I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

I’m a feminist, tell me how I am embarrassing? Your generalizations about feminists are lazy and inaccurate. There may be a small percentage of extremists who blame men for all their troubles, but that is not all feminists. The #MeToo movement, the recent regulations taking women’s rights about their healthcare, women are still underrepresented in management and government roles, women still face the threat of sexual harassment and rape more than men, these are the major areas that equality still exists.

The fact that you call it whining speaks volumes about how you really feel about the women who advocate for your rights.

You aren’t a feminist. You are a leftist hiding behind feminist causes

You are just a bored housewife trying to find some meaning in your life
I’m a feminist, tell me how I am embarrassing? Your generalizations about feminists are lazy and inaccurate. There may be a small percentage of extremists who blame men for all their troubles, but that is not all feminists. The #MeToo movement, the recent regulations taking women’s rights about their healthcare, women are still underrepresented in management and government roles, women still face the threat of sexual harassment and rape more than men, these are the major areas that equality still exists.

The fact that you call it whining speaks volumes about how you really feel about the women who advocate for your rights.
First of all, you identify as a "radical feminist", do you not? I recall seeing you say that, but if, I'm wrong, I apologize.
I don't see inequality in what you list. What healthcare can't you get? What management or government role can't you get if you're qualified? Are you incapable of defending yourself against an arm around the shoulders or what you consider to be an inappropriate remark? (We'd have to discuss rape, assault in general, murder, etc. in a separate conversation...and can, if you like)
Your philosophy of "feminism" is what? I'm just seeing temper tantrums lately. A smallish bunch of hypersensitive women who want short term personal gain and 15 minutes of fame... Women who want to be exactly equal to men, except that they're not...and those differences are ignored. And integrity is thrown off the cliff.
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This world of ours needs a little more Tennyson and a LOT less Kardashian/ETC.
"Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength with in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but
Strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield".
Whining and playing the victim just doesn't get it.
Sent you a PM! Check your email!!! lolololol
Pretty early to be trying to steal another soul, isn't it?
I am sorry you hate women who want equality to men, there were women like you around when Suffergettes were fighting for the vote, who didn’t think women should have the right. Thank goodness the men and women who supported it prevailed. You should be thankful for those feminist.

Just in Toxic's life time, and me and yours, we've "come a long way, baby." When I was still a kid, a married woman couldn't get credit in her own name without her husband's signature -- as though she was a child herself. There were very few women in medicine and in the sciences, other than nurses and a few lab technicians. Males outnumbered females at most universities.... student body as well as professors. Far fewer women continued to work after having a child, much less have a career.

Yep, we're still here and growing stronger every day. If Republicans want to continue to seek power, they would be well advised to stop schmoozing the plutocrats and start considering the future demographics of this country -- a majority consisting of all the groups they've been busy alienating: Women. People of color. LGBT folk. Non-fundie religious ppl.
Feminists constantly victimizing women does nothing but hold women back. Far more do not feel disadvantaged than do.
No one needs some female in a vagina hat to tell us we are victims when we're not.
Then why do you do it all the time?

I don't:) Stuff that you and the boy toys make up that I comment on doesn't count, you know:)
All those years of displaying your cowardly weaknesses are just perfect examples of what I'm saying;) You had to recruit to get help doing it...lolololol
Add in the name calling/c-word posts...just priceless "feminism" at it's best:)
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I don't:) Stuff that you and the boy toys make up that I comment on doesn't count, you know:)
All those years of displaying your cowardly weaknesses are just perfect examples of what I'm saying;) You had to recruit to get help doing it...lolololol
Add in the name calling/c-word posts...just priceless "feminism" at it's best:)

You should edit that a couple more times. Make sure to keep copying my comments as well. lol

mega meltdown.jpg
LOL...I like to make you work, and you do:) No actual answer to my comments, I see:)
Guess you've got nothing. But lies and name calling and "meltdowns"...talk about copying:)
Yes, you do have ultra-mega meltdowns. You'd best be careful-those aren't good for your fragile state of "mind"...
Precisely. Which is why Dems. got hurt in '14. After the Teabag wave, they thought that they had to distance themselves from core principles and Obama, and pretend to be something they clearly weren't.

Yeah, they screwed the pooch with that one. Think the Republicans will do the same in 2018?
Your quest to win is really over, though. I've won the "battle". Time to move on:)
What started as some kind of crusade against me is now just a bunch of pointless, attention seeking posts, that everyone here (as they were on Amazon) have grown weary of.
Your little :village: just looks more foolish with each passing day...
While you always cheer us up with your ridiculously exaggerated attacks it simply means you have not a rational thought left to share when it comes to those you tried to battle with on Amazon.
Now scoot. The cesspool really needs help....
Feminists constantly victimizing women does nothing but hold women back. Far more do not feel disadvantaged than do.
No one needs some female in a vagina hat to tell us we are victims when we're not.
Again, I’m sorry you feel this way, it’s your preception, but, you, like other women enjoy the benefits of the rights women have fought so hard for, you are welcome.
Yeah, they screwed the pooch with that one. Think the Republicans will do the same in 2018?
Never. But all trump's promises to the blue collar class will have been proven to be lies, and it shouldn't be hard to incite Independents to come out and vote.

Especially since the millenials are losing their tuition tax credit, and access to Planned Parenthood/healthcare.