I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

Again, we don't have to throw anyone under the bus to win. We need to challenge the corrupt republican and their cheating.

Most americans are for gay right. They outnumber those who are homophobic racist pieces of shit. If a district doesn't vote for gay rights then we don't want their support.

They will be in the minority.

No compromising with the racist, homophobic, bigoted right wing.

I'm only talking about races in which we CAN'T elect someone who is not conservative. And if you'd do a little math you'd see that's a hell of a lot of seats. Fight to change that, but until we do, we need to offer more options.
Yea...I'm having trouble getting on board with the OP on this one. Basically, he's saying that all politicians should simply say anything they have to in order to be elected. In essence, Democrats should take a page from Republicans.

Those who believe in progressive values in this country far outnumber those who do not. The issue is getting key demographics to vote, despite the hurdles put in place by Red State governors.

Republicans tend to get the moneyed interests. What they got this time, are those who are referenced in the OP, or as Obama correctly stated....those who 'cling to (the issues of) guns and religion.

This election was an anomaly. It will never happen again. The problem is that there is going to be a lot of damage done by this group of animals. Sadly, the only way to slow the damage is to revert back to the Republican idea of 'second amendment solutions'.

If this agenda keeps up, we're going to see a '60s type rebellion, and it won't be pretty. Scalise was just the beginning.

I agree, with the exception of "The issue is getting key demographics to vote, despite the hurdles put in place by Red State governors".

I would argue we instead need to punish the red state governors who cheat and place the hurdles in the first place. Most demographics do come out to vote even in spite of the hurdles.

Otherwise, you post is spot on!
We don't have them?

Where have you been? It's' why we don't have single payer or a public option for healthcare because there are those dems who are nothing more than republican plants posing as dems.

I'm starting to give you the side eye......

You're doing that because you're the one whose view is a bit twisted. I *JUST SAID* there's a difference between the social conservative Democrats and the corporatist Democrats, and to 'prove' there are all these social conservative Democrats elected, you point to corporatist Democrats who protected the insurance industry. That's who I want to defeat.
You're doing that because you're the one whose view is a bit twisted. I *JUST SAID* there's a difference between the social conservative Democrats and the corporatist Democrats, and to 'prove' there are all these social conservative Democrats elected, you point to corporatist Democrats who protected the insurance industry. That's who I want to defeat.

Trouble in the ranks? :rofl2:
If she is more prolific I would love to read her, you are very well spoken, I enjoy your posts. I am a Twitter type, short and to the point.

I'll PM you her page. My mistake; she is a retired public relations person, not teacher. I was confusing her with another very similar tiny dynamo, our neighbor. :~)
"Basically, he's saying that all politicians should simply say anything they have to in order to be elected. "

That's not even close to what I'm saying.
Then maybe you should consider what brought my comments into this discussion in the first place.
Start your "revolution" since you hate us so much, you pathetic, hateful bigot.

The problem is someone says Revolution, assholes like you think guns!
The problem is someone says Revolution, assholes like you think guns!




1.a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

synonyms: rebellion · revolt · insurrection · mutiny · uprising · riot · rioting ·

•the American Revolution.

•(in Marxism) the class struggle that is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.



1.a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

synonyms: rebellion · revolt · insurrection · mutiny · uprising · riot · rioting ·

•the American Revolution.

•(in Marxism) the class struggle that is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.

Every election,is a peaceful Revolution!
We won't start it, but we'll sure as hell end it.
They tried to start one, but It's pretty much over, as they continue to self destruct...lately, it's just about daily. They just don't realize it. Their brand of "feminism" is over. The battles we needed to win were won long. Now it's just a bunch of victimchicks seeking 15 minutes of much needed attention for random reasons. Ridiculous and harmful.
The problem is someone says Revolution, assholes like you think guns!




1.a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

synonyms: rebellion · revolt · insurrection · mutiny · uprising · riot · rioting ·

•the American Revolution.

•(in Marxism) the class struggle that is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.

Don't be hard on him he has a limited amount of grey cells to use.