I'm ready for Socialism...

Well then it must never happen. And what about lobbying and campaign contributions? Legal payola right there.

What do you call it when people go from private industry then into government then back again, sculpting policy to favor their corporations? Then there's heavily fattened government contracts. And there are bailouts, and there and laws written to tilt entire industries to favor the existing big players and squeeze out the little guy.

You live in a fairy tale world.

and there's also this:

Feds probe Countrywide's 'VIP' program
Posted on Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:03 AM ET
Filed Under: Politics
By Lisa Myers & Amna Nawaz, NBC News

The wide-ranging criminal investigation into wrongdoing at Countrywide - once the nation's largest mortgage originator - now includes serious scrutiny of a loan program that provided special mortgage deals to the well-connected and powerful, including two U.S. senators.

NBC News has learned that Robert Feinberg - a former Countrywide loan officer who handled what were known as the "VIP" mortgages - spent six hours last Thursday with a six-person team from the Justice Department. The team included prosecutors from the Public Integrity section, which handles investigations of possible public corruption.

"The Justice Department is making very serious inquiry into any possible wrongdoing that may involve (former Countrywide CEO) Angelo Mozilo, other Countrywide employees, Sen. Chris Dodd, Sen. Kent Conrad, (former Fannie Mae CEO) Franklin Raines or other public officials," said Feinberg's lawyer, Anthony Salerno. "Robert has always cooperated thoroughly with authorities and is strictly a witness in their investigation."

'Friends of Angelo's'
Salerno said the prosecutors and FBI agents seemed focused on whether the preferential treatment given to VIP customers was part of an effort by Countrywide to buy influence - as well as on the conduct of each public official who received a mortgage from Countrywide.

And the fact that there is an investigation shows that the practice is illegal.

There is a huge difference between someone getting away with an illegal activity and making something part of national policy.
Bob Barr is a tool and I'm not voting for McCain. I don't sit out elections.

I'm voting for Obama primarily because I think he may be the first President to actually work to end the Drug War. I am also genuinely excited about being a part of the first election of a black president. It represents the crossing of a barrier that has lasted since long before our parents generation.

im not voting barr either. Im voting for no one.

The drug war wont end and I think it's sad you are voting for someone, at least in part, because of their skin color. Though I appreciate your honesty and I'm pretty confident that's the reason for most
im not voting barr either. Im voting for no one.

The drug war wont end and I think it's sad you are voting for someone, at least in part, because of their skin color. Though I appreciate your honesty and I'm pretty confident that's the reason for most

Actually the Drug War is always my most important issue.

I'm not saying pot will be legalized, but we would see a lot more tolerant approach from Obama than from McCain.

You don't prioritize things the same way I do, and that's fine. But you've got to remember that is because it is just an abstract concept to you, but I've seen it firsthand.
Actually the Drug War is always my most important issue.

I'm not saying pot will be legalized, but we would see a lot more tolerant approach from Obama than from McCain.

You don't prioritize things the same way I do, and that's fine. But you've got to remember that is because it is just an abstract concept to you, but I've seen it firsthand.

Me too KY is #1 in prescription drug abuse, right behind Utah.
Meth is a major problem.
But we grow some fine bluegrass.
I voted for him primarily because I don't want another Alito or Scalia or Roberts on the Court. With the exception of the Heller case this year the conservatives on the court are not the friends of criminal procedural rights, nor are they the friends of most other civil liberties. Obama will appoint at least one and maybe as many as 3 justices. Then there is always the chance that something will kill Thomas or Scalia. After that happens I will see what else he does. If he swings to hard to the left then I will vote for republicans
I voted for him primarily because I don't want another Alito or Scalia or Roberts on the Court. With the exception of the Heller case this year the conservatives on the court are not the friends of criminal procedural rights, nor are they the friends of most other civil liberties. Obama will appoint at least one and maybe as many as 3 justices. Then there is always the chance that something will kill Thomas or Scalia. After that happens I will see what else he does. If he swings to hard to the left then I will vote for republicans

I think Scalia is pretty principled. He's not me least favorite conservative.

Thomas just has no place on the courts. But all of the liberals are more likely to kick the bucket than just about any conservative. I think voting for Obama will at least maintain the current court, although it's likely that with a supermajority (or almost supermajority) in the senate he will be able to appoint much more liberal candidates than Clinton was able to.
When the bill came, I decided not to tip the waiter because he was wearing an Obama T-shirt. I explained to him after i ate that I wasn't going to tip him but I was going to redistribute his tip to someone that I deemed more in need, specifically the homeless guy outside. He stood there in disbelief, then angrily stormed away.I went outside, gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to thank the waiter inside.Wonder how the waiter liked that "change".