I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

No you are helping a guy to continue to slander a woman. I told you this is a sick individual who with his "girl friend" have maligned someone they don't like for at least 2 years if not longer.
Please stay out of things you know nothing about.

Oh look, you're talking about me again, Angry Bird. I'm no one's "girl friend" but my husband's. You've been told the real story behind my disdain and disgust for your paramour Toxic; you decided to go with her version. That's cool. That being said, you can drop your obsession with me now.

You look like Trump about now -- an aging, angry, petulant old man directed to increasing ranting and crazy talk by a "younger" controlling female.... while trying desperately to maintain the image of Independent Macho He-Man. Ain't workin' for Donny, ain't workin' for you, Georgie.
This thread is about Conservative Democrats,do they exist?
I think after the present anal rape of America by Trump and his gang of thieves.
Many will be ready for a Socialist Revolution.
You guys completely misunderstood my point, and I couldn't have been clearer I want more progressives.

The point was, where a Republican would be elected over a progressive, we're better off with a conservative Democrat who will oppose plutocracy, unlike the Republicans. But fight for progressives as well.

I understood your point crystal clear.

I do not agree with your premise. That's my opinion.

First, I don't know any prominent, nationally recognized Democrats who are "anti-gay" on the one hand, but massively liberal concerning economic justice on the other. Who exactly are you talking about?

Second, you are never going to out-conservative a conservative on bible thumping, false bravado on guns, and favoring biblical law over civil rights of gays.
I agree with Bill Clinton, who I believe said something to the effect that if you try to be quasi-republican light, people are just going to vote for the Republican.

Lastly, I didn't agree with your point that being anti-gay or being faux-macho on guns is a determinative factor in national elections. I just think they are blips on the radar screen compared to the more existential issues I brought up on the electoral landscape.
I grok you now. Thanks, Craig. BTW, I remember you well from the old Amazon politics forum. Your wordy and articulate posts were not appreciated there. lol

Hi Owl, unfortunately I'm not connecting your name to Amazon, but there were some very nice women posters there I suspect you're one of.
I understood your point crystal clear.

I do not agree with your premise. That's my opinion.

First, I don't know any prominent, nationally recognized Democrats who are "anti-gay" on the one hand, but massively liberal concerning economic justice on the other. Who exactly are you talking about?

Ya, you understood the point so well, that your response to my saying we DON'T have such people is to point out that you don't know any such people.

Second, you are never going to out-conservative a conservative on bible thumping, false bravado on guns, and favoring biblical law over civil rights of gays.
I agree with Bill Clinton, who I believe said something to the effect that if you try to be quasi-republican light, people are just going to vote for the Republican.

Lastly, I didn't agree with your point that being anti-gay or being faux-macho on guns is a determinative factor in national elections. I just think they are blips on the radar screen compared to the more existential issues I brought up on the electoral landscape.

No, that was Harry Truman, and I'm fine disagreeing with your evidence-free opinion.
This thread is about Conservative Democrats,do they exist?
I think after the present anal rape of America by Trump and his gang of thieves.
Many will be ready for a Socialist Revolution.

Who's gonna fight this "Socialist Revolution" for you?
Surely, you haven't the balls to fight it on your own.
But, if you want a "Revolution," by all means, bring it on.
Move on, Fowl and Mason/Larry... But first? What's the real story behind all your angst?
Please note. I said REAL:) Looking forward to your reply as you say goodbye:)
Who's gonna fight this "Socialist Revolution" for you?
Surely, you haven't the balls to fight it on your own.
But, if you want a "Revolution," by all means, bring it on.
Women, there is a movement and it isn’t going away.
Women, there is a movement and it isn’t going away.
What would that be? "Feminists" continue to embarrass women on a daily basis. This latest "victim" thing is absurd...
So, enlighten me. What is it that women can't do?
What would that be? "Feminists" continue to embarrass women on a daily basis. This latest "victim" thing is absurd...
So, enlighten me. What is it that women can't do?
I am sorry you hate women who want equality to men, there were women like you around when Suffergettes were fighting for the vote, who didn’t think women should have the right. Thank goodness the men and women who supported it prevailed. You should be thankful for those feminist.
I am sorry you hate women who want equality to men, there were women like you around when Suffergettes were fighting for the vote, who didn’t think women should have the right. Thank goodness the men and women who supported it prevailed. You should be thankful for those feminist.
I don't hate that women want equality. But this isn't about equality. Feminists right now are an embarrassment to "suffergettes".-the only real feminists..there's no comparison.
Now, what's the movement you're referring to? What is it that women can't do? What's the whining about? I'm really asking seriously...
For real? I am not going to be voting for candidates who are "anti-gay". I couldn't respect myself if I betrayed my values. I actually heard the same argument 20 years ago, that Democrats should never approve of gay marriage for electoral reasons. I was on the right side of history, and as with most social issues, Americans ultimately gravitate towards what was once considered a liberal, even radical social position. I mean, I was called a traitor, a terrorist supporter, an Sadam-lover for opposing the Iraq War disaster. Guess where we ended up? I was on the right side of history, and conservatives are ducking for cover on the Iraq War issue - even trying to claim they were against the war (like Trump does).

I don't think Democrats are losing because of guns. I don't even know that "pro-gun" means, that is just a slogan that has no definitive meeting. I am pretty sure you can be pro-hunting and pro-hunter, without being pro-military grade automatic weapon.

The electoral battleground is being waged on issues of racial resentment, xenophobia, nationalism, economic anxiety, and perceived white male grievance. Gay marriage and AK-47s assault rifles are, in reality, only a blip on the radar compared to those more existential issues.

Democrats are not losing. Democrats won the popular vote by a lot, and Republicans only grasp onto power because of extreme gerrymandering, the undemocratic electoral college, voter suppression, and the disproportionate power given to rural states. Trump fluked into the White House because of an electoral college fluke.

I am going to wait until the next census in 2020, in which one hopes that some of the extreme Gerrymandering republicans accomplished in 2010, can be undone. I also want to wait to see if the courts put a brake on illegal Republican voter suppression efforts. Stooping to trying to to call myself, and my party anti-gay does not seem wise....or moral.
Yea...I'm having trouble getting on board with the OP on this one. Basically, he's saying that all politicians should simply say anything they have to in order to be elected. In essence, Democrats should take a page from Republicans.

Those who believe in progressive values in this country far outnumber those who do not. The issue is getting key demographics to vote, despite the hurdles put in place by Red State governors.

Republicans tend to get the moneyed interests. What they got this time, are those who are referenced in the OP, or as Obama correctly stated....those who 'cling to (the issues of) guns and religion.

This election was an anomaly. It will never happen again. The problem is that there is going to be a lot of damage done by this group of animals. Sadly, the only way to slow the damage is to revert back to the Republican idea of 'second amendment solutions'.

If this agenda keeps up, we're going to see a '60s type rebellion, and it won't be pretty. Scalise was just the beginning.
I don't hate that women want equality. But this isn't about equality. Feminists right now are an embarrassment to "suffergettes".-the only real feminists..there's no comparison.
Now, what's the movement you're referring to? What is it that women can't do? What's the whining about? I'm really asking seriously...
I’m a feminist, tell me how I am embarrassing? Your generalizations about feminists are lazy and inaccurate. There may be a small percentage of extremists who blame men for all their troubles, but that is not all feminists. The #MeToo movement, the recent regulations taking women’s rights about their healthcare, women are still underrepresented in management and government roles, women still face the threat of sexual harassment and rape more than men, these are the major areas that equality still exists.

The fact that you call it whining speaks volumes about how you really feel about the women who advocate for your rights.
I understood your point crystal clear.

I do not agree with your premise. That's my opinion.

First, I don't know any prominent, nationally recognized Democrats who are "anti-gay" on the one hand, but massively liberal concerning economic justice on the other. Who exactly are you talking about?

Second, you are never going to out-conservative a conservative on bible thumping, false bravado on guns, and favoring biblical law over civil rights of gays.
I agree with Bill Clinton, who I believe said something to the effect that if you try to be quasi-republican light, people are just going to vote for the Republican.

Lastly, I didn't agree with your point that being anti-gay or being faux-macho on guns is a determinative factor in national elections. I just think they are blips on the radar screen compared to the more existential issues I brought up on the electoral landscape.
Precisely. Which is why Dems. got hurt in '14. After the Teabag wave, they thought that they had to distance themselves from core principles and Obama, and pretend to be something they clearly weren't.
Oh look, you're talking about me again, Angry Bird. I'm no one's "girl friend" but my husband's. You've been told the real story behind my disdain and disgust for your paramour Toxic; you decided to go with her version. That's cool. That being said, you can drop your obsession with me now.

You look like Trump about now -- an aging, angry, petulant old man directed to increasing ranting and crazy talk by a "younger" controlling female.... while trying desperately to maintain the image of Independent Macho He-Man. Ain't workin' for Donny, ain't workin' for you, Georgie.

Well pal you should set your minion straight because he says you are his GF over and over, I can only go by what you two post.

Honey you flatter yourself if you were the last woman on earth I wouldn't be obsessed with you!

Hey you say one thing she says another she has shown me emails and other evidence but all I get from you is words. You have a file on her send me something to back up your claims by PM. TATA have a great day. :bdh:
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