I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

I am disagreeing. I think we need to be more progressive. Clinton abandoned the base to attract corporations and bankers. They have eaten away at the Dems principles. The lower classes feel nobody will fight for them now. They have lost their desire to get involved and even bother to vote. That is why Trump got in. The working class voted for Trump because he pretended to be different. He was. He is more for the rich than any president in history. You can get the people to fight if there is a goal they can reach. There has to some changes. How about universal healthcare? How about a higher min wage?

they voted for trump because they were lied to by a right wing TV station called fox

and right wing radio assholes doing Russian bidding.

we end the lies and they will never win again

we end the completely documented election cheating of the republicans and they are DEAD

ID laws


phone jamming

voter intimidation

which are completely documented by the USAs court system all the way to the SCOTUS
Good post. For sure Trump appealed to the basest aspects of his base.... as Cypress pointed out: The racism, xenophobia, economy and jobs, etc. He also promised healthcare for all.

I voted for Bernie; Clinton was just Republican Lite. Agree with you -- we need to be much more progressive.

bernie allowed the russian lies to damage clinton

he is not a democratic party member for a reason
wasn't that long ago that it was rejected by voter's in California.......guess that slope was slippery-er than they thought......

By "not that long ago" you mean a decade a ago.

A decade is an eternity is many civil rights movement, and people's attitudes change at light speed once a metaphorical dam breaks or we reach a watershed moment.

I have been on the right side of history on this. It just takes a while for erstwhile republicans to catch up.
I am disagreeing. I think we need to be more progressive. Clinton abandoned the base to attract corporations and bankers. They have eaten away at the Dems principles. The lower classes feel nobody will fight for them now. They have lost their desire to get involved and even bother to vote. That is why Trump got in. The working class voted for Trump because he pretended to be different. He was. He is more for the rich than any president in history. You can get the people to fight if there is a goal they can reach. There has to some changes. How about universal healthcare? How about a higher min wage?

the problem clinton had is automation cant vote.
Means nothing in this case as the tryst is a figment of a warped imignation of a sick individual.
I know nothing about this individual, I just wanted to correct your incorrect the notion that prostate surgery would and ED would stop someone from having a tryst.
they voted for trump because they were lied to by a right wing TV station called fox

and right wing radio assholes doing Russian bidding.

we end the lies and they will never win again

we end the completely documented election cheating of the republicans and they are DEAD

ID laws


phone jamming

voter intimidation

which are completely documented by the USAs court system all the way to the SCOTUS

when you start pretendig the republican party won on merit and not cheating you make the WRONG decisions



its simple

stop them from cheating and we win all the time


when you calculate in their win as a factor while pretending they didnt cheat


bad information in means bad decisions out.

never decide what you should do after being cheated by pretending you were not cheated.
I know nothing about this individual, I just wanted to correct your incorrect the notion that prostate surgery would and ED would stop someone from having a tryst.

Thanks for nothing! You gave him another excuse to keep up the charade of a tryst with an ex Internet pal.