I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

Again, I’m sorry you feel this way, it’s your preception, but you like other women enjoy the benefits of the rights women have fought so hard for, you are welcome.

That attitude seems common among the brain-damaged faction of the RW, doesn't it? They really believe that what they have today they earned themselves.

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. " -- President Obama, 2012
Never. But all trump's promises to the blue collar class will have been proven to be lies, and it shouldn't be hard to incite Independents to come out and vote.
Especially since the millenials are losing their tuition tax credit, and access to Planned Parenthood/healthcare.

Next year is going to be very interesting.
That attitude seems common among the brain-damaged faction of the RW, doesn't it? They really believe that what they have today they earned themselves.

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. " -- President Obama, 2012
They just don’t get it, it was women like myself picketing and protesting that allows them this uppity attitude. I am not a victim because I have fought for my rights and hers my whole life, starting in the 70’s when they were objecting birth control, the right to wear pants to work or school, so many things they don’t give a second thought to these days. It isn’t whining it is activism and she should be thankful someone did it for her.
They just don’t get it, it was women like myself picketing and protesting that allows them this uppity attitude. I am not a victim because I have fought for my rights and hers my whole life, starting in the 70’s when they were objecting birth control, the right to wear pants to work or school, so many things they don’t give a second thought to these days. It isn’t whining it is activism and she should be thankful someone did it for her.

Yep. A whole lot of "whining" went into that "retired teacher's" right to get a loan to buy a car or a house, go to college before that, dress as she pleases, apply for any job she's qualified to work at, allow any daughters she might have to get bc w/o daddy and mommy's permission, run for political office, etc. Oh, and vote.

"You stood on the shoulders of geniuses ...." -- Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
That's all she knows how to do. That and butt in on debates she knows nothing about.
I wanted him to clarify that he was going to fire on women, and it looks like you are another whiner, who does what they accuse others of doing, have fun!
I wanted him to clarify that he was going to fire on women, and it looks like you are another whiner, who does what they accuse others of doing, have fun!

Like all (As Rush would say) feminazis you react without thinking. The term "lock and Load" DOES NOT! refer to firing on anyone but rather get ready for combat or a verbal confrontation. In the fighter pilot world during training it's Fights on! So before you leap understand what you are reading. Get it?
Yep. A whole lot of "whining" went into that "retired teacher's" right to get a loan to buy a car or a house, go to college before that, dress as she pleases, apply for any job she's qualified to work at, allow any daughters she might have to get bc w/o daddy and mommy's permission, run for political office, etc. Oh, and vote.

"You stood on the shoulders of geniuses ...." -- Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park

So says the queen of whining. :(
Like all (As Rush would say) feminazis you react without thinking. The term "lock and Load" DOES NOT! refer to firing on anyone but rather get ready for combat or a verbal confrontation. In the fighter pilot world during training it's Fights on! So before you leap understand what you are reading. Get it?
It means you are ready to fire and that is why I ask him for clarification.
So says the queen of whining. :(

As I've said before, I find it amusing that I live in the empty cavern that sits on a few liberal poster's shoulders here.
And, I won't take the bait from such pathetic hypocrites.
As I've said before, I find it amusing that I live in the empty cavern that sits on a few liberal poster's shoulders here.
And, I won't take the bait from such pathetic hypocrites.
So, you aren’t willing to clarify your meaning, got it.
It means you are ready to fire and that is why I ask him for clarification.

I love when novices like you think you are experts on a subject. Maybe this will help you but I doubt it.

"Here is a sample: "Lock and load" refers to “the procedure used for readying an empty M1 Garand for action, not because he said it backwards. In order to prepare the weapon for firing, the bolt must first be 'locked' back to the rear so that the en bloc clip can be 'loaded' into the fixed magazine.Aug 15, 2017
What Exactly Does 'Locked and Loaded' Mean? - Lawfare
I love when novices like you think you are experts on a subject. Maybe this will help you but I doubt it.

"Here is a sample: "Lock and load" refers to “the procedure used for readying an empty M1 Garand for action, not because he said it backwards. In order to prepare the weapon for firing, the bolt must first be 'locked' back to the rear so that the en bloc clip can be 'loaded' into the fixed magazine.Aug 15, 2017
What Exactly Does 'Locked and Loaded' Mean? - Lawfare
Yes, it’s ready to fire, all you have to do is pull the trigger. I just asked my husband, the decorated Vietnam vet husband :)
Again, I’m sorry you feel this way, it’s your preception, but you like other women enjoy the benefits of the rights women have fought so hard for, you are welcome.
The discussion isn't about those who actually fought hard and won rights for women. The discussion is about how feminists have lost their focus and are taking women back decades with their embarrassing antics. You should be outraged that this is happening. How sad that you aren't.
You two represent the very worst of the problematic ones...so, no thanks to you and yours, the
"feminist movement" is the new F word of the day;(
Take your femindividual whines and go away, before you do more damage to real women...
The discussion isn't about those who actually fought hard and won rights for women. The discussion is about how feminists have lost their focus and are taking women back decades with their embarrassing antics. You should be outraged that this is happening. How sad that you aren't.
You two represent the very worst of the problematic ones...so, no thanks to you and yours, the
"feminist movement" is the new F word of the day;(
Take your femindividual whines and go away, before you do more damage to real women...
Just your perception dear and this perception is what lead to the discussion we are having about how women like you stand in the way of women and their fight for rights but demeaning women’s activism.
Yes, it’s ready to fire, all you have to do is pull the trigger. I just asked my husband, the decorated Vietnam vet husband :)

First tell your husband "Thanks for your service". Next you are aware that I am also a decorated Vietnam combat vet and career GI, so I speak with the same knowledge as your husband. While he is correct from a combat standpoint it is also urban slang for I'm ready for anything (be it about to score on a date to I'm ready to fight). Sorry but you are still wrong!
I love when novices like you think you are experts on a subject. Maybe this will help you but I doubt it.

"Here is a sample: "Lock and load" refers to “the procedure used for readying an empty M1 Garand for action, not because he said it backwards. In order to prepare the weapon for firing, the bolt must first be 'locked' back to the rear so that the en bloc clip can be 'loaded' into the fixed magazine.Aug 15, 2017
What Exactly Does 'Locked and Loaded' Mean? - Lawfare

And, this discussion wasn't about women until AFTER Larry L's "socialist revolution" comment, which sparked my comment.
First tell your husband "Thanks for your service". Next you are aware that I am also a decorated Vietnam combat vet and career GI, so I speak with the same knowledge as your husband. While he is correct from a combat standpoint it is also urban slang for I'm ready for anything (be it about to score on a date to I'm ready to fight). Sorry but you are still wrong!

Her husband calls Vietnamese people "gooks" and recently forced her to move to Houston. How ironic is that?
As I've said before, I find it amusing that I live in the empty cavern that sits on a few liberal poster's shoulders here.
And, I won't take the bait from such pathetic hypocrites.

I pray every day for her cancer to come back. She's supposed to be a forum moderator.:dunno: