it's only because I like to keep busy. My financial status is secure, and has been for quite some time, I made most of my money during the 90's, and socked away a good little fortune over the past 8 years through government contracts. It's safe and sound, free from US taxation, in foreign trusts and real estate investments. My meager $40k a year job is just my 'fun money' and I will be anxiously awaiting my huge 'tax rebate' when Obama is elected, along with my health care benefit. So, as far as I'm concerned, you guys can rape the hell out of 'the wealthy' in America, I'm out of the game now. Planning on enjoying the good life soon!

Interest rates and home prices don't concern me, my home is paid for and I have no debt, so do whatever you wish with that. If my property tax becomes too high, I have dibs on a nice condo for rent in Florida, been thinking about going there anyway. I think I might spend a little time deep sea fishing, just catching some rays, drinking margaritas all day... relaxing.

Since we are going completely Socialist, I have already applied to the government for my 'reparations' check, since I am part Native American and 'entitled' to it. I hope the first black president is proactive in passing 'reparations' legislation for descendants of former slaves, because I think we have some of those in our ancestry as well, my sister is checking on that now. We certainly do have African-American roots, so we should qualify for something, right? I should be getting my first casino royalties from the Cherokee tribe, about the time Obama is sworn in, and it is estimated to be around $1600. That should cover my fishing gear.

For those of you who thought I was going to be miserable and in agony over Republicans losing power, far from it, I am going to have the time of my life. I am really happy for you guys, I think you are better off winning this election than my side, because some of you may have committed suicide or something, if it didn't happen. I can handle the loss, it doesn't really matter to me anymore anyway, I have plenty of things to do with my life, and a lot of fun to be had with the 'new found money' coming my way soon. I know it will probably irritate you that I am spending your tax dollars on the frivolous things I enjoy, but I deserve to be happy and content in life, my government owes me.

so, anyway, I just wanted to let you know that contrary to what you may have been expecting, I am not going to be in any pain or misery over an Obama win, I am planning on having one hell of a good time with my tax refunds and entitlements. I hope you all enjoy yours as well!
I think the funniest thing about the Socialist charge is that it is coming mainly from Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, who upon gaining office promptly slapped a tax on the oil and gas interests in the state and increased the check the Alaskan government pays to every man, woman and child in Alaska by $1,200, raising the total government issued check to $3,269 and had this to say about her state just a few weeks before she was selected to by VP:

[W]e’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.


Maybe you ought to just move to Alaska, Dix.
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hey dixie, barack called and said since you were single, you didn't need to own any homes. He's taking them for 4+ member families and he's got a little apartment that should fit you quite nicely.
Well... I guess Im in line with Warren Buffett, Eric Schmidt, Colin Powell, Ken Adelman (Senior Member of Reagan Administration), Chris Buckley, Vint Cerf, Steven Jobs and most of the tycoons from silicon valley all supporting Obama's brand of Soicalism.

95% of the working people in this country will see a TAX reduction and 5% will see their taxes roll back to the Clinton years ... and you call this wealth redistribution and Socialism.. you are such a tool.
Well... I guess Im in line with Warren Buffett, Eric Schmidt, Colin Powell, Ken Adelman (Senior Member of Reagan Administration), Chris Buckley, Vint Cerf, Steven Jobs and most of the tycoons from silicon valley all supporting Obama's brand of Soicalism.

95% of the working people in this country will see a TAX reduction and 5% will see their taxes roll back to the Clinton years ... and you call this wealth redistribution and Socialism.. you are such a tool.
Yeah but you know as well as I do that NONE of those guys you mentioned know shit about the economy, go ahead and tell him Damo, they don't know a thing about money.
Yeah but you know as well as I do that NONE of those guys you mentioned know shit about the economy, go ahead and tell him Damo, they don't know a thing about money.
Why you gotta tell me to tell them? I mean, sure they are all clueless when it comes to money or else they'd amass huge fortunes or something, even then they may just be idiot savants...

It's really funny to see you pinheads flip flop back and forth... Here you are defending Obama's plans, claiming it's not Socialist, getting all Joe Biden offended at the charge... then one of you will start a thread which basically says, so what? We are ALL Socialists! One moment, it's not Socialism at all to "spread the wealth" ...to take from each according to means, and give to each according to need... no, that's not Socialism! The next moment, its... We're ALL Socialists, this country has been Socialist since 1931... Joe the Plumber is Socialist... Palin is Socialist... we are ALL Socialists!!

Can't make up you minds?
It's really funny to see you pinheads flip flop back and forth... Here you are defending Obama's plans, claiming it's not Socialist, getting all Joe Biden offended at the charge... then one of you will start a thread which basically says, so what? We are ALL Socialists! One moment, it's not Socialism at all to "spread the wealth" ...to take from each according to means, and give to each according to need... no, that's not Socialism! The next moment, its... We're ALL Socialists, this country has been Socialist since 1931... Joe the Plumber is Socialist... Palin is Socialist... we are ALL Socialists!!

Can't make up you minds?

Ahh have you finally stumbled onto the greatest strength and weakness of the left ? We do not all march in lockstep as the right does.
It's really funny to see you pinheads flip flop back and forth... Here you are defending Obama's plans, claiming it's not Socialist, getting all Joe Biden offended at the charge... then one of you will start a thread which basically says, so what? We are ALL Socialists! One moment, it's not Socialism at all to "spread the wealth" ...to take from each according to means, and give to each according to need... no, that's not Socialism! The next moment, its... We're ALL Socialists, this country has been Socialist since 1931... Joe the Plumber is Socialist... Palin is Socialist... we are ALL Socialists!!

Can't make up you minds?

You've said this a few times, but you clearly misunderstand it.

First, Obama is not proposing Socialism, in any way shape or form. Let's get that straight; that's straight out of McCarthyism, and something your side excels at.

Second - and I can't speak for everyone - I think the threads you are seeing are more along the lines of saying that hell, if this is what McCain & Palin think socialism is, then we are ALL socialists.

Get it?
You've said this a few times, but you clearly misunderstand it.

First, Obama is not proposing Socialism, in any way shape or form. Let's get that straight; that's straight out of McCarthyism, and something your side excels at.

Second - and I can't speak for everyone - I think the threads you are seeing are more along the lines of saying that hell, if this is what McCain & Palin think socialism is, then we are ALL socialists.

Get it?

Well Stated. But He still won't get it.
It's really funny to see you pinheads flip flop back and forth... Here you are defending Obama's plans, claiming it's not Socialist, getting all Joe Biden offended at the charge... then one of you will start a thread which basically says, so what? We are ALL Socialists! One moment, it's not Socialism at all to "spread the wealth" ...to take from each according to means, and give to each according to need... no, that's not Socialism! The next moment, its... We're ALL Socialists, this country has been Socialist since 1931... Joe the Plumber is Socialist... Palin is Socialist... we are ALL Socialists!!

Can't make up you minds?

We are all different people Dixie. Only Midcan posted that thread.
Ahh have you finally stumbled onto the greatest strength and weakness of the left ? We do not all march in lockstep as the right does.

No, you just talk out of both sides of your mouth.

..and Yes, you certainly do march in lockstep... "Bush, the worst president in history, lied us into a quagmire of an unjust war for oil!" ...hup, two-three-four...

Hey, it's a good thing you know how to march in lockstep though, I have a feeling that ability will come in handy in a Socialist regime.