I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

No, it's not. If it was a primary and I could vote for a better Democrat - no. It it was the general election and it was them or a Republican - yes.

Then you are condemning them to suffer the most under a Republican both on social conservative issues AND plutocracy.

No, it's not.

You need to learn what words mean.

Your OP states we need more which is different than you comment above.

Bill Clinton caved to social conservatism and we now have millions of Black men in prison. Even he wishes he could take that vote back.

I know exactly what it means. We have plutocrats because of social conservatism. Their racist social ideas are very lucrative. Hate is lucrative.
No, part of the issue is 'cheating', but most of it is because too many voters are social conservatives who vote to the Republicans who give them what they want - and serve plutocracy.

You can't understand the simple idea of trying to elect progresives as much as possible, but when you can't, electing who can win that's better than the Republican.

It's because they believe the lies that come from the racist right. I say it all the time on this board.

When they find out that those social views they support from the right are racist in nature, they start to have a change of heart. Much like Americans are doing now.

We don't need to purposefully elect social conservative democrats because we would never get our agenda moved forward.
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No, part of the issue is 'cheating', but most of it is because too many voters are social conservatives who vote to the Republicans who give them what they want - and serve plutocracy.

You can't understand the simple idea of trying to elect progresives as much as possible, but when you can't, electing who can win that's better than the Republican.

This isn't what your OP states. It says we need more conservative dems and I say we don't.
Your OP states we need more which is different than you comment above.

No, it's the same thing. Republicans have MAJORITIES in both houses of Congress. I'd like to see as many of them as possible replaced by conservative Democrats, since progressives couldn't win there.

Bill Clinton caved to social conservatism and we now have millions of Black men in prison. Even he wishes he could take that vote back.

That was wrong. Would it be better if he had not won and Bush was re-elected, and passed that bill plus a lot more worse than Clinton?

I know exactly what it means. We have plutocrats because of social conservatism. Their racist social ideas are very lucrative. Hate is lucrative.

Plutocracy and social conservatism are two different things.

But the plutocrats use social conservatism to get elected.

It's an ugly trade they make - they'll vote to denies gay marriage, in exchange for getting to redistribute trillions from the American people to the rich. I want someone who will do neither, but better one than both.
Your OP states we need more which is different than you comment above.

Bill Clinton caved to social conservatism and we now have millions of Black men in prison. Even he wishes he could take that vote back.

I know exactly what it means. We have plutocrats because of social conservatism. Their racist social ideas are very lucrative. Hate is lucrative.

Don't do the time,if you can't do the time!
This isn't what your OP states. It says we need more conservative dems and I say we don't.

It IS what my OP states. There are many seats in Congress held because the only choice was a plutocracy social conservative Republican or a liberal Democrat, and the district was social conservative. We need to change those seats to Democratic.
...what happened to women cheering each other on, instead of working so feverishly to take others out.
Earlier: "I have many things to be thankful for. None of which are a result of the present day "wave". Working hard to make sure you all don't undo all that fine work" (post #211 in this thread)

So which is it? You wonder what happened to "cheering each other on," while simultaneously pretending to be "Working hard to make sure you all don't undo all that fine work."

Two-faced doesn't even begin to describe the psychosis that is you. But you're fun to toy with, for sure. lol

shooting fish in barrel.jpg
It IS what my OP states. There are many seats in Congress held because the only choice was a plutocracy social conservative Republican or a liberal Democrat, and the district was social conservative. We need to change those seats to Democratic.

We can agree to disagree.

I will never throw my people or other minorities under the bus for a vote.

We need to make sure we elect progressive dems to office. If they have conservative social or economic views, then they aren't dems.

We also need to hold accountable the racist right for cheating by suppressing the votes of many minorities and Gerrymandering. It's how they are able to win. We also need to stop believing in the conservative economic and social agenda. They are born from greed and hate. If you haven't noticed, over 1 million more people voted for the dem agenda, but we are trying to convince ourselves that it's not the fault of the EC. Get rid of the social conservative racist EC and we win.

You are suggesting most of americans are socially conservative so we should consider supporting social conservatives at the risk of alienating minorities. We have actually been doing just that for decades.

Time to nominate and elect progressives who intend to fully support the democrat agenda. If we haven't convinced conservative dems to vote progressive by now, they aren't ever going to.

But the bottom line is, we need to stop ignoring the corruption coming from the right. If we don't, they will continue to win.
We can agree to disagree.

I will never throw my people or other minorities under the bus for a vote.

We need to make sure we elect progressive dems to office. If they have conservative social or economic views, then they aren't dems.

We also need to hold accountable the racist right for cheating by suppressing the votes of many minorities and Gerrymandering. It's how they are able to win. We also need to stop believing in the conservative economic and social agenda. They are born from greed and hate. If you haven't noticed, over 1 million more people voted for the dem agenda, but we are trying to convince ourselves that it's not the fault of the EC. Get rid of the social conservative racist EC and we win.

You are suggesting most of americans are socially conservative so we should consider supporting social conservatives at the risk of alienating minorities. We have actually been doing just that for decades.

Time to nominate and elect progressives who intend to fully support the democrat agenda. If we haven't convinced conservative dems to vote progressive by now, they aren't ever going to.

But the bottom line is, we need to stop ignoring the corruption coming from the right. If we don't, they will continue to win.

Ya, we need progressives, and you need to learn the difference between the plutocracy agenda and social conservatism, and stop helping Republicans win by handing them every election with social conservative voters.
Ya, we need progressives, and you need to learn the difference between the plutocracy agenda and social conservatism, and stop helping Republicans win by handing them every election with social conservative voters.

Again, 1 million more people voted for the dems and their agenda, and that's a fact.

It's the social conservative racist EC that gave the win to the republicans. Blame the EC, not the dem voters or politicans.

Without the racist conservative voter, there will be no plutocracy.
Ya, we need progressives, and you need to learn the difference between the plutocracy agenda and social conservatism, and stop helping Republicans win by handing them every election with social conservative voters.

These people that have been voting out of habit for Republicans.
Need to wake up that these representatives, are Republican in name only!
Earlier: "I have many things to be thankful for. None of which are a result of the present day "wave". Working hard to make sure you all don't undo all that fine work" (post #211 in this thread)

So which is it? You wonder what happened to "cheering each other on," while simultaneously pretending to be "Working hard to make sure you all don't undo all that fine work."

Two-faced doesn't even begin to describe the psychosis that is you. But you're fun to toy with, for sure. lol

View attachment 5268

Yes fun to toy withth (1).jpeg
Earlier: "I have many things to be thankful for. None of which are a result of the present day "wave". Working hard to make sure you all don't undo all that fine work" (post #211 in this thread)

So which is it? You wonder what happened to "cheering each other on," while simultaneously pretending to be "Working hard to make sure you all don't undo all that fine work."

Two-faced doesn't even begin to describe the psychosis that is you. But you're fun to toy with, for sure. lol

View attachment 5268
The present day "wave"...nothing to cheer about there, is there?.... I'm glad you enjoy my posts so much:)
(It's not hard to work so that you don't undo all those fine accomplishments, btw. That's so easy:)
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