I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats


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I'm a progressive Democrat and I want progressives to take over the Democratic Party. But.

The real issues for our country right now are the plutocrats taking over the country.

And they do that by finding issues they can pander to and get votes.

You hate gays? OK. You a sucker who will vote for someone who says your gun rights are under threat? OK. You a sucker for jingoistic patriotism and flag-waving? OK. Religious right pandering? OK. Etc.

What we have is tens of millions of people who vote Republicans over secondary issues - gay, guns, religion, thinking Democrats are communists, and many other such things. They don't understand that what they're actually voting for are plutocrats who are pandering to them to get those votes.

So what Democrats need to do is to worry about plutocracy, and give people Democratic candidates on ANY OTHER ISSUE THEY WANT. So if voters are going to vote for a pro-gun gay-hating candidate no matter what anyway, give them a pro-gun gay-hating Democrat WHO IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE AGAINST PLUTOCRACY.

That's not the Democrat I want. But it's the Democrat we need instead of a Republican.

Republicans are destroying the country. We have squeezed the American people not only of their money but over $20 trillion more in debt to hand it all to the wealthy by undertaxing them. They are implementing election cheating, and appointing a radical takeover of the judiciary to destroy the constitution. The only way I'm seeing to beat that is to create more diverse Democrats.

One problem is, most Democrats don't understand this. They look at the type of Democrat who might win in a red state, and say hell no, that person is a jerk and has wrong positions. And so the Republican wins, over and over and over.

Obviously most Republicans do not understand this issue and think they're voting for whatever nonsense the campaigns feed them. We need the people to unite more - and to elect people who are actually against the 'swamp' instead of con men who are the swamp but say they're against it like donald stain.
I'm pleased to say that you are unlikely to attract anyone who is a centrist or moderate who would be willing to join the far-left Jackass Party.
I'm a progressive Democrat and I want progressives to take over the Democratic Party. But.

The real issues for our country right now are the plutocrats taking over the country.

And they do that by finding issues they can pander to and get votes.

You hate gays? OK. You a sucker who will vote for someone who says your gun rights are under threat? OK. You a sucker for jingoistic patriotism and flag-waving? OK. Religious right pandering? OK. Etc.

What we have is tens of millions of people who vote Republicans over secondary issues - gay, guns, religion, thinking Democrats are communists, and many other such things. They don't understand that what they're actually voting for are plutocrats who are pandering to them to get those votes.

So what Democrats need to do is to worry about plutocracy, and give people Democratic candidates on ANY OTHER ISSUE THEY WANT. So if voters are going to vote for a pro-gun gay-hating candidate no matter what anyway, give them a pro-gun gay-hating Democrat WHO IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE AGAINST PLUTOCRACY.

That's not the Democrat I want. But it's the Democrat we need instead of a Republican.

Republicans are destroying the country. We have squeezed the American people not only of their money but over $20 trillion more in debt to hand it all to the wealthy by undertaxing them. They are implementing election cheating, and appointing a radical takeover of the judiciary to destroy the constitution. The only way I'm seeing to beat that is to create more diverse Democrats.

One problem is, most Democrats don't understand this. They look at the type of Democrat who might win in a red state, and say hell no, that person is a jerk and has wrong positions. And so the Republican wins, over and over and over.

Obviously most Republicans do not understand this issue and think they're voting for whatever nonsense the campaigns feed them. We need the people to unite more - and to elect people who are actually against the 'swamp' instead of con men who are the swamp but say they're against it like donald stain.

So you want progressives to lie about who they are? You seem to be saying you progressives can’t get elected on your own merits
I am disagreeing. I think we need to be more progressive. Clinton abandoned the base to attract corporations and bankers. They have eaten away at the Dems principles. The lower classes feel nobody will fight for them now. They have lost their desire to get involved and even bother to vote. That is why Trump got in. The working class voted for Trump because he pretended to be different. He was. He is more for the rich than any president in history. You can get the people to fight if there is a goal they can reach. There has to some changes. How about universal healthcare? How about a higher min wage?
I am disagreeing. I think we need to be more progressive. Clinton abandoned the base to attract corporations and bankers. They have eaten away at the Dems principles. The lower classes feel nobody will fight for them now. They have lost their desire to get involved and even bother to vote. That is why Trump got in. The working class voted for Trump because he pretended to be different. He was. He is more for the rich than any president in history. You can get the people to fight if there is a goal they can reach. There has to some changes. How about universal healthcare? How about a higher min wage?

Working class people will long remember that no lube ass fucking they are taking from Trump,and the Republican Congress.
So if voters are going to vote for a pro-gun gay-hating candidate no matter what anyway, give them a pro-gun gay-hating Democrat WHO IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE AGAINST PLUTOCRACY.

For real? I am not going to be voting for candidates who are "anti-gay". I couldn't respect myself if I betrayed my values. I actually heard the same argument 20 years ago, that Democrats should never approve of gay marriage for electoral reasons. I was on the right side of history, and as with most social issues, Americans ultimately gravitate towards what was once considered a liberal, even radical social position. I mean, I was called a traitor, a terrorist supporter, an Sadam-lover for opposing the Iraq War disaster. Guess where we ended up? I was on the right side of history, and conservatives are ducking for cover on the Iraq War issue - even trying to claim they were against the war (like Trump does).

I don't think Democrats are losing because of guns. I don't even know that "pro-gun" means, that is just a slogan that has no definitive meeting. I am pretty sure you can be pro-hunting and pro-hunter, without being pro-military grade automatic weapon.

The electoral battleground is being waged on issues of racial resentment, xenophobia, nationalism, economic anxiety, and perceived white male grievance. Gay marriage and AK-47s assault rifles are, in reality, only a blip on the radar compared to those more existential issues.

Democrats are not losing. Democrats won the popular vote by a lot, and Republicans only grasp onto power because of extreme gerrymandering, the undemocratic electoral college, voter suppression, and the disproportionate power given to rural states. Trump fluked into the White House because of an electoral college fluke.

I am going to wait until the next census in 2020, in which one hopes that some of the extreme Gerrymandering republicans accomplished in 2010, can be undone. I also want to wait to see if the courts put a brake on illegal Republican voter suppression efforts. Stooping to trying to to call myself, and my party anti-gay does not seem wise....or moral.
I am disagreeing. I think we need to be more progressive. Clinton abandoned the base to attract corporations and bankers. They have eaten away at the Dems principles. The lower classes feel nobody will fight for them now. They have lost their desire to get involved and even bother to vote. That is why Trump got in. The working class voted for Trump because he pretended to be different. He was. He is more for the rich than any president in history. You can get the people to fight if there is a goal they can reach. There has to some changes. How about universal healthcare? How about a higher min wage?

Good post. For sure Trump appealed to the basest aspects of his base.... as Cypress pointed out: The racism, xenophobia, economy and jobs, etc. He also promised healthcare for all.

I voted for Bernie; Clinton was just Republican Lite. Agree with you -- we need to be much more progressive.