I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

And, this discussion wasn't about women until AFTER Larry L's "socialist revolution" comment, which sparked my comment.

I understand that she is just a frustrated elderly (Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, I'm most likely older) liberal/women's libber who can't accept that men and women are different and will never be equals in all things.
I wanted him to clarify that he was going to fire on women, and it looks like you are another whiner, who does what they accuse others of doing, have fun!

seriously?.......you announce a revolution and wonder why someone sets up a defensive barrier?.......are we supposed to stand still while you march up and shoot us?.....
Just your perception dear and this perception is what lead to the discussion we are having about how women like you stand in the way of women and their fight for rights but demeaning women’s activism.
Of course we'll stand in your way when your nasty women (lol) "activism" is doing nothing but damaging women's rights. But, keep being the good little victims that you are. Don't worry that your insecurity and your failures and your thoughts aren't even your own anymore...
Good luck with that. But it's not a good look for real (and most) women...
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First tell your husband "Thanks for your service". Next you are aware that I am also a decorated Vietnam combat vet and career GI, so I speak with the same knowledge as your husband. While he is correct from a combat standpoint it is also urban slang for I'm ready for anything (be it about to score on a date to I'm ready to fight). Sorry but you are still wrong!
I am from a family with many in the military and RB is also a vet, my interpretation of the phrase is from that venacular, plus, you are speaking for RB who has yet to define what he meant.
As I've said, I find their hypocrisy amusing.
Would I fire on an armed woman in an armed "revolution"?
Lets just say they'd never hear the report from my rifle :)
Of course we'll stand in your way when your nasty women (lol) "activism" is doing nothing but damaging women's rights. But, keep being the good little victims that you are. Don't worry that your insecurity and your failures and your thoughts aren't even your own anymore...
Good luck with that. But it's not a good look for real (and most) women...
So, you think I’m nasty, good to know.
As I've said, I find their hypocrisy amusing.
Would I fire on an armed woman in an armed "revolution"?
Lets just say they'd never hear the report from my rifle :)

I guess that answers her question. Let's see how she translates your post.
I am from a family with many in the military and RB is also a vet, my interpretation of the phrase is from that venacular, plus, you are speaking for RB who has yet to define what he meant.

And that makes you an expert on military slang?
As I've said, I find their hypocrisy amusing.
Would I fire on an armed woman in an armed "revolution"?
Lets just say they'd never hear the report from my rifle :)
See, that wasn’t so hard was it, thank you for the clarification. This isn’t an armed revolution.
Feminists constantly victimizing women does nothing but hold women back. Far more do not feel disadvantaged than do.
No one needs some female in a vagina hat to tell us we are victims when we're not.

who is this we ?

what the fuck gives you the right to speak for women snail trailer?