I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

Are you saying if a democrat is in support of stop and frisk, tough on crime, or for the bathroom bill, it's ok as long as he's against plutogracy?

The problem is your word "ok". Get a better Democrat elected if you can! But, if you can't, then get a Democrat who is against plutocracy, even if they're wrong on other issues because the voters want that.

Stop allowing Republicans who ARE plutocrats to win elections by pandering on guns or gay marriage or war on Christmas or whatever else they pander on to get election so they can redistribute trillions to the rich.

You aren't going to win if you lose democracy, and democracy is in danger if the plutocrats win.

Fight both for progressive, and for the best Democrat you can get even if the best you can get is only right on plutocracy.
What am I supposed to be looking at? What is it that you and I (or any woman here in the United States) are denied these days because we are woman? this modern day failed attempt at a revolution/movement ...women weren't created to do everything that men can do...and what happened to women cheering each other on, instead of working so feverishly to take others out. The "feminists" posting here in no way represent strong, educated, independent, powerful women...because you don't believe in the empowerment of every woman. Just the ones who agree with you.
Thankfully, that's not the majority:)
Carry on, though. You protest and whine...We'll guide:)
I have an interest in firearms, you have an interest in homosexuality...So what?

Lord knows what kind of "nuts" he "rolls".
What am I supposed to be looking at? What is it that you and I (or any woman here in the United States) are denied these days because we are woman? this modern day failed attempt at a revolution/movement ...women weren't created to do everything that men can do...and what happened to women cheering each other on, instead of working so feverishly to take others out. The "feminists" posting here in no way represent strong, educated, independent, powerful women...because you don't believe in the empowerment of every woman. Just the ones who agree with you.
Thankfully, that's not the majority:)
Carry on, though. You protest and whine...We'll guide:)

I wish the "brave and fierce" sisters of the pussy hat posse would take their protests to a Muslim-majority nation and fight the patriarchy.

Why don't they, Topsy?
What am I supposed to be looking at? What is it that you and I (or any woman here in the United States) are denied these days because we are woman? this modern day failed attempt at a revolution/movement ...women weren't created to do everything that men can do...and what happened to women cheering each other on, instead of working so feverishly to take others out. The "feminists" posting here in no way represent strong, educated, independent, powerful women...because you don't believe in the empowerment of every woman. Just the ones who agree with you.
Thankfully, that's not the majority:)
Carry on, though. You protest and whine...We'll guide:)
But, you repeat yourself...
The problem is your word "ok". Get a better Democrat elected if you can! But, if you can't, then get a Democrat who is against plutocracy, even if they're wrong on other issues because the voters want that.

Stop allowing Republicans who ARE plutocrats to win elections by pandering on guns or gay marriage or war on Christmas or whatever else they pander on to get election so they can redistribute trillions to the rich.

You aren't going to win if you lose democracy, and democracy is in danger if the plutocrats win.

Fight both for progressive, and for the best Democrat you can get even if the best you can get is only right on plutocracy.

So you would vote for a dem who is for stop and frisk, tough on crime, and the bathroom bill if that dem is against plutocracy? It's a simple yes or no.

"Fight both for progressive, and for the best Democrat you can get even if the best you can get is only right on plutocracy".

I can't do that knowing my people would suffer the most.

Fighting against the plutocracy IS fighting against social and economic conservativism.
Then you are Republicans' best friend and will help them rule the country.


They rule the country because they cheat, not because of their agenda and ideology.

And if you think dems need to start electing politicians who are willing to dive in the dumpster with the GOPigs, instead of electing politicians who will push and fight for the dem agenda, then it's you who has the problem.

A social conservative democrat will alienate a lot of it's minority voters if they are in office.

Do you think that is ok?
But, you repeat yourself...
And you can't answer on your own. I rest my case. We can leave it at we'll just have to agree to disagree.
You support your "group" and I'll support the rest of the women in the United States.:)
Enjoy your afternoon:)
So you would vote for a dem who is for stop and frisk, tough on crime, and the bathroom bill if that dem is against plutocracy? It's a simple yes or no. "Fight both for progressive, and for the best Democrat you can get even if the best you can get is only right on plutocracy".
I can't do that knowing my people would suffer the most. Fighting against the plutocracy IS fighting against social and economic conservativism. [/B]

"Your people". :rofl2:
So you would vote for a dem who is for stop and frisk, tough on crime, and the bathroom bill if that dem is against plutocracy? It's a simple yes or no.

No, it's not. If it was a primary and I could vote for a better Democrat - no. It it was the general election and it was them or a Republican - yes.

"Fight both for progressive, and for the best Democrat you can get even if the best you can get is only right on plutocracy".

I can't do that knowing my people would suffer the most.

Then you are condemning them to suffer the most under a Republican both on social conservative issues AND plutocracy.

Fighting against the plutocracy IS fighting against social and economic conservativism.

No, it's not.

You need to learn what words mean.
They rule the country because they cheat, not because of their agenda and ideology.

And if you think dems need to start electing politicians who are willing to dive in the dumpster with the GOPigs, instead of electing politicians who will push and fight for the dem agenda, then it's you who has the problem.

A social conservative democrat will alienate a lot of it's minority voters if they are in office.

Do you think that is ok?

No, part of the issue is 'cheating', but most of it is because too many voters are social conservatives who vote to the Republicans who give them what they want - and serve plutocracy.

You can't understand the simple idea of trying to elect progresives as much as possible, but when you can't, electing who can win that's better than the Republican.
And you can't answer on your own. I rest my case. We can leave it at we'll just have to agree to disagree.
You support your "group" and I'll support the rest of the women in the United States.:)
Enjoy your afternoon:)

Move on